Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1043: Subspace

She remembered the words of General Sakiya before that the master's body is now maintained by medicine.

This made her a little worried, her face showing distress and regret.

After all, it all started because she was too proactive.

But this is no way. The master likes this, and she also wants to please the master.

In front of the owner, even if she has scruples, the instinct of the body will prompt her to take some actions.

This is uncontrollable.

Quiet, deadly still, there is no concept of time, and there is no matter.

I can see the colorful aurora, but it is full of silence.

Here is vast, without boundaries, like the endless starry sky in the depths, but without stars and reality.

Li Meng who closed his eyes, for some reason, received an unknown traction, and his consciousness reflected this scene.


No, he does not exist here, only his consciousness or soul exists.

Li Meng didn't know where this was, and he was extremely confused at this moment.

However, with the help of a powerful consciousness, Li Meng sensed something in this nihility world.

It cannot be seen or touched, but it does exist.

That is the soul.

The soul emerges from the void and is constantly pouring into this world.

The number of them was extremely astonishing. Although they were invisible, the strong soul fluctuation made Li Meng feel their existence.

They seemed to be drawn by some kind of force and swarmed in four different directions.

Although the world was dead and nihilistic, besides the soul, Li Meng also sensed two other existences.

One is the shadows, the shadows are large and small, and the image has a human "contour". From those shadows, Li Meng sensed the fluctuation of the soul.

The other is evil consciousness, that kind of consciousness is extremely evil, full of brutality and bloodthirsty.

They are numerous, like their masters, "consciousness" patrolling the world.


Suddenly, from the depths of the void, a bloodthirsty roar sounded.

The huge roar triggered an energy storm, sweeping the entire void with great might.

A huge energy storm came oncoming, and Li Meng briefly lost consciousness at the moment he touched.

When he came back to his senses, he had clearly felt the existence of the body.

Eyelids moved slightly, Li Meng, who closed his eyes on Chen Yan's thigh, opened his eyes.

There is only confusion and doubt in the eyes.

"what's happenin?"

The confusion in the owner's eyes made Chen Yan very curious.

Soon, Li Meng recovered from the confusion.

"Nothing, is it coming soon?"

Chen Yan smiled slightly and said softly: "It will be a while before you close your eyes for a few minutes, Master."

A few minutes?

Chen Yan's words made Li Meng straighten up slightly. The nihility world he was in just now gave him the feeling that a long time has passed, how can there be only a few minutes?

Also, what kind of place is that nihil world?


Or hell?

Or is it the ultimate destination of the soul?

Doubts, there are too many doubts.

Li Meng believed that it was not a dream, but that the soul sensed a certain existence for some reason.

In Chen Yan's puzzled eyes, Li Meng sat up.

Looking out the window, he was lost in thought.

Li Meng was thinking about the world he saw just now.

If that unknown world really exists, it might not be a very beautiful world.

Although dead and nothingness, there is a sense of terror.

Li Meng didn't know what those terrifying and evil consciousnesses were, but the evil aura let Li Meng know that those consciousnesses were not good.

There are also those "souls" emerging from the void. Although they are pale and unconscious, Li Meng can feel the breath of living beings from them.

Obviously, that is the soul of the dead.

In this way, which world is the ultimate destination of the "soul"?

If it is, that would be too cruel.

Because there is an evil consciousness in that world, that is to say, the fate of all souls will be ruthlessly swallowed.

"The restoration of the spirit makes you more sensitive, so you can sense its existence. Originally I thought it would take you a hundred or even a thousand years to perceive its existence. I didn't expect this day to come so quickly."

At this time, in Li Meng's mind, the light voice of the main brain suddenly rang.

The words that appeared suddenly also let Li Meng know that the main brain seemed to know something.

"Tell me, I need to know the truth about everything."

Li Meng at this time has never felt such an urgent mood.

There are too many doubts, and he desperately wants to know the truth.

In his mind, the main brain was silent.

Before Li Meng couldn't help asking, it said quietly: "The truth is often cruel. Master, you don't need to know too much of the truth. The only thing I can tell the master is about the "empty" space."

"That is a subspace, a parallel universe coexisting with the material universe. Subspace has no matter. Everything is composed of energy. At the same time, it is also the source of all power in the material world. In addition to biological energy, all powers that can be driven by intelligent creatures are Coming from subspace, this power is called "psychic energy."

"The subspace and the material world are symbiotic. This connection also allows all intelligent creatures in the material world to form a soul projection in the subspace. At the same time, the negative emotions of the intelligent creatures will also affect the subspace. When the emotions are brought together, a kind of extremely "evil" consciousness will emerge under certain circumstances, which is the "Cthulhu"."

"The evil consciousness that the master sensed in the subspace is all demons created by evil gods. Such evil psionic creatures are the great enemies of all intelligent creatures. They will try their best to interfere in the material world and bring death to all intelligent creatures. And pain."




A few short words from the main brain opened Li Meng's eyes.

This world is so magnificent, there are many things he can't even think of.

Speaking of the evil gods and demons, Li Meng thought of the demons in the southern continent and the demons who were besieged by Kyoto on the 13th Acropolis.

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