Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1044: Four evil gods

"Although I don't know the reason, this is probably the proof of the Heretic God's successful intervention in the material world. Whether it is the devil of the 13th Acropolis of Kyoto or the demon of the southern continent, they are all from the subspace, but they belong to different evil gods."

For what Li Meng wanted to know, the main brain gave a good explanation.

This world is really not peaceful. The human society has become a mess, but the devil has inserted a corner, making the world more chaotic and making the survival of mankind more difficult.

"Mastermind! What kind of existence is Cthulhu?"

For the evil god, Li Meng is quite curious.

Power is one of them, and the most curious is their form.

"There are four evil gods in the subspace. Calculated by the time of the material world, they are ancient and have existed for tens of thousands of years. They are representatives of various negative human emotions and were born from these negative emotions. These four The evil gods are: fear and abuse representing blood and battle, Nurushi, **** of corruption and filth, Sharis, **** of desire, and Xin Liezhi, **** of deceit. The demons under each evil **** are very large in form. The difference is that the evil gods they belong to can be seen from the form. The demons on the southern continent have many strange war weapons. Their owners must be the evil gods, and the demons on the 13th Acropolis in Kyoto, they Humans in form, love to degenerate humans, their master must be "Xin Liezhi", the **** of deception."

"Born from human emotions? How long is human history? Is human emotions so powerful?"

From the words of the mastermind, Li Meng noticed a big problem.

If Cthulhu was born from human emotions, then the human base must reach an amazing level.

With a huge base, the human emotions projected in the subspace can give birth to evil gods.

However, the human history recorded by the earth would never give birth to evil gods.

Unless, in the vast universe, human beings do not only exist on the earth.

Thinking of this, Li Meng thought of Edras, Al, and the blue star in his memory. Although the human civilizations of the four planets have different development processes, there is no doubt that they are all humans. Are the same species.

To this question, the mastermind gave a very vague answer.

"This is about ancient humans. The worlds known to the master are all survivors left by ancient humans."

"Master! Some things are still too early for you. After all, humans on Earth cannot even get out of their own planet. Whether it is for humans or for the master, knowing something powerless will only make Humans are even more desperate."


Li Meng smiled faintly, and said without fear: "Humans don't need to know, but I must know, Master! Tell me."

For Li Meng's toughness, the master is very helpless.

It understands that the owner who knows something, if it conceals something from it now, it will definitely cause the owner's discomfort.

As a last resort, the main brain can only explain it briefly.

"Ten thousand years ago, the civilization of ancient humans was thriving, and half of the galaxy was under the control of ancient humans. However, due to an internal war, ancient humans fell, human civilization was broken, technology was lost, and the surviving humans were forced to go into desert. Start anew in the world, start a new human civilization."

Although the main brain didn't elaborate, Li Meng also roughly understood some things.

In this way, Adras, Blue Star, Al, and even the earth are all descendants of ancient humans.

No wonder, except for the world invaded by the devil, Adras, the development of science and technology in the other three worlds is extremely similar, and the development of history is also surprisingly similar.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled wryly.

In this way, human beings are really troubled and troubled.

"Master! The vast starry sky is extremely dangerous. If you don't move forward, you can only be destroyed. Mankind needs a hero, a hero who leads mankind to rise."

Li Meng smelled a hint of danger from the words of the mastermind.

Is this a reminder? Or an unintentional warning?

This time, Li Meng did not delve into the foundation, but was silent.

Because from the last words of the mastermind, Li Meng heard what the mastermind wanted.


This is what the mastermind wants, but it is not what Li Meng wants.

Even if he wants to lead mankind to rise, he does not want to be a hero.

"Master! The power of faith is also an emotion. Even if the master becomes a "god" like an evil god, his consciousness is also human. Whether it is a corpse or a ghoul, as long as they have human consciousness, they are also human. If the rise of mankind needs a hero, I hope this hero is the "master" of you. This is my hope and the meaning of my existence."

In the gloomy forest, the convoy was driving fast.

Li Meng in the car is very confused at the moment.

Just as the mastermind said, the more you know, the more chaotic your heart will be and the greater the pressure.

Knowing some unimaginable secrets, some heavy burdens also fell on Li Meng.

Is humanity rising?

If the mastermind was speaking to ordinary people, anyone would laugh.

Leading the rise of mankind?

How is this possible. The life span of human beings is only a hundred years. What can be done in a hundred years?

Nothing can be done, and the so-called "heroes" will disappear in the long history of mankind in a flash.

Only Li Meng, only Li Meng, an undead with human consciousness, can become an eternal "hero".

In a short time, Li Meng thought a lot.

In the end, Li Meng figured it out.

Being alive, he has his own responsibility for Li Meng.

Even if you don't care about honor, you don't care about responsibility, let alone the misty fate.

But this is what the mastermind wants, and that's enough.

"How to do?"

In his mind, Li Meng asked a simple and complex question.

"First Step: Unify the Earth."

The answer is clear and simple.

But how difficult it is to achieve this answer. It can be said that for ordinary people, even if they exhaust their lives, they may not be able to complete it.

However, for Li Meng, this is just a more difficult challenge.

With a slight smile, he accepted the challenge.

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