Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1045: first name

"Master! Is there anything to be happy about?"

Chen Yan noticed the smile on Li Meng's face, and she asked softly in puzzlement.

Looking back at Chen Yan's coquettish face, Li Meng stopped Chen Yan's waist, put her in his arms, and sat on his lap.

After kissing the ruddy face, Li Meng laughed and said: "I'm thinking, if Yana is really pregnant, what name should I name the baby?"

Chen Yan was full of enjoyment for the owner's pampering.

To those shy words, even Chen Yan couldn't help but bow her head with a shy look.

However, although his face was shy, his hands had already unconsciously wrapped around Li Meng's neck.

Seeing Chen Yan's shy appearance, Li Meng smiled secretly, and stopped molesting too much.

Just holding Chen Yan quietly, feeling her soft body, thinking about things that shouldn't be interrupted just now.

In the past, Li Meng's goal was only to make the First Army stronger and able to have a place on earth.

Therefore, the behavior of the First Army was somewhat conservative.

But now, with the change of goals, Li Meng must act decisively and aggressively if he wants to unify the earth.

"Master! Here we are."

Seeing the master still stunned, Chen Yan in Li Meng's arms reminded her.

At this time, the convoy had driven out of the forest and entered the port.

Looking outside, you can see some buildings that are not very tall and resemble warehouses.

Chen Yan's reminder made Li Meng recover from his meditation, and he let go of the hand that was holding Chen Yan's waist.

Without the restraint of her waist, Chen Yan smiled slightly, moved away from her owner's arms, sat down on one side, and opened the curtain.

The curtain was pushed aside, and the sound from the back attracted the attention of the front seat Sakiya.

Sakuya immediately looked behind through the rearview mirror.

In the back seat, both Li Meng and Chen Yan were sitting honestly, which made Sakuya slightly relieved.

Soon, the dock arrived.

The convoy drove slowly into the dock where the "Emperor" was docked.


When Li Meng took the three daughters out of the car, he heard a strong and powerful roar.

On the dock, a team of about a hundred people was waiting for Li Meng to arrive.

In the roar, they all held up the military salute and raised their heads to welcome the commander's arrival.

Although Li Meng did not care about these etiquettes, he would not specifically refuse.

In the attention of a group of soldiers, Li Meng took a group of people and boarded the "Emperor".

The "Emperor" is docked at a military dock, and not far from the side is a commercial dock.

The port has been constructed, although the scale is still expanding, but the commercial terminal has been put into use.

Since the harbour was put into use, the docks on the inland river outside Qingcheng have been cleaned a lot.

Only a few small ships still use the inland wharf, and larger ships have chosen the harbour as their new place to stay.

Especially for those maritime merchants, they finally do not need to carry out troublesome transshipment.

Because there is a wholesale warehouse of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in the port, all the goods can be loaded on the dock, which is undoubtedly much easier than using small boats to transfer large sea ships.

With everyone, Li Meng came to the long-lost top deck.

As he passed the swimming pool, Li Meng paused slightly and looked at the crystal clear water.

Looking at the rippling surface of the microwave, Li Meng thought of Cleilia.

I don't know what happened to her...

Although there was a ten-year appointment, Li Meng actually didn't care about any agreement. Even if she didn't return, Li Meng would not blame her, it was just a little regretful.

Although the mermaid is a man-made thing, it is undoubtedly a very beautiful creature. Although Li Meng loves and appreciates these beautiful creatures, they will not be bound to them, but will be released to nature.

Li Meng knew that the sea was Cleilia's home, and only in the sea, the mermaid was the most beautiful.

"If your Royal Highness misses her, get her back."

Looking at His Royal Highness who was standing by the pool, Sakiya said softly.

What is your Highness thinking, how can Sakuya know.

It's nothing more than the mermaid who used to stay in the swimming pool.

get back?

Li Meng smiled dumbly, retracted his gaze from the pool, and continued walking.

As she walked, she said: "The sea is so big, you can't find it if you want to find it, you don't need to find it, she will come back to me when the time is up."

When the words fell, Li Meng had already entered the pavilion.

In the pavilion, Li Meng did not stop, but passed through the pavilion and came to the ship's side in the front.

Standing high, looking far, looking out, the whole bay and port have a panoramic view.

The port is very big and the bay is bigger. On the bright and lingering sea, there are endless boats of all sizes, merchant ships and engineering vessels. They pass by the sea, leaving white marks one after another.

On the commercial wharf that was put into use, a piece of wooden sea boat was docked.

There are commercial ones, as well as large fishing boats.

Not long ago, it was a barren land with no ports and no ships, but now everything has changed, and the development of Nanlin Island is gratifying.

"Master! Is there a place to change clothes here?"

Beside Li Meng, Chen Yan asked with a shy face.

The empty feeling in her lower body made her uncomfortable, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

Chen Yan's words made Li Meng smile secretly, but Li Meng did not embarrass Chen Yan, but instead said to Wendy who was waiting: "Wendy! Take her to choose her room."


Wendy responded softly.

Following Wendy, Chen Yan walked towards the suite at the stern of the ship.

Leaning back against the ship's rail, watching Chen Yan's unnatural walking posture, Li Meng was also quite happy when he admired the full curve, but it didn't show on his face.

When the two slender figures went away, Li Meng withdrew his sight.

Turning around, Li Meng looked at Sakuya who was quietly staying beside him.

Reaching out, Li Meng took off the hood on Sakuya's head.

The beautiful face and the beautiful silver hair were exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

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