Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1046: Human-like form

In front of his subordinates, Sakiya must maintain absolute majesty, so today Sakiya wears that black blood pattern skirt armor, which looks quite heroic.

Lifting the bunch of silver hair in front of his forehead, Li Meng said softly in Sakuya's light and gentle gaze: "This trip to Bentley, many things will be changed, whether it is you, me, or the first A legion."

Sakiya didn't know what His Highness was referring to, but she didn't need to think about it.

She shook her head and said softly, "No matter what your Royal Highness does, Sakiya will support Your Highness."

With a slight smile, Li Meng was not surprised by Sakuya's answer.

This is Sakuya's temperament.

With light steps, Li Meng came to Sakuya's side and embraced her from behind.

Although the skirt armor that looked like steel was a bit tied, Li Meng didn't care.

He just leaned into Sakuya's ear, and said affectionately: "What if your Highness I become a great demon that everyone can kill?"

The demon?

Sakuya looked slightly cold, and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness will never become a demon, only a holy lord."

He looked slightly startled, and then Li Meng laughed.

Sakuya's answer made Li Meng very satisfied.

Yes, throughout the history of mankind, only the loser will become the great demon that everyone will punish, and the victor will only become the sage who stays in the history.

A kiss on that beautiful face fiercely, Li Meng was very happy and said: "That's right, that's right, how can I become a great demon, your Highness? Never."

Although his Highness was so happy, Sakiya didn't think much about it.

Her expression moved slightly, Sakiya changed her skirt, and in the flow of black death power, she changed into a black Gothic dress, becoming a petite and lovely woman.

The hard touch in his hands disappeared, becoming extremely soft.

Regarding the change in Sakuya's dress, Li Meng saw Sakiya's hands tightly.

On the side of the ship, the two quietly embraced each other, silently looking at the vast world outside.

But everything in my mind is each other.


With the sound of a huge and long siren, it was announced that it was time to set sail.



On the side of the "Emperor", on the second pier, two destroyers followed closely with the long whistle sound.

It was also time to announce the departure, and they would **** the "Emperor" to Bentley.

With the gentle roar of the "Rumble" engine, the huge "Emperor" moved slowly under the influence of the two tugboats, and slowly left the dock.

The abnormal movement of the military terminal has attracted the attention of many people.

Especially the huge "Emperor", people couldn't help but cast their eyes.

In the port, the huge body of the Emperor has almost become a symbol of the port.

But today, the long-staying "sign" has actually moved and is slowly leaving the old place.

This makes people who often travel to and from the port and are very familiar with the "Emperor" are very surprised.

There were speculations about which big figure in the First Army was on board.

In the eyes of the public, the huge Emperor Emperor slowly left the bay with two "guards with knives".

When it reached the open sea, the speed of the "Emperor" suddenly soared and soon disappeared at the end of the sea.

In order to hurry and reach Bentley as soon as possible, the "Emperor" sailed around the clock.

On the way, Li Meng did not forget to pay attention to the situation of Bentley.

Especially for the "Apostle", Li Meng has maintained the greatest attention.

Soon, one day passed, and the Emperor also traveled one third of the total distance.

Bentley is not close to Nanlin Island. There are more than 3,000 kilometers in a straight line. Even if it sails day and night, it takes three to four days.

"Today's situation is as usual. The apostle did not appear, Your Highness! According to the information recorded by humans in the past, when an energy shock occurs in a place, if the apostle does not appear within 24 hours, the appearance of the "apostle" can be ignored. So far, thirty-eight hours have passed since the energy impact of Bentley, and the possibility of the appearance of the apostle can be ignored."

Soaking in the warm swimming pool, Li Meng leaned against the edge of the pool with a comfortable face, listening to Saya's report.

This is of course a good thing. For Bentley, the only thing that can make Li Meng care about is the "Apostle".

Now, the possibility of the appearance of the apostle can be ignored, and there is one less thing in mind.

There is no need to rush this trip.

"Master should be relieved now."

Beside Li Meng, Chen Yan coquettishly lay down by the pool, and said lazily.

The purple swimsuit can't restrain the full figure at all.

The amazing, beautiful curve was completely exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

With a slight smile, Li Meng let out a sigh of relief.

"For mankind, the apostles are the greatest threat. Although the First Legion is strong enough, it is still somewhat inadequate compared to the veteran nations of mankind. How can the First Legion completely ignore the existence that scares them? Yan'er! You! That’s right, I did breathe a sigh of relief and relieved a lot."

With a light smile, Chen Yan understood her master's concern.

She said softly and lazily: "The apostle is an unusual existence after all, and the master is worried that Yaner can understand it."


An unexpected glance at Chen Yan, Li Meng stretched out his hand and took Chen Yan into his arms.

The water was rippling, and Chen Yan gently plunged into her master's embrace with respect to the hand on her waist.

Li Meng gently hugged the soft body in his arms and looked at the face that was close at hand. Li Meng asked in surprise, "It seems that you know the apostle well?"

With a lazy smile, Chen Yan put her hands on her master's shoulders, and said coquettishly: "It's not an understanding. It's just that during the days when I was in Kyoto, I heard people talk about the "apostle"."

"Talk about it!"

Li Meng made a respectful look.

In Li Menghuai, Chen Yan was very clever and said: "The information about the "apostles" is kept in Kyoto. What Yaner knows is only hearsay from the common people. It is said that the apostles are a very strange existence. They will die, they will only disappear. They look like humans, but they are just like. They are huge, and the smallest is not less than 100 meters. Most of the weapons they use are knives and swords, and they are good at using one. This powerful beam of energy is so human-like, many people believe that the "apostle" is wise, and its human-like form is based on the appearance of human beings."

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