Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1051: City-state assembly

Dinessa looked at her sister who looked exactly the same as herself, her expression even more puzzled.

In Dinesha's view, just go and see if you want to meet someone, no need any reason.

Teresa chose to ignore Dinessa's suspicious look.

Some things are unclear, and Teresa also finds it difficult to understand the thoughts of adults.

At this time, the captain of the guard, Torres, suggested: "His Royal Highness! Now that you have encountered it, if you can, I suggest you visit. Today's First Army is in full swing, and its soldiers are unstoppable. Although notorious, it is powerful. There is no doubt, and the first legion has reached out to the outer land of Austria. If you can establish a certain relationship with the first legion, this will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the Kingdom of Austria."

Speaking of this, Torres looked very solemn and said: "Although the national conditions of the Barron Kingdom have changed, the throne has returned to the line of the old king, and General Douglas has returned to his original post, but he can't quench his thirst. The political situation in the Upper Barron Kingdom has not yet stabilized, so we cannot expect too much help from the Barron Kingdom."

Torres' words silenced Gunia.

The trip to "Kyoto" was not going smoothly. In the past six months, she had found dozens of chambers of commerce, and only a few dared to take risks to transport "food" to the Kingdom of Austria. Of course, The reason why they are willing to take risks is based on huge interests.

In the steady flow of food delivery, Ogeria's food crisis has finally been resolved.

Correspondingly, the money they brought this time was basically exhausted.

However, resolving the food crisis is only one of the purposes of Gu Niya's trip. The most important purpose is to seek help from foreign forces in order to resolve domestic disputes.

But now that human beings can't take care of themselves, how can they help outsiders?

Gu Niya sought out her alma mater "Martial Artist Academy", and under the guidance of the Martial Artist Academy, found the main person in charge of the Order Empire in "Kyoto".

Although the cult empire promised to solve the problems in the Kingdom of Austria when the expeditionary force went on an expedition, the price was that Gunia could not accept it.

Fortunately, at this time, she received news of the changes in the Barron Kingdom's court, and then hurriedly left Kyoto, planning to return to the Kingdom of Austria, and then prepare to go to the Kingdom of Barron.

Although Gu Niya had considered the First Legion, the notoriety of the First Legion made Gu Niya give up.

But now, she has to admit that Torres was right.

Although the First Army is extremely aggressive, its strength is beyond doubt, and the Kingdom of Austria is in need of strong allies.

"Okay! Just stay in Bentley for a few more days."

Although it was not stated clearly, no doubt, Gunia agreed to Torres's suggestion.

De Nisha is undoubtedly pleased with Gunia's decision.

For children, the person who doesn't hate is the person who likes.

For Li Meng, Dinesha likes not only him, but also the delicious food.

Although Teresa on the side didn't have much mood swings, but her small eyes that shone slightly, it was obvious that she was also very happy with Gunia's decision.

"Torres! Come on shore, you can't be too casual to see him this time, you need to be prepared."

This time, Gu Niya didn't intend to see him in her present suit.

They are princesses. Although they are princesses of the fallen kingdom, the basic etiquette must be observed.

Gunia did not forget what he once said.

Torres: "Yes!"


In Marani, the convoy entering the city is galloping. The place passed by is unimpeded.

Looking out, there are low, tall, and endless buildings.

Occasionally, on both sides of the road, soldiers maintaining order can be seen at intersections with more people.

Although the speed of the convoy is fast, the car is very stable, and occasionally there will be a slight tremor when passing on an uneven road.

"To capture such a city, if it is not easy to attack hard, it is not easy for the First Army to occupy Bentley in such a short period of time, Natasha! You have done a great job in the battle of Bentley. it is good."

Looking out the window, Li Meng remembered the city wall that the convoy had just passed by.

The seventy-meter-high city wall is undoubtedly huge, like a dam, for the First Army, if it is in front of it, it will be difficult to break.

The First Army can capture Bentley in such a short period of time, and the number of casualties is so small, this is inseparable from Natasha's talent, a compliment is necessary, and this is what Natasha deserves.

Natasha said rightly to the master’s praise: “No, it’s not good enough. In the last battle, I didn’t have time to stop Kenofer’s crazy behavior, which led to the destruction of Voda City.”

Turning back, Li Meng glanced at Natasha sitting beside him faintly, and said: "This is uncontrollable. There is no perfect thing in the world. A flaw, just ignore it, and..."

Li Meng stretched out his hand and took off Natasha's hood. The brown hair and the determined face were exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

With a light tap on that head, Li Meng said angrily: "I praise you, you are affected by it, you, this kind of temperament will not please men."


At Li Meng's words, Chen Yan on the side couldn't help but smile.

When the master's gaze came over, she quickly turned her head, afraid to meet Li Meng's gaze.

Li Meng chose to ignore Chen Yan's misfortune.

Looking at the master in a daze, Natasha's face was a little at a loss. At this moment, she didn't know what to say, so she could only lower her head slightly and stay silent.

Natasha's appearance made Li Meng smile secretly, Li Meng was not surprised by Natasha's reaction.

In the military, Natasha can do it with ease, but in private matters, when facing him, her mind will become frozen. She doesn't know what to say or what to do, she can only be passive. Accept everything.


He sighed slightly, and in order not to make Natasha even more awkward, Li Meng looked out the window.

He said indifferently: "Choose a conference venue and hold a grand meeting. Bentley implements a city-state parliamentary system. The capital is Marani, with the House of Representatives under it. The term of office is six years, renewable, the region has the post of governor, does not exercise power, has the functions of supervision and evaluation, and controls the military."

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