Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1052: Eleven tax

Too much concentration of power will affect the self-motivated. Only if there is struggle and comparison, there will be progress.

All capital cities are developed step by step from small cities. Therefore, even the smallest cities have opportunities for growth. It all depends on the efforts of the rights holders.

City-state parliamentary system?

Natasha thoughtfully, this kind of government is also suitable for Bentley.

In this way, this regime is basically thrown to the natives, and the First Army is only the monitor.

After his speech was paused, Li Meng continued: "In the future, all anarchic areas will implement the city-state parliament system. In areas with government, the First Army will not interfere in internal affairs and collect 11 taxes.

For the world, one-tenth of the tax is not high. For a long-term plan, Li Meng will not levy too high a tax. In other words, this tax is dead and will not change in the future.

"Master! Can someone choose the post of governor?"

Natasha asked.

The post of governor can be said to be the history of the first legion, but Natasha does not care about this post.

Because once you become the governor, you will stay in one place for a long time. As a general, Natasha will naturally not fight for this position.

Without thinking about it, Li Meng said: "You should pay attention to the person who holds the post. There is one thing to ensure that you cannot be outside the military system of the First Army."

The governor is in charge of military power and has the responsibility of supervising the area. Of course, he cannot be handed over to outsiders.


In this case, for Natasha, there will be a lot of candidates.

Withdrawing his gaze from the window, Li Meng looked back at Natasha who had returned to normal, and said: "Other things will be discussed later. This time I am going to Bentley. The establishment of a new political system is only one of the purposes of my trip. I have other things to do."

As for what happened, it was beyond Natasha's knowledge.

Although the speed of the convoy was not slow, when it arrived at the military commander's mansion in the suburbs, it was already a child.

In the courtyard of the commander's mansion, the convoy stopped.

Getting out of the car and looking at the green courtyard, Li Meng glanced roughly.

I have to say that the previous owner of this house really knew how to enjoy it, and the layout of the courtyard gave people a sense of elegance at a glance.

There is also a retro military government, although it is not tall, but it gives people a heavy feeling, and the scale is not small.

"Master! Please here."

Since there were no outsiders, Natasha did not call Li Meng "special envoy" extremely awkwardly.

Under the leadership of Natasha, the group entered the military government.

Walking in the fairly wide passage, Natasha said as she walked: "This is the political center of Marani City, and the place where the military commanders lived in the past. This is a mansion, although it is one, but The largest distance between the north and the south is more than 300 meters. There are hundreds of rooms in this mansion. There are more than a dozen large and small conference rooms. The largest conference room can accommodate hundreds of people. Meetings are the most suitable only to be held here."

It's really good...

Li Meng looked around and came up with this answer.

The main body of this mansion is made of wood, the main color is brown, if you carefully taste it, you can smell a hint of fragrant wood.

Walking, walking, when passing a corner, in front of a room door, Natasha stopped and opened the door to enter.

Following in Natasha's footsteps, a group of people entered the room.

A hall with exquisite layout and a side room, in which is the bedroom.

"This is the master's bedroom. If the master is tired, he can rest here. Considering the personal inconvenience of the master, I have ordered the two army nuns to serve the master. They will be there later. They are good at cooking. The master should like the craftsmanship."

The consideration was proper, Li Meng did not refuse.

The nuns who accompanied the army also came from the temple. When Natasha led the fleet on the expedition, they joined the army under the order of Li Meng.

Of course, their mission is not to fight, but to "resurrect" those soldiers who died with a strong will.

How to put it, it is not right to say that it is resurrection. After all, the soldiers after the resurrection are not humans, but ghouls, a kind of undead creatures. Compared with resurrection, it is more appropriate to call transformation.

This time into the city of Marani, Li Meng did not bring a guard with him.

Of course, except Wendy.

Instead, they plan to let them follow after they enter the city and have a place to stay.

However, if Natasha had arrangements, they would not be needed.

Although the duty of the guard is to protect his safety, who can hurt Li Meng in the commander's mansion?

Looking at the three women, Natasha said, "There are many rooms beside them, General Sakiya, Miss Chen Yan, and Chief Guard Wendy. You can choose whatever you want."

Facing Natasha's gaze, Chen Yan smiled slightly and said: "I don't need it anymore. I have something to do in Bentley. I will leave later."

Natasha nodded lightly and said, "Please!"

Li Meng asked when Chen Yan was about to leave.

"Should we arrange for some soldiers to assist you?"

Although Li Meng did not know what Chen Yan was going to do, it was nothing more than the development of the Chamber of Commerce.

If the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce wants to settle in Bentley, some investigation is essential.

Of course, Chen Yan is happy about the owner's concern. She whispered softly: "I have arranged manpower in Bentley, and they will assist me."

In this case, Li Meng did not force it.

Just exhorted: "When you encounter problems that cannot be resolved, remember to find the local garrison, and they will assist you.


With a slight smile, Chen Yan answered softly.

After that, things were much simpler. Under Natasha's leadership, everyone wandered around the military government with great interest.

Of course, only Li Meng is interested in this, but no one is interested in this except him.

When it was dark, Li Meng calmed down.

At this time, it's time for dinner.

Under the soft light, following two slender figures walked into the room, a burst of fragrance suddenly drifted into Li Meng's nose.

There is a meaty fragrance and a delicate fragrance of plants.

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