Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1053: Shayue

In the room at this time, apart from Li Meng, there was only Wendy.

Natasha left when it was dark. She was busy with government affairs and had a lot to do, and she could not stay with Li Meng for long.

Sakuya left with Natasha. Regarding the "Nanlin Island" political affairs, she needed to conduct remote processing.

As for Chen Yan, she was the first to leave, and when the sky was still dark, she bid farewell to Li Meng and left.

"what is this?"

Seeing the hot and squirming fungus in front of him, Li Meng asked curiously.

"It is an insect, a mushroom with a nervous system. It is a natural spice. Although it is highly toxic, it can be eliminated after proper treatment."

At the dining table, a nun answered Li Meng's inquiry.

Slightly stepping forward, Wendy picked up a bottle of sweet wine filled with green liquid on the table and filled the empty glass in front of Li Meng.

The nun's reply made Li Meng look up at her.

Li Meng asked again: "You made this dish?"

"Yes, I did it!"

The nun answered truthfully, there is nothing to hide.

The dish is very strange, it seems to be alive, squirming slightly in the soup.

Driven by curiosity, Li Meng picked up a fork and inserted a piece of worm bacteria into his mouth.

At the moment of the entrance, a squirming, delicate fragrance, an indescribable taste suddenly greeted Li Meng's heart.

His eyes shone lightly, and Li Meng chewed hard and swallowed.

"It tastes good, very unique taste."

Looking up at the nun at the table, Li Meng complimented.

"The master likes it!"

The voice is very light and sweet.

With a casual glance, the silvery white flash in the hood caught Li Meng's attention.

Looking at the nun, Li Meng asked uncertainly: "Are you... Shayue?"

In the First Army, apart from Sakuya, only Shayue had silver hair.

"Master! It's me."

In Li Meng's gaze, Sha Yue took off his hood.

The silver-white hair and the hairy pointed ears were exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

It's really her.

Shayue, the only outlier among the nuns, is the raccoon in front of the subhumans.

It has silvery-white hair and pointed hairy ears.

Although there is only one side, Li Meng still has a deep memory of her.

After all, she is not an ordinary human.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "It seems that this dish is a unique craft of your raccoon tribe."

Nodding lightly, Shayue said: "The master is right. Only the raccoons can cook this dish, and only the raccoons have the skills to remove toxins from insects."

Without saying much, Li Meng continued to eat.

The food is delicious, so Li Meng's attention is focused on the meal.

When the last glass of sweet wine was eaten, Li Meng ended the meal.

Seeing the master finished the meal, Shayue and another nun hurried forward and cleaned up the tableware on the table.

Standing up, Li Meng stood up, left the dining table, walked slowly to the window, and quietly looked at the dark night sky outside.

When the slight movement in the room disappeared, Li Meng said to Wendy beside him: "Let her enter the guard."

Who is she, Wendy can't know.

Wendy reminded: "Master! It's easy to show up when entering the guards. Is there something wrong with her being a subhuman?"

What Wendy cares about is not without reason.

After all, humans and subhumans are full of hostility, if there is a subhuman next to Li Meng.

It is easy for humans to have more views on the First Army.

However, Li Meng didn't care about this.

He said calmly: "It doesn't matter, whether it is a human or a sub-human, as long as the consciousness is loyal to the First Legion, then it is my people, as for the rejection of humans..."

Li Meng scorned and said coldly: "The notoriety of the First Legion is big enough, it doesn't matter how big it is.

The First Army has entered the eyes of mankind since it attacked Bentley.

Since then, the First Legion that triggered the war has gained notoriety.

Especially after another war was triggered outside Austria, it can be said that in the eyes of mankind, the First Army has become a war executioner.

The First Army at this time had a reputation in the eyes of countries around the South China Sea, but it was even more infamous.

"Yes! I will tell her now."

Since the owner insisted on this, Wendy would certainly not object.

Turning around, Wendy walked away lightly, and the slender figure quickly disappeared into the room.

After Wendy left, Li Meng was the only one in the huge room.

After staying alone for a while, Li Meng left the room quite bored and wandered around the military government.

In the dark, the military government is relatively deserted.

In the corridor, Li Meng walked for a long time and saw no one.

In the soft light, there are only empty aisles.

Just as Natasha said, there were many rooms in the military commander's mansion, but most of them were idle. Although Li Meng didn't push the door in, Li Meng still knew whether there was anyone inside.

"this is……"

Unconsciously, Li Meng came to a very surprising place.

This is a courtyard, a small courtyard. There are no flowers, plants or trees in the courtyard. There are only a few pools of hot water.


Li Meng entered the courtyard very strangely.

By the side of a pool of water, Li Meng knelt down to probe the temperature of the water.

It's a bit hot, but it's acceptable. It's very enjoyable to take a bath.

Standing up and scanning the small pavilion, Li Meng looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, there is such a place in the military government.

Thinking about the previous owner of this mansion, Li Meng has to admit that humans are hedonistic.

Since there is such a good place, Li Meng will certainly not let it go.

Taking off his clothes quickly, Li Meng entered the hot spring.

It was a little hot at first, but when the skin adjusted to the temperature, all that was left was comfort.

Lying comfortably by the pool, Li Meng was full of enjoyment.

It was too comfortable. The hot water stroked the whole body, and the bones and muscles of the whole body were relaxed. The comfortable feeling was beyond words.

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