Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1064: Two ways

"This..., this marriage was decided by the father, I am afraid that the father will not break his promise."

Regardless of the country's kings, they are very concerned about the promises they made. Gunia does not think that her father will compromise. Some things must be explained in advance.

Although she did not approve of the sisters’ marriage.

But if you say it, you can't take it back.

Li Meng shook his head and said indifferently: "I didn't ask you to tear up the marriage contract. What I want is to make you ignore this paper marriage contract."


Gunia shook her head and said, "I'm afraid this won't work. Now, General Douglas is in full power in the Kingdom of Barron. Once the sisters become adults, he will definitely let the father and the king complete the marriage contract."

Li Meng has a headache. What should I say to make Gu Niya understand what he meant?

For Li Meng, even if there are no benefits at all, he will still do it.

Even if he encounters strong obstacles, he will not give up what he wants to do.

If anyone dares to stand in front of him and block his way, he will tear it apart without hesitation.

Sakuya on the side seemed to be aware of the embarrassment of her Highness, she was very helpless and sighed secretly.

They can only speak again and say coldly: "They won't, and they don't dare. If the person is gone, any marriage contract will be a piece of waste paper."

Seeing Guniya who was stunned, Li Meng said calmly: "That's almost what it meant."

Li Meng agreed with Sakuya's simple and clear words.

After a stunned look at Mei's amazing Sakuya, and then at Li Meng, who looked indifferent, Kuniya was silent.

Really dare to say that, I am afraid that only the First Army dare to say that.


Gunia didn't think so.

Although the Kingdom of Barron is strong, the potential of the First Army is greater.

Maybe in the future, the First Legion will become an existence that even the Kingdom of Barron cannot ignore.

Think about the process of the First Army's fortune, it is faster than the rocket.

Relying on the small Nanlin Island, it captured Bentley in less than a year, and there is still a territory thousands of miles away from Austria.

Such achievements do not mean that they can be achieved.

This is enough to prove the strength of the First Army.

But is it worth it?

This sentence not only illustrates the strength of the First Army, but also proves the determination of His Excellency Li Meng.

If there is a war between the First Army and the Kingdom of Barron one day, the source of the war may be just for a woman.

Thinking of this, Gu Niya looked at Teresa.

What kind of charm does Sister Teresa have that attracts Her Excellency Li Meng?

If it's just because of the female sex, the goal should be her. As a woman, Gu Niya has always been very confident about her own charm and will never lose to her younger sister who is not yet ten years old.

Thinking of this, Gu Niya's face flushed involuntarily, thinking about it, even thinking about it.

With a slight expression on her face, Gu Niya regained her mentality. She nodded and said, "I understand that Sister Teresa is so deeply loved by Your Excellency Li Meng. This is her luck. I will report it to the father.

After her words paused, Gu Niya asked: "I don't know the second method..."

For the second method, Gunia is still very curious.

If there is a second option, if the second option is better, of course she will choose the second method.

Facing Gu Niya's gaze, Li Meng smiled faintly and said: "The second method is just a suggestion, but I will explain some things in advance. As for how to choose, it is your own business."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's words paused slightly, and he said calmly: "The power of the First Army has spread to the outer regions of Austria. The Danlan Kingdom has surrendered and became a subject country of the First Army. With the help, the Danlan Kingdom will unify the outer regions of Austria for at most one or two years. Once the outer regions of Austria are unified, the mainland of Austria, which is only separated by a strait from the outer regions of Ogeria, will naturally Will become the next target of the First Army."

Next target?

Speaking of this, Gu Niya had a doubt in her heart.

She couldn't help asking: "When will the war of the First Army end?"

When will the war end?

Li Meng smiled, shook his head with a smile, and slowly said, "No, for the First Army, there is no end to war."

This is the ambition of the First Army?

Gunia finally understood.

She understood that sooner or later, the power of the First Army would spread to the mainland of Austria.

When that day comes, the First Legion will clean up all the resistance forces on the Austrian continent, whether it is a human country or a demon.

The second method mentioned by His Excellency Li Meng is to give the Kingdom of Austria a choice.

Gu Niya shook her head and said in a deep voice: "Father will not agree."

Li Meng was not disappointed in Gunia's answer.

Just softly touching Teresa’s little head, and whispered: "This is your own business. In this era, human beings can only move forward, not one step backward. The same is true for countries. Until it disappears in the long river of history, your Kingdom of Austria has taken countless steps back. If you want to restore its past glory, you must make some changes, otherwise, you will only achieve nothing and step into the footsteps of the "death of the country." ."

Looking up and looking at Gunya with a rather complicated expression, Li Meng said calmly: "Tell my father, if he still has unwillingness in his heart and his lofty ambitions have not been wiped out, he will understand. "

There are some things that Li Meng will not say much.

Speaking in too much detail will only make people boring.

Li Meng's words left Gu Niya speechless, and she could only nodded silently.

Perhaps His Excellency Li Meng is right that the Kingdom of Austria should change.

In the footsteps of "subjugation"?

Although she did not want to believe it, Gu Niya had to admit that what Li Meng said was the truth.

With the terrible state of the kingdom now, how long can it last?

The current kingdom is just lingering, and a slightly larger disturbance is likely to make the kingdom follow the footsteps of "subjugation".

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