Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1065: Banquet

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Of course, no matter how you choose, the first method is still to be implemented. When you return to the Kingdom of Austria, go to the Kingdom of Danlan. I will order the local garrison to assist you. , There will be an army with you to the Kingdom of Austria, and this army will completely obey your orders."

Upon hearing this, Gunia's expression was very complicated.

She knew that the help of the First Army to her was unpaid.

All this is because she has a good sister.

Speaking of her younger sister, Gu Niya thought of another younger sister.

A Dinessa who looks exactly the same as Teresa, who is the sister of Teresa.

When she lowered her head and looked to her side, Gunia saw a pitiful Dinessa.

The poor look gave people a crying look.

How can I comfort her?

Gu Niya didn't know, she could only rub her little head with pity, to show comfort.

Getting up, Li Meng took Teresa's little hand and left the main seat.

And invited Gu Niya: "Life on the boat must be very difficult, let me wash the dust for you tonight, have a good meal, and rest for a few days."

Gu Niya did not refuse Li Meng's invitation.

Life on the boat really made them very tired.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing Dinessa who was about to cry, Li Meng couldn't help but squeezed her little face.

After squeezing it, he couldn’t help but knead it in that little head, and said with a chuckle: "Little girl has a lot of thoughts in the film. Remember, if anyone dares to bully you in the future, remember to tell my big brother. Brother must vent his anger for you."

To deal with children, of course, we must deal with children in the same way.

The place that should be coaxed should be coaxed, and the place should be coddled.

For example, now, Li Meng's words to coax children have worked.

Dinessa burst into tears and smiled, and said with a twitchy: "What you say counts!"

"of course!"

Li Meng raised Dinesha's little hand.

With two hands, one on each side, holding them, they walked out.

Seeing that the crying on Dinessa's face disappeared, Gu Niya breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought of Lord Li Meng's words to Dinesha. Although it seemed to be a kind of coaxing words to a child, it was not a promise.

Before you know it, night has fallen.

A few hours passed in a blink of an eye.

When Li Meng took the three daughters into the restaurant, Shayue and Shaye had already prepared the dishes needed for the banquet.

"Be seated!"

In the main seat, Li Meng sat down.

And Gunia, Dinesha, and Teresa sat in the vice seats on the left and right.

The long dining table is very long. In addition to towels and tableware, there are also a few lightly burning candles, which is very atmospheric.

At this time, Qin Qian appeared with a wine tray.

There are two kinds of wine on the wine plate, one is green fruit wine and the other is higher red wine.

"What do you want to drink? This is a fruit wine drink, which doesn't make people feel too drunk. This is red wine with a high degree of alcohol. It's not easy to drink."

Faced with Qinqian's question, Gu Niya smiled slightly and said, "I'll do it myself!"

After speaking, Gunia put a bottle of red wine on the table in front of her.

As a martial artist, how can she drink fruit wine?

"You are not allowed!"

Seeing Dinesha's eyes glowing at the red wine, Gunia refused without hesitation.

This made Dinessa pouted slightly, but she did not dare to refute.

Seeing Dinesha’s reaction, Li Meng reminded: “Although this fruit wine has a low degree, it has great stamina. You two little girls shouldn’t drink too much. If you can’t get up tomorrow, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

"Will not!"

Regarding the warning from her elder brother, Dinesha didn't care.

But Teresa nodded lightly and gave a light "um".

At this time, a slight sound of footsteps rang.

From the door of the restaurant, a few slender figures walked in, with steaming dishes in their hands.

With their arrival, a scent wafted in the restaurant.

This made the three of them look slightly upright, their eyes a little impatient.

When they saw Shayue carrying the dishes, their expressions were stunned.

Dinessa and Teresa are curious, but Gunia frowned slightly.

For the two little girls, the pointed hairy ears were something they had never seen before.

There is no concept of subhumans.

But for Gunia, she knows what kind of subhuman existence is.

That is the "pathogen", and all subhumans carry a large number of viruses.

It is the existence that humans must stay away from.

Kuniya was very puzzled. Her Excellency Li Meng dared to let a sub-human to wait close to her, and dared to let her approach the food.

This is something that Kuniya can't understand.

"Don't worry! Although Shayue is a subhuman, the virus in her body has been cleaned out. In a sense, she is now cleaner than humans."

What is Gunia thinking, how can Li Meng know.

To reassure him, I can only explain it a little bit.

This is not nonsense. When she became a corpse girl, in the reincarnating pool, the harmful substances in Sha Yue's body were completely wiped out by the power of death.

is it possible?

Know the viruses in subhuman bodies?

This is something Gu Niya has never heard of.

If the virus in the subhuman body can be eliminated, the relationship between humans and subhumans will not be so tense.

Seeing that Gu Niya seemed a little disbelief, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said: "If she really has a "virus" in her body, I am afraid I will have died hundreds of times. Nothing is impossible. The reason why humans cannot remove the virus in the body The biggest reason is the loss of medicine, but for my First Army, this is not a difficult task."

Although there is suspicion of bragging, but with the help of "Ayre", the current First Army can indeed eliminate the virus in humans, but it is not as easy as imagined.

Is it really?

Although she still had some doubts in her heart, Gu Niya chose to believe it.


I should apologize for my doubts.

"No problem!"

Li Meng didn't care.

Gunia’s suspicion is human nature, and her cognition of subhumans made her make the most basic judgment.

If it was Li Meng, he would also doubt it.

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