Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1066: piece

"smell good!"

Seeing the fragrant dishes on the table, Dinessa was ready to move, almost drooling.

The eyes looking at the dishes were full of longing.

"You're welcome, try to eat!"

With the master speaking, naturally no one is more polite.

The teaching of etiquette since childhood, so that the three women did not lose their image due to food.

Even Dinessa maintained her image under the control of a certain speed.

Taking into account the hardships on the boat, tonight's dishes are biased towards meat, in addition to meat or meat, there are also golden bread with various flavors, and a small amount of vegetarian dishes.

During the meal, everyone kept silent in a tacit understanding.

Compared with the three daughters' dignified and rude meal, Li Meng's meal is more casual.

After eating a few bites of meat and drinking a few sips of wine, he occasionally looked at the three people in the meal.

Needless to say, Dinessa, Teresa, that small mouth, even if the food is rushed, the food does not decrease.

Gunia is different. Although she is a princess, she is also a martial artist.

The "jin" used by the martial artist is a kind of biological energy, which comes from the cells in the human body. Therefore, in order to maintain sufficient physical energy, the martial artist's appetite is often amazing.

In such a short time, Gunia had finished two plates of barbecue dignifiedly.

This made Li Meng look sideways and couldn't help but glance at Gu Niya.

She seemed to perceive Li Meng's gaze. During the meal, Gu Niya's face turned red, consciously slowing down the meal, picked up the wine glass, and took a very elegant sip.

I want to use a wine glass to hide my embarrassment.

The conditions on the boat were so bad, even if it was Gunia, when she encountered a long-lasting meal, she couldn't help but let go of it.

As the food was wiped out bit by bit, when the last drop of wine was drunk, the four of them finished their meal.

At this time, Gu Niya's face became very ruddy, she was already drunk after a bottle of red wine.

And the two little girls, Dinessa and Teresa, were also drunk. The stamina of the fruit wine came up, and they were also drunk.

Seeing this, Li Meng said to the women beside him: "Take them to rest!"

Qin Qian, Pasha and Wendy responded and helped the three of them to leave.

From beginning to end, the three daughters did not respond to her support, and they seemed to be really drunk.

It was late at night, and Li Meng got up and left the restaurant.

Walking in the long corridor, Sakuya quietly followed Li Meng.

Without returning to the room, Li Meng took Saya to the courtyard where the hot spring was located.

Entering the courtyard, facing the steaming hot spring, Li Meng couldn't wait.

He needs to relax during the day's journey.

The hot spring is undoubtedly the biggest medicine.

Without avoiding Sakuya's existence, Li Meng quickly took off his clothes and entered the hot spring.

When the scorching warm water hit him, Li Meng took a comfortable breath.

"His Royal Highness! I'll go get ready to change clothes!"

In the aisle, Sakuya whispered.

"No, when someone will take it, come down too!"

How could Sakuya refuse the invitation of His Highness.

She gently unbuttoned her body and took off her dress.

When the dress slipped from her, a delicate body in a thin cloth was exposed to the air.

She bent over and gently took off the white silk stockings on her legs, revealing her pure white legs.

And all of this was seen by Li Meng, and Li Meng didn't look away from the scenery.

Facing the fiery eyes of His Highness, Sakuya didn't have any shyness. She just put away the clothes without hurries, and entered the water bit by bit as Li Meng watched.

When the warm water hit her body, Sakuya's thin clothes on her upper body were also soaked, clinging to the snow-white skin.

The long silver-white hair was even untied by Sakiya, draped casually behind his shoulders, and the end had reached his waist.

Li Meng was not polite to the tender body who came next to him, and put his arms in his arms.

With the beauty in her arms, the water and the soft touch made Li Meng sigh comfortably.

Putting his hands on His Royal Highness's shoulders lightly, Sakuya quietly leaned against the warm chest.

His Royal Highness's body temperature and warm water are two different concepts. In the touch, His Highness's body becomes even hotter and gives people a clearer feeling.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya said lazily: "Your Highness! Is there anything special about that little girl?"

Sakiya's whispers in his arms made Li Meng smile slightly, he knew what Sakiya wanted to ask.

Looking down at Sakuya in his arms, Li Meng said softly: "To you, she is not special, but to me, she is a very special existence. The "soul" is very wonderful. Let People can't figure it out. There are too many hidden meanings. Take the human instinct of loving money as an example. If a golden mountain is placed in front of you, do you want it or not?

"of course yes!"

Sakiya said with certainty.

There is no doubt that no one will give up in the face of what they ask for

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "The reason for helping Gunia is that besides her love for Teresa, there is another purpose."

Another purpose?

Sakuya was a little puzzled, and looked up at Li Meng with that water spirit.

How could Li Meng be polite to the beautiful face close at hand.

He lowered his head and covered the rosy lips.

Sakiya can only cater to the sudden attack of the owner.

After a deep kiss, Li Meng let go of Sakuya.

Seeing Sakuya with a slightly ruddy face, Li Meng smiled lightly: "Seeing is believing, hearing is not. If you don't show the strength of the First Army, how can the Kingdom of Austria make up its mind?"

Gently stroking the moist hair in front of Sakuya's forehead, Li Meng said calmly: "Although I have reached into the mainland of Austria now, it's a bit early for the First Army, but make some preparations in advance. It’s always true. Today, the situation outside Austria does not require the First Army to pay too much attention to it. It’s okay to spread a little force to the mainland of Austria.”

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and said lazily: "Let's take one step. The chess piece is already played. Let this chess piece go by itself. As for the right move or the wrong move, it depends on her. ."

The opportunity has been given, how she chooses, this is not Li Meng can control.

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