Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1067: Drunk

Li Meng would not force her either. In this era, time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for her.

It turns out that His Highness still has this purpose...

Sakiya already understood what his Highness was doing.

This surprised Sakuya very much, and she had to admit that her Royal Highness's trick was amazing.

In the silent, seemingly gratuitous help, there are multiple purposes hidden in it.

Even if the Kingdom of Austria rejects the proposal of the First Army, the First Army can take this opportunity to explore the reality of the Austrian continent.

No matter from which aspect, this time the First Army's free help to the Kingdom of Austria will not lose.

The thinking Sakuya is very tempting. With that beautiful face and soft body in the water, Li Meng's hands in the water can't help but begin to explore on that soft body.

Feeling the strange hand of His Royal Highness on her body, Sakiya's expression turned slightly ruddy, and she couldn't help but lower her head.

Such a lovely reaction made Li Meng unable to stop, and he didn't want to stop either.

From the outside, the two were just hugging each other.

But under the water, Li Meng's hand had touched the soft mountain.

Only the disturbance of the water surface tells that the water is not calm.

Just exploring can make Li Meng unable to satisfy.

Not long after, the soft body under the water had been taken off all defenses by Li Meng.

Looking at the master softly, Sakuya's face flushed, she was ready.

Seeing this, Li Meng smiled slightly, holding Saya's waist under the water, and pressing it down slightly.

"Duo duo!"

At this critical moment, the slight sound of footsteps suddenly rang.

A black figure entered the courtyard.

At the sudden sound of footsteps, the expressions of the two embracing in the water moved slightly and had to stop.

Turning his head and looking around, Li Meng saw Saya holding a pile of clothes.

It's her...

Li Meng smiled wryly, although he knew she would come, he didn't expect to come so soon.

"the host!"

Seeing the two embracing in the pool, Saya's expression was calm in his hood.

She knelt down in the aisle and cried softly.

Saya came, and of course things couldn't continue.

Li Meng could only pat Sakuya's soft buttocks in the water.

The buttocks were attacked, and Sakiya left Li Meng's arms blushingly.

At this point, the fragrant hot spring trip is over.


With a sigh of relief, Li Meng could only forcefully suppress his dissatisfied body.

Immediately got up, Li Meng left the hot spring.

In the aisle, Li Meng took the bathrobe that Saya handed over.

Sakuya found the floating underwear in the water and wore it on her body.

When Li Meng put on her bathrobe, she had already left the hot spring.

Although the underwear is wet, it does not matter.

I saw a mist rolling over the rugged body, and the soaked underwear suddenly became dry.

With admiring eyes, Li Meng quietly looked at Sakuya in his clothes.

She seemed to be aware of the peeping of His Highness, Sakiya's face flushed a little, and in her shyness, she hid her seductive body in her dress.

After tidying up the slightly messy dress, looking at His Royal Highness who is still watching her, Sakiya said softly: "Your Highness! You can rest well tonight, Sakiya will not accompany you."

Nodding lightly, Li Meng said, "Go!"

Li Meng knew that although Sakuya followed herself this time, she didn't let go of the matter about Nanlin Island.

When I am free, I will also deal with idle political affairs.

Although Nanlin Island is small, there are many political affairs.

Whether it is military management or political affairs, it can be said to be quite diverse.

Especially in construction, many things need to be decided by senior staff.

The dead do not need to sleep, and meditation is also optional. For Sakiya, accompany your Royal Highness all the time during the day. At night, you have to deal with idle political affairs.

With Li Meng's answer, Sakuya didn't stay much, so she left first.

Seeing Sakuya's leaving back, Li Meng stretched lazily.

Casually said: "Let's go!"

Except for him, Saya was the only one beside him, and of course this sentence was addressed to her.

Turning around, Li Meng walked towards the exit on the other side of the courtyard, which was completely opposite to the direction Sakuya left.

And Saya hugged Li Meng's clothes and followed him closely.

It was late at night, and Li Meng had no intention of wandering, and went straight back to the room.

Entering the room, Li Meng did not see Wendy, Qin Qian and Pasha in the room.

I don't know where they went. It stands to reason that it didn't take such a long time to send the drunk three girls into the room to rest.

Have you already returned to your room to meditate?

It is possible, after all, Li Meng is with Sakuya, it is very likely that they think that the master does not need them to serve, so they will return to the room to meditate early.

Coming to the corner of the hall, Li Meng took off a wine glass on a counter table and poured himself a glass of wine.

Holding the wine filled with red liquid, Li Meng sat down on the sofa in the hall and tasted it slowly.

Saya silently entered the bedroom and made the bed.

Listening to the movement in the bedroom, Li Meng's expression was very light. He raised his head and drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

Putting down the empty glass in his hand, Li Meng stood up and walked into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, in front of the bed, Saya is leaning forward, kneeling on the bed with one leg making the bed.

Although the black nun's dress was generous, it couldn't cover her seductive body.

The tight nun's dress made her attractive **** looming.

With a slight drunkenness and the anger that had not faded just now, Li Meng became bold.

He gently closed the bedroom door and walked slowly towards Saya on the bed.

Slowly and gently, Li Meng approached Saya.

As if perceiving the slight movement behind him, Saya turned his head slightly and looked behind him suspiciously.

When she looked behind her, Li Meng acted and hugged Saya's waist from behind, pressing Saya on the soft bed.

"the host?"

Saya whispered in confusion.

Without saying more, Li Meng pressed one hand on Saya's back, while the other slowly went down and leaned into the skirt.

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