Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1078: Just like

The little girl's tender voice made Li Meng smile helplessly, so he stretched out his hand to Dinesha.

Embracing her waist, put her down from the window sill.

After putting down Dinesha, Li Meng lifted Teresa from the window sill again.

"Goodbye, big brother!"

In Li Meng's gaze, Di Nisha pulled Teresa trot out of the room.

Seeing them leaving behind, Li Meng smiled silently.

In the face of them, in the face of children, no one will bear to blame.

Little children, it is the nature to play and make trouble, and this nature should not be erased in any era.

It was not until the two men disappeared behind the door that Li Meng withdrew his sight.

The smile on his face disappeared, and Li Meng looked back at the rain curtain outside the window.

"That... Excuse me!"

Before long, Li Meng didn't feel the passage of time, and a pleasant, hesitant voice appeared from outside the door.

Li Meng was slightly taken aback when he heard the sound, then turned and looked outside the door.

At the door, a slender figure appeared, and she was standing at the door, with some hesitation on her beautiful face.

It's Gunia.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Please come in!"

For the host's invitation, Gu Niya hesitated for a while and had to walk into the room cautiously.

Seeing Gu Niya being so careful, Li Meng put a smile away and said calmly: "Are you afraid of me?"

Seeing Li Meng a little unhappy, Gu Niya quickly shook her head and denied: ", how can I be afraid of Lord Li Meng? I'm just afraid to disturb Lord Li Meng."

After a faint glance at Gu Niya, Li Meng turned around and looked out the window again.

In the room, Gu Niya stopped, looking at the figure in front of the window with some bewilderment.

At this time, Li Meng's voice rang.

Looking at the "crashing" rain curtain outside the window, Li Meng said indifferently: "If you are afraid of me and afraid that I will force you, you don't have to do that. I don't like to force people, and I don't like to force women. From now on, The relationship between you and me is only a pure interest relationship. You don't need to think about it, and I won't do anything online."

Upon hearing this, Gu Niya's face changed slightly, she hurried to the window and came to Li Meng's side.

Looking at Li Meng, she had a complex expression, wanted to explain, but she wanted to say nothing, and finally could only say sadly: "Yes... I'm sorry!"

She didn't know how to say it, nor how to explain it.

Because her heart is upset at the moment.

Looking back at Gu Niya next to him, Li Meng said, "Theresa and Dinesha have been here before. They just left shortly before you came."

Gu Niya was unmoved by Li Meng's words. Her purpose in coming here was indeed to find two younger sisters.

But now, she didn't want to leave just like that.

Silence, a long silence.

In front of the window, Li Meng quietly looked at the rain curtain outside the window.

And Gu Niya, who was beside her, also stood blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

I don't know how long, maybe a long time, Li Meng withdrew his eyes from the window.

He looked at Gu Niya in silence and sighed deeply in his heart.

Li Meng knew that Gu Niya was hesitating.

The cause and effect of all this lies in his rudeness last night.

Because of the offense last night, there was a warm atmosphere between him and Gu Niya.

This kind of ambiguity caused Gu Niya to have conflicts.

This kind of contradiction made her dilemma, she did not know how to deal with the relationship with Li Meng.

As a princess, she can't dare to love and hate like ordinary people, and dare to go forward in the face of people she likes.

Not only her, but the identity of the two people, it is impossible for them to have good results.

What made Gunia most uncomfortable was that she didn't even know what Lord Li Meng thought.

The First Army was too mysterious and too powerful. This made Gu Niya face Li Meng with an inferiority complex in her heart. This inferiority made her feel unconfident and scared.

Women are sensitive, in the final analysis, the culprit in this situation is Li Meng.

Looking at Gu Niya, Li Meng's face also showed a slight hesitation. In the end, he reached out to Gu Niya.

Gu Niya's little white hand was grasped by Li Meng and held it tightly.

The small hand was attacked. For Li Meng's sudden move, Gu Niya was slightly taken aback, and did not resist, but raised her head and looked at Li Meng with a complicated expression.

Facing Gu Niya's rather complicated gaze, Li Meng looked calm.

With a slight force in her hand, she pulled Gu Niya to her front, and from her back, she wrapped her soft waist.

In front of the window, Li Meng gently hugged Gu Niya's delicate body, and while feeling the softness of the delicate body in his arms, he quietly looked out the window.

The hazy rain and fog, the sound of "crashing" rain, covered a lot of things.

In this kind of weather, people have become a lot bolder.

The body was bound, the hot hands on her waist, and the warm chest behind her, all of which made Gu Niya very uncomfortable, and a trace of ruddy appeared on her beautiful face.

But she didn't make a sound or resisted, but stared out the window blankly.

Although her face was calm, Gunia's heart was disturbed.

The contradiction in my mind is also deeper.

After a long time, Li Meng withdrew his gaze from the window slightly, looked down at Gu Niya in his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Don't think too much, don't doubt, you just need to know that I am your heaven and your earth. , Your backing, can solve any trouble for you, can realize any wish for you, a strong, somewhat cautious, possessive man."

The whisper of the man in the ear made Gu Niya confused.

The ruddy face was even redder, and there were more tears in his eyes.

What should she do?

Kuniya knew very well that this was the last confession of the man behind her.

What should she do?

Is it rejected? Still accept?

At this moment, Gunia's heart was struggling.

Looking up, Guniya Shuiling looked at the face that was close at hand with extremely responsible gaze, puzzled and confused: "Why? Is it worth it? I'm just a princess of a fallen kingdom!"

Looking at Gu Niya's beautiful face, Li Meng smiled slightly and said, "There is no reason, just like it!"

Just like it?

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