Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1079: Industrial system

Gu Niya was relieved at this moment looking at Li Meng in a daze.

It seemed that she had figured out a lot in an instant, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Li Meng smiled slightly at Gu Niya's closed eyes, he knew that Gu Niya had already figured it out at this moment.

As a man, Li Meng certainly wouldn't flinch.

Facing the rosy lips, Li Meng lowered his head slightly and took over without hesitation.

The softness on his lips hit, Li Meng also began to attack the city, knocking open the defense arbitrarily, and entangled with that fragrant tongue.

Under Li Meng's encroachment, Gu Niya lost her armor and unloaded her armor, and the deepest defense was collapsed at the touch of a touch.

She did not dare to open her eyes, and could only silently endure the brutality of the man behind her.

Li Meng was not satisfied with the status quo, and the hand on his waist began to move up, climbing up the soft and full double peak without hesitation.


After being attacked in front of her chest, Gu Niya could only let out a shy hum.

She blushed and murmured unconsciously in her mouth.

After a long time, Li Meng let go of Gu Niya and left from the ruddy lips.

The corners of their mouths were connected by a crystal clear thread, and it took a while to disappear.

"look at me!"

Nitting the white earlobe, Li Meng's voice was full of no doubt.

Facing the strong man behind him, Gu Niya had to slowly open her eyes, her eyes shy.

At this moment, Gu Niya had forgotten her identity as a martial artist. Facing an ordinary person like Li Meng, she didn't have any resistance in her heart, and she was unwilling to resist.

The hand returned to Gunia’s soft waist, with a slight force, Li Meng gently turned Gunia’s body around, letting her face herself

Seeing Gu Niya's shy gaze, Li Meng smiled slightly, and dipped on the ruddy lips.

Holding the little white hand, Li Meng took Gu Niya out of the window and sat down on the chair behind the desk.

Gu Niya's soft body was naturally pulled by Li Meng and sat down.

Sitting in Li Meng's arms, Gu Niya's face flushed a bit for this shy posture.

She was quite nervous and said: "I...I'm going to find my sisters, and can't let them run around."

This time, Li Meng did not force Gunya to stay.

Just patted that soft buttocks gently and said, "Go!"

After being attacked on her hip, Gu Niya flushed and stood up from Li Meng's arms in a panic.

"Then... Then I'm going."

After saying this shyly, Gunia lowered her head and hurried away.

Li Meng smiled silently at the back of Gu Niya leaving in a panic.

And after Gunia left the room in a panic, she was relieved.

The softness of her legs and feet made her pause, leaning her back against the wall on one side of the corridor, her face flushed and panting.

Thinking of the scene just now, Gu Niya was ashamed to find a place to sew in.

But in Gunia's eyes, there was a hint of joy.

After all, as a martial artist, Gunya soon calmed down.

The shyness on her face disappeared, and after taking a stunned look at the door of the room she had just left, she suddenly smiled on her face, then relieved, and left with a relaxed face.

In the room.

"Congratulations Master! I won another heart!"

It's very rare. The main brain appeared at a very unsuitable time, and the voice was strange.

For the appearance of the main brain, Li Meng looked very indifferent.

Just asked, "Then what do you think I should do?"

In my heart, the voice of the main brain rang again.

"When you are in a high position and have supreme rights, it is no small temptation for any opposite sex. Whether intentionally or unconsciously, they will always approach you unconsciously. To say it better, this is peach blossom luck. It’s just a bargain for benefits. Master, if you don’t know how to reject beautiful things, you’d better stay away from them. In the First Legion, whether they are nuns or guards, their beauty is not comparable to that of mortals. It’s okay to come, but those mortals have a little bit of benefit in them, and the human heart is changeable and will change with many things. For them, the master’s sincerity is often used to trample on them. When necessary, they will abandon everything ruthlessly. Therefore, Master! When facing people on different roads, it is best not to overlap."


Li Meng did not refute what the mastermind said.

Human hearts are indeed complicated, and two people who love each other again will become enemies in a lifetime for some reason.

People who love each other again will be ridiculed by the betrayal of one party.

Under desires are interests, and interests are buried deep in human hearts.

This allows human beings to plan their lives and choices with their interests no matter when and where they are.

It is precisely because of this, because of the degenerate nature of mankind, that Li Meng likes "Telisa" so much.

Her soul is so pure, although there is a trace of inertia, it is because of this inertia that she is not affected by foreign objects.

Li Meng thought of Gu Niya again.

The current relationship between the two can be said to have been clarified.

But this relationship is a bit more complicated. In any case, the relationship between the two cannot escape the entanglement of interests.

However, the two will not break this relationship, nor will they ask for it further.

For Li Meng, he would not think too much.

He will go with the flow, after all, who will know what will happen in the future, how long this kind of lover relationship can last, even Li Meng does not know.

With a sigh of relief, Li Meng left these annoying things behind.

Lazily leaning on his seat, Li Meng opened the topic and said: "I will pay attention to this. After the elections in Bentley, I want to establish between Bentley and Ogeria. What do you think of a complete industrial system?"

Self-reliance is very important, you can't rely on Al for everything.

Li Meng had this idea a long time ago. When he learned of the threat from the starry sky, this idea became stronger and he wanted to implement it as soon as possible.

"This will happen sooner or later. The portal uses the subspace for transmission. This is very dangerous for "Ayre". If it is detected by the devil, it is very likely that Ayre will be discovered by the devil. Let this world embark on a path of independent development, by then, the portal can be closed."

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