Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1089: Liang Er

Those who have the highest number of votes in each city will be clearer on the screen and have more avatars, allowing the public to see more clearly.

There are 26 cities in Bentley State, which means that there are 26 members. Although the capital has the head of parliament, one member is required to manage the city's government affairs.

Compared with members of parliament, the president of parliament has more power, which is to control the country and mediate the existence of the operation of the cities.

In the central square of Marani city, there is already a crowd at the moment.

The temporary air force base on the square had been removed earlier, and moved to a more remote place on the outskirts, which made the central square completely empty.

But today, although the central square is large, it has been crowded with crowds in every space.

Everyone's eyes are on the huge screen on the stage. In the screen, the value is changing every moment. It is the free will of the people of Bentley.

In the crowd, in an inconspicuous corner, some unusual people mixed into the crowd, feeling this extraordinary lively day with the people around them.

"President! Who do you say has a better chance?"

Although there are crowds of black people all around, the positions of the two of them are quite generous.

Because around them, a few big guys squeezed out a space for them and blocked the terrifying flow of people with their strong bodies.

Looking at the screen on the high platform, Locks faintly smiled, and said: "This congressional dispute mainly comes from the rebels and the revolutionaries. The revolutionaries dominate the North and the rebels dominate the South. The division of interest lies in the approval of the First Army. The next decision has already been made. In the fight for parliamentarians, it will be 50-50. As for the president of parliament, he should appear among the revolutionaries."


The boy was a little puzzled. He did not think that the Resistance would lose to the revolutionaries.

Lockes shook his head lightly, and said, "Although I hope that the rebels can take the post of president of parliament, the conditions of the rebels are still a little worse. In Bentley, all important towns are in the north, and the only one in the south. The capital "Voda City" has been destroyed. The election of the president is the will of the people across the country. In terms of numbers, the Resistance Army lags far behind. Although I have my financial support, the Resistance Army has the upper hand slightly. The upper hand cannot change the final result."

"In other words, is Fei Lide most likely to become "President of Parliament"?"

The boy finally understood what Lockes said, and his face was quite unwilling.

Shaking his head, Lockes emphasized: "It is not possible, but certain. Although the First Army uses elections to determine the country's supreme power holder, only the approval rate is not enough. It also requires seniority, and Ability, in this period, only hard work can convince the masses."

"Since it's the default, why does the First Army need to be so troublesome?"

Only about this, the boy was quite puzzled.

With a faint smile, Locks turned his head to look at the teenager beside him, and said: "This is politics, Liang Er! Your mother wants you to follow me in business and become a businessman, but I want you to be in politics. Although you are young, The experience is not enough, but these will grow over time. With your ingenuity, you can reach the end no matter what path you take. Since God has given you such a "talent", why not use it in the right place What?"

Facing Lockes' gaze, Liang Er thoughtfully, fell into thinking.

Regardless of the path, he took it by himself. Regarding the chairman's suggestion, Liang Er could only regard this path as one of the paths that he could take in the future.

Lockes said nothing about Liang Er's thinking.

As his adoptive father, the only thing he can do is to mention him aside.

No one can make the final choice for him, only himself.

Raising his head slightly, Lockes looked into the distance, his gaze crossed the crowd and looked at the intersection on the south side of the square.

There was a loud voice in my ears, but the roar of the engine was clearly audible.

For some reason, in a few intersections, the First Army increased its strength.

Originally there was only one armored personnel carrier, a few armed assault vehicles, and a few squads of soldiers.

But now, with the dark-green figure shaking and the sound of the powerful engine, the force at the intersection to maintain law and order has suddenly increased several times. Lockes even saw a number of huge war machines and the long barrels. Does it give people a "fierce" feeling?

What happened?

Although there are many people in the square, there is no need for such a big battle.

Lockes discovered that, except for the unexpected increase in military strength at several junctions in the south, everything was normal at the intersections in other directions, which made Lockes notice that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Since the First Army entered the city of Marani, these heavy war machines have rarely entered the city. First, they will cause chaos. After all, their huge body will cause traffic chaos. Second, they will damage the roads. They are too heavy. , Even if the rubber track is hung, the weight alone will cause damage to the fragile roads in the city.

But today, these heavy war machines have entered the city again. Lockes does not believe that it is just to maintain public order in the square, and that maintaining public order does not require such a big battle.

"Go! Let's go back."

Although I don't know what happened, his sensitivity to crises over the years made Lockes choose to leave.

Pushed by many big men, several people walked towards the edge of the square.

There were a few cars parked on the side of the road in that direction, which belonged to the Huixing Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, when the final elections are going on intensely, in the military government of Marani City, Li Meng has also received unhappy news.

That was a report from Natasha.

The election is about to end, just waiting for the final result, a few days ago, Natasha returned to Marani City.

The flower has faded, only a piece of green remains.

The withered leaves were blown by the breeze, leaving the branches for their survival, and falling on the aisle, making the aisle covered with a layer of gold.

Walking on it, there will always be some crisp sounds.

At this time, in the courtyard, several figures were walking slowly in the aisle.

In front of a cluster of unknown plants with thorns, Li Meng stopped and looked at the needle-like spikes.

He said at the same time: "Are you sure?"

Behind Li Meng was Natasha wearing a black blood-printed armor and a cloak.

With the hood taken off, Natasha said in a deep voice, "Who is still unsure, but some sneaky people have appeared in Marani City. They were very cautious. When they noticed that they were noticed by the First Army, It disappeared, and no trace has been found yet."

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