Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1090: Silver wings

Beside Li Meng, the little Shayue seemed to be wondering why her master cared about this bunch of thorny and withered flowers, her little hand stretched out to touch the thorny flowers.

How could Sha Yue's small movement hide Li Meng's eyes, and with a light wave of her hand, she patted that small hand, stopping Sha Yue's behavior.

Then he stared at Sha Yue fiercely.

Facing the master's restraint and the reproaching gaze, Sha Yue shrank her neck timidly, and her long tail waved uncomfortably.

With a glance at Shayue, Li Meng withdrew his gaze from Shayue and turned to look at Natasha.

Asked: "Any clues?"

Speaking slightly, Natasha said: "Yes, just a few days ago, an abandoned ship was found in the waters of the port. There were a lot of blood in the ship, and two scrawny female corpses were found starved to death. Yes, according to inquiries, according to eyewitnesses, the owner of the ship is a strange group of people. It looks very uncomfortable. After going ashore, he entered the city and his whereabouts are unknown."

Female corpse?

Li Meng thoughtfully, said indifferently: "It seems that the person who came is not good."

Abandoned ships and female corpses are enough to prove that they are evil.

It happened that at this time, coming to Marani at this critical period, it is hard to believe that there is no purpose.

Natasha said: "Although they don't know where they are, after a few days of investigation, it has been determined that they are in a certain area. I have ordered martial law throughout the city and increased manpower in the squares where elections are held in the city. To ensure that the election can continue."

Pulling Shayue's little hand and leading the girls, Li Meng continued to walk around the aisle.

While walking and looking at the golden gardens, Li Meng said calmly: "You did the right thing. In any case, the election can't be stopped. Like dealing with this kind of people, the army's mobility is a bit poor. The damage will also be great. Let the ghouls do this, and the soldiers will be responsible for blocking the area."

Speaking of this, Li Meng thought of the martial artist's guild in Bentley, saying: "You can also issue a commission to the martial artist's guild. They are experts in tracking. Maybe those martial artists can catch the guy who is hidden in the dark. come out."

While following in the footsteps of her master, Natasha responded: "The ghouls have been arranged. The ghouls scattered in various places are gathering in Marani City. They should all arrive tomorrow. I will immediately arrange the arrangements for the Martial Artists Guild. ."

With a slightly raised hand, Li Meng said, "Go! There is no need to report to me all the time. I will observe the situation in Marani through the data terminal. If there is anything, I will contact you online."


With a slight expression, Natasha put on her hood and strode away.

Not far away, several cars are waiting.

Soon, with the roar of the engine, the convoy drove away from the courtyard amidst howling.

"His Royal Highness! It's just some unknown guys. What kind of waves can they make? Why such a big fanfare?"

Behind her, Sakuya's voice rang, she followed Li Meng's footsteps and said while walking.

In Sakuya's view, Marani City is so big, it is no surprise that what kind of people mix into it. After all, Marani City is big, there are many people, and there are many people.

Don't make the First Army nervous just because of a few people.

"Perhaps! But it's always right to be careful."

Li Meng does not deny this.

However, there is still a need to strengthen the vigilance. After all, these three days are extremely important days, and there should be no mistakes.

As soon as his body turned, Li Meng led the women to the military government.

The temperature of the sun gradually disappeared, which made a bit of chill outside, and the slight discomfort from his body made Li Meng yearn for warmth.

In the course of the election, time was lost bit by bit. As the sunset went down, the first day of election activities came to an end.

As the flow of people on the square gradually dispersed, the city gradually became lively.

Bally City, the headquarters of the Silver Wings Guild.

"What? One million coins?"

An exclamation of exclamation attracted the attention of countless figures in the hall. They cast their gazes at the counter and listened with their ears pricked up.

It’s rare to see millions of coins commissioned tasks, the tasks should be difficult, is it an "S" level task?

Behind the counter, an older woman looked at the task publisher in front of the counter in surprise.

He is very young, at least compared to her.

Wei Wei tidyed up her apron, and Tyra looked upright, and said, "I said, brother, one million crystal coins are enough to be lower than an S-level mission. What is it that embarrassed the First Army? The First Army cannot cope, and we are probably powerless."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall with their ears pricked shook their heads, disappointed.

I thought there was a good mission, but I didn't expect it to be released by the First Army.

How could the task issued by that great **** be easy?

Although money is a good thing, they don't take their lives at will.

He smiled, and the young man said embarrassedly: "I'm just a small street chief, I just follow the instructions above to issue a commission for the First Army. I know only the details of the task. I only know that there is a group of bad intentions. People from slumped into the city of Marani. You also know that the Bentley nation is holding elections intensively recently. If the army enters the city to search, it will cause a lot of chaos. That’s why the First Army found you."


From his arms, the young man took out a pile of materials and put them on the counter.

"These are the details of the mission, and some clues discovered by the First Army. In this mission, you are just hunters. You only need to find the prey and hand it over to the First Army for combat. The army in the city will cooperate with you."

Find someone?

Hearing the young man's words, everyone in the hall pricked their ears again.

If it is just to find someone, it is not difficult for them.

After all, the Martial Arts Association’s intelligence capabilities are very powerful. If any unusual people come to Bentley, there will be some news.

Hearing this, Tyra was relieved, if it was what the little brother said, it would be difficult for people to refuse this commission.

Putting away the information on the counter, Tyra said: "We have accepted this entrustment, and we will immediately send someone to Marani City."

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