Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1100: Unpredictable situation

Yuli shook her head and whispered: "Some people like to be alone and don’t like to work with others. In the guild’s collection, I have read a piece of information about the Dark Association. In that piece of information , Clearly records some of the most famous dark guilds in the dark association, among them is the Hessian Guild, among the important members of the Hessian Guild, I remember one person..."


Looking at Yuli suspiciously, Kaiwei looked a little surprised. Listening to Yuli's tone, she seemed to have guessed something.

Facing the curious eyes of the three, Yuli said calmly: "His name is Childe! A demon warlock."

Demon warlock?

Hearing these four words, the expressions of the three changed slightly and became very solemn.

The three of them knew very well that if it was as Julie had guessed, a major change might happen in Marani City.

Looking at Yuli with a serious gaze, Kaiwei said solemnly: "Yuli! This is a serious matter, is it true?"

Yuli could understand Kaiwei's disbelief.

When she saw this information, she couldn't believe it.

Demon warlocks are true fallen ones. They are tempted by demons and fall and become puppets of demons. They can no longer be called humans, and they will not mix with humans.

Although the Dark Guild belongs to the dark, the members of the dark guild are all humans. Although their thoughts are degraded and they use venting evil desires for pleasure, they are also humans and real humans.

Talking slightly, Yuli said calmly: "This is just what I have seen from that document. Only the president knows whether it is true. However, I would rather believe it if it is not. If you think about the missing humans, there are only demon warlocks. In order to **** them away quietly."

"You are right!" Kaiwei agreed with Yuli's words very much. If it was done by the Demon Warlock, the six hundred missing persons would have a clear signal, that is, sacrifice.

The power of demon warlocks comes from demons. They will instinctively plunder humans where they are supposed to, sacrifice with living people, and summon a powerful demon army.

Without further ado, Kaiwei immediately said to the three of them: "This news must be reported to the First Legion immediately, and he must be found before the Demon Warlock holds the sacrifice ceremony."

Feeling the urgency of the situation, they couldn't help but say, the four hurriedly left the terrace.

At this time, in the Xicheng District, Natasha's convoy arrived at the point where the disappearance case occurred last night.

It is located in the southern corner of Xicheng District, close to the suburbs, and is a series of residential buildings.

The road is a bit rotten, pitted, some pits are even more than one meter in diameter, and they are full of sewage.

Many vehicles can be seen on both sides of the road and next to residential buildings.

There are military armed assault vehicles, and there are also huge, bloated and metallic armored personnel carriers.

On the road between the buildings, a large number of soldiers wearing dark green power combat uniforms are patrolling.

In residential buildings, in the gloomy first-floor corridors, some figures can also be seen flashing.

At this time, the roar of the engine suddenly sounded from a distance, and soon, from the corner of the street, a convoy appeared.

This convoy is composed of multiple "Bison" armed assault vehicles, including a large and bloated armored command vehicle.

The appearance of the convoy caused the appearance of soldiers. Amidst the sound of running footsteps, a soldier hurriedly ran to the side of the road and waved to the oncoming convoy.

Beside the waving soldier, the convoy stopped.

This one is not an ordinary soldier, he is a third-level sergeant and the person in charge of the special operations team.

His name is Wanya. Not long ago, he was just a first-class sergeant and served on Nanlin Island. Because of his outstanding tasks and ability, he was promoted all the way. After being transferred to Bentley, he became A third-level sergeant was appointed.

With the sound of metal turning, the door of the armored command vehicle was opened.

Natasha, wearing a black blood-stripe armor and a black cloak, got out of the car, and her black iron shoes stepped on the gravel-filled ground.

"General! The third-level sergeant "Vania" will report to you." Looking at Natasha who got out of the car, Vanya raised the military salute and said loudly, and the mechanical voice came from the helmet.

When her feet were on the ground and in her hood, Natasha glanced at the residential building on the side of the road.

After regaining his gaze, he asked Vanya next to him: "Are there any new discoveries?"

Putting down the hand on his forehead, Vanya said solemnly: "Just now we found a new clue. I was about to report to the general. Unexpectedly, the general will come, general! Please follow me."

Led by Wanya, the two walked to a residential building on the side of the road.

As he walked, Vanya said: "Now it can be determined that the disappearance case is man-made. The only thing that makes people wonder is how the missing people disappeared quietly. According to our investigation of the missing family, we found that the home was Everything is neat and tidy, there are no signs of fighting, and there is no missing pair of shoes even under the bed."

"From the shoes, we confirmed that they left their room barefoot in the middle of the night. By virtue of this, we used a detection device that found micro-materials and tracked the missing persons by using foot dander from their feet. Since a long time has passed since the time of the crime, foot dander is a tiny substance that is easily blown away by the breeze. This has caused great difficulties for our work. Whether we can find anything, we still can’t make it. in conclusion."

In the hood, Natasha thoughtfully, it seems that she has met her opponent this time.

It is impossible to get more than two hundred people out of the room "voluntarily".

Thinking of this, Natasha asked: "How do you confirm that the disappearance case is man-made?"

From what I said just now, Vanya was quite sure that the disappearance case was artificial.

This made Natasha very curious, on what basis Vanya confirmed this matter.

Regarding General Natasha’s question, Vanya replied: “In the middle of the night, no one will go out at will, and no one will leave their room with a clear consciousness. According to this, we have The room conducted a detailed investigation. When investigating the composition of the air, we found an unknown micro-substance in the air. According to intelligent AI analysis, this substance has the effect of anesthetizing human consciousness, causing consciousness to fall into one. In this kind of vague perception, human beings will lose control of the body in this state and will respond instinctively to the familiar language of the outside world."

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