Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1101: Blood relations

It turned out to be like this...

Natasha understood that the culprit responsible for the disappearance case was also using this unknown substance to easily and quietly take away more than two hundred people overnight.

Those who were taken away didn't have the slightest knowledge of their behavior. They seemed to have lost consciousness and became a puppet at the mercy of others.

At this time, the two had arrived downstairs in a residential building.

In the open space downstairs, there was a row of corpses covered with white cloth. At a glance, there were more than a dozen of them, and some soldiers were guarding them around.

Regarding Vanya and Natasha's arrival, they raised their heads and bowed their chests and saluted them one after another, then dropped their hands and continued to stand guard.

Before a corpse, Vanya stopped and explained to Natasha next to him: “These corpses are some old people. They are a bit older. The anesthetic effect of that substance is very strong and destroys them. These old people’s fragile brain nerves have caused them to lose their lives in sleep."

Hearing Vanya's explanation, Natasha's eyes moved slightly, and she slightly bent over and squatted on the ground, pulling away the white cloth on the body in front of her.

As the white cloth was lifted away, a serene old man's face came into Natasha's eyes.

They were indeed walking quietly, without a trace of pain on their faces.

Stretching out her iron gloved hand, Natasha gently placed it on the old man's forehead.

On the black iron fingertips, a black halo flashed slightly and penetrated into the old man's forehead.

Vanya didn't know what the general was doing, but he didn't interrupt, but waited quietly.

For a moment, Natasha moved, and she withdrew her hand from the old man's forehead and covered it with a white cloth.

Standing up from the ground, Natasha said to Vanya who was beside her: "Dispose of the body as soon as possible, and report to me immediately if there is new information."

"Yes, I will order someone to deal with it immediately. I will inform the general as soon as possible if there is a new message." Wanya responded with a light nod.

"Continue to do your business, this matter must be understood as soon as possible, and it must not be allowed to affect the entry of the election into the city." After finishing speaking, without waiting for any response from Vanya, Natasha turned and walked away quickly.

Vanya could only watch General Natasha's back, holding a military salute to greet General Natasha away.

On the way back to the armored command vehicle, Natasha's expression was very solemn.

The little movements she made on the old man’s forehead just now were not meaningless. She just wanted to use the blood relationship to find the old man’s relatives. This is not magic, but a way of using the power of death to sense the blood relatives. Connection can be regarded as an ability to enhance perception. Of course, the premise is that the distance between blood relatives cannot be too far.

But Natasha failed. She did not perceive the existence of the elderly relatives.

There are two possibilities. One is that the relatives of the old man are too far from Natasha's location. This possibility is very small, because it is impossible for those missing to leave the city. As long as they do not leave the city, Natasha can perceive it.

The second possibility is that the old man’s relatives have already died and become dead, which of course Natasha cannot perceive.

This ability is based on the power of death to perceive life. If the target dies, of course it cannot perceive it, nor can it perceive any existence.

Things have become more complicated, and Natasha has a feeling that these kinds of events will not end easily, maybe a turmoil will be set off.

Thinking of this, Natasha's face became even more ugly.

The enemy is dark, everything is unknown, which makes the First Army very passive.

Unless the First Army conducts a large-scale city-wide search, this is impossible.

One is the timing. Today's Bentley country has been messed up enough due to election activities. If a city-wide search is carried out at this moment, it will undoubtedly mess up the situation even more, and the people of Bentley country will become panic.

The second is necessity. The reason why Natasha is angry, her face is ugly, she just hates the chaos caused by those jumping clowns, because once the situation is chaotic, the chaotic situation will become a trouble for Natasha. Solving this trouble requires a lot of energy, which Natasha didn't want to see.

In any case, the general trend of Bentley will not change, which Natasha never doubted.

She never thought that the rats in the dark could really do anything.

Even if something is done, the First Army can solve it.

After all, in Marani City, the First Army can station an army of up to 20,000 people. Under the deterrence of this army, it is enough to quell any unrest.

"General! There is news from martial artists who have found members of the Hessian Guild in an abandoned community in the west of the city." As soon as they got on the car, the correspondent in the car reported an unexpected news to Natasha.

found it?

In the hood, Natasha looked quite surprised.

Natasha has never expected the martial artist. The reason why she entrusted the martial artist to the task was only because of the master's instruction. She never thought that the martial artist could do anything in this matter.

It now appears that she was wrong.

"Where?" Natasha asked.

"In the east of the city, it is about 14 kilometers away from here." The correspondent replied.

Fourteen kilometers?

The distance is a little far away.

Thinking of this, Natasha asked again: "Is there any news about missing persons?"

"No, but those martial artists warned us that the disappearance case was probably done by another demon warlock named "Child", who plundered humans for sacrifice and summoning. A powerful demon.” At this point, the correspondent smiled, seemingly disapproving of the martial artist’s warning, and smiled: “How is this possible? Devil...”

He was interrupted by Natasha before he finished speaking.

"Nothing is impossible." After a faint glance at the correspondent, Natasha said coldly: "What you haven't seen doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are not only demons in this world, but there are even more peculiar existences. Even if you are by your side, there are such "immortal" existences like Dark Iron Warriors. When you come here, I will lose all of Al's cognition."

"Yes!" In the helmet, the correspondent replied with a slightly upright expression.

Natasha's words made him realize the mistake. Although he has not seen the devil, he has seen the black iron warriors. Those black warriors are indeed not their former comrades. They are silent and powerful. They were born from death and cannot be called. It is a human being, a more peculiar "undead".

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