Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1105: Real answer

The speed was so fast that Black Morgan could not have time to react. The iron hand was directly printed on the huge face of Black Mana. With the momentum and great strength, Black Mana's huge body leaned back and was directly pressed down by the Black Iron Warrior. The ground, the back of his head hit the ground heavily, and a big hole appeared in the cracks of the rubble.

When everything subsided, the fallen Heimo had passed out, and his swollen body seemed to be frustrated, slowly returning to its original shape.

The battle is over, from the battle to the end, less than a quarter of an hour.

In this quarter of an hour, four people in the Hessian Guild were killed and one was captured alive.

From beginning to end, the other black iron fighters in the intersection did not move. It was not that they were confident, but that the battle was not fair at all.

The enemy doesn't even have a weapon in hand, and one person is enough.

It was as if he was holding a little chicken, and the fallen Black Mo was held in his hand by the Black Iron Warrior and walked towards the intersection.

The endgame at the scene was naturally cleaned up, and for the Dark Iron Warriors, their task has been completed.

At this point, the small riots disappeared and the fighting ended.

"Close the team!"

For the army near the abandoned community, their task has also been completed.

Under the leadership of their respective sergeants, the army dispersed one by one.

Compared to the tension at the time of arrival, it is undoubtedly a lot easier when I disperse.

Soon, with the dispersal of the army, the abandoned community returned to calm.

In the darkness, due to the roar of the "rumbling" engine, countless eyes were cast from the residential buildings near the abandoned community. They looked at the army passing by the street with curious and suspicious eyes.

With the arrest of the group of Hessian Guild, the situation in Marani City seems to be much better, but this is not the end. As the truth emerges, the situation will become more dangerous.

In the darkness, in the surface calm, the First Army is moving quickly.

If there is a careful person, he will find that although the night is even, there are still a large number of soldiers patrolling the streets of Marani City. They form one patrol convoy after another, seemingly aimless, but Cover the entire city of Marani with a cooperative route.

In this way, it can be ensured that no matter where a new situation occurs in Marani, the nearest team can arrive within a quarter of an hour, and a team of up to two thousand people can be organized within half an hour. .

The place is small but very bright. The pure white light exudes a dazzling light, making the entire space a pure white color. This color will invisibly disturb people's thinking, make people unable to concentrate, and become inert. Tired.

This is an interrogation room, located in a prison on the outskirts of the city.

Before that, the prison was the target of Heimo, but now, although he has entered the prison, the situation is different from what he imagined.

In the closed and small interrogation room, he was firmly fixed on the iron seat, and he was still in a coma at the moment.

"Wake him up."

Opposite Heimo, the sergeant in charge of the interrogation spoke.

On both sides of Heimo, a soldier picked up a syringe placed on the table and pointed it at Heimo's neck. The green liquid in the syringe slowly poured into Heimo's body.

It is a hormone, a hormone that reacts to the nerves of the brain, similar to the existence of stimulants.

It didn't take long for the medicine to work.

Hei Mo, who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes and gasped quickly with his mouth wide open.

In a moment, Heimo's breathing slowly stabilized.

At this time, Hei Mo clearly realized where he was.

The restraint on his body made him unable to move, his gaze circled the interrogation room, and finally fixed his gaze on the body of the opposing sergeant.

Seeing Hei Mo's consciousness is clear, the sergeant head straight into the subject, he said coldly: "I only ask you one question, whether you answer it or not, I can let you speak. There are two syringes on the table in front of you. One has been injected and it wakes you up, while the other is a medicine used to make you talk. It is not a good thing. You may be able to bear the pain, but it can make you worse off than death."

This is a fright, a warning, and a threat.

The Sergeant Chief’s words didn’t make Black Mort afraid. He smiled tragically and said calmly: "I never thought of going out alive when I fell into your hands. You just want to know if there is a Hessian Guild in Marani. Members exist, I can tell you, yes, yes, he is called "Child", a demon warlock, I don't know where he is, even if I know I won't tell you."

Speaking of this, Heimo smiled grinningly and laughed loudly: "This is a gift, a gift from the Hessian Guild. Enjoy the joy of this gift, haha."

At this moment, Hei Mo was like a madman, his eyes were ferocious, that madness made people shudder.

The sergeant chief was unmoved by Hei Mo's madness. Now that the answer was obtained, he would naturally not continue to face this madman.

Standing up, the sergeant stood up.

"Let him be quiet for a while."

After an exhortation to the two soldiers in the interrogation room, the sergeant turned and left.

Beside Hei Mo, the soldier in Order Ling raised the **** of his rifle and slammed it on the back of Hei Mo, who was still laughing.

The laughter stopped abruptly, and Heimo's head dropped again and fell into a coma.

If it was said that the existence of the Demon Warlock was just a guess, after confirming it from Heimo, the guess has also become a real answer.

The chief sergeant who got the answer reported to his superiors in the first time.

Li Meng, who was in the military government in the suburbs, also received a report from Natasha.

When the night came, Natasha did not go out, staying in her own office in the Commander’s Mansion, waiting for news from the city.

When the arrest operation ended smoothly and the answer was obtained after interrogation, Natasha found the owner in the first time.

At this time, Li Meng didn't go anywhere, and stayed quietly in his room.

Natasha is waiting, why is Li Meng?

When Natasha hurriedly entered the room, Li Meng had already guessed what Natasha was going to say.


Seeing Natasha crossing the door, Li Meng confirmed.

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