Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1106: Preaching and duty

Natasha nodded, and said solemnly: "The Demon Warlock Childe is indeed in Marani, but I don't know his location. If he can, he must be eliminated tonight. Tomorrow is the last day of the election. Once he successfully summoned the demons, there will be great turmoil. Once the city starts a battle with the demons, the city of Marani will be destroyed again, and future reconstruction work will become a problem for the new government. Not a small burden."

Li Meng understands Natasha's concern. The city is the habitat of human beings. Once a battle occurs in the city, the damage to the city is only one of them. During the battle, even if the civilians are evacuated in time, the civilians cannot be prevented from being affected.

When this new government was first established, if a demon invasion occurred, it would undoubtedly affect the authority of the new government.

When he got up, Li Meng got up from the sofa, and he said to the women in the room: "You stay in the military government, and I will go with Natasha."


Sakuya was the first to stand up and express his opposition.

Looking at Li Meng, Sakuya pleaded: "His Royal Highness! One more combat power, one more chance of winning. We are also idle in the military government. If your Highness is worried about our safety, it is unnecessary. We are not humans, nor are we. Ordinary women, we are born to fight. Your Royal Highness should not ignore this in order to care. This is also the meaning of our existence."

This is the first time that Li Meng has been preached by Sakuya.

At this time, Wendy on the side also looked at Li Meng softly, and said: "We are the guards. Since the master wants to go to the battlefield personally, how can we be missing?"

Shayue beside Li Meng also used her slender hands to hold her master, and looked at Li Meng with her watery eyes.

The women unanimously objected, what could Li Meng do, he could only compromise.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Then go together."

Seeing Li Meng the same, of course the girls in the room are happy.

At this moment, a wave of waves in the air suddenly distorted and appeared. Behind Li Meng, the spirit body broke away from the void and turned into an entity to rush towards Li Meng.

In the eyes of the women, another master suddenly appeared behind the master, who was exactly the same and couldn't tell.

Except that Sha Yue was rather curious, the other goddesses looked as usual because they knew the existence of "spiritual bodies".

When the two touched, the spirit body immediately turned into the purest force of death and covered Li Meng's body.

In the black halo, with the power of death surging, a set of black armor was slowly consolidating on Li Meng.

When everything subsided, as the power of death dissipated, a set of black delicate armor appeared on Li Meng.

The armor is so delicate and perfect, reflecting the dark metallic luster under the light.

This is a spiritual outfit, which is a kind of use of the spiritual body.

The spirit body can transform between the virtual and the real. Although there are certain limitations, some ordinary substances and forms can be transformed. Although this is only a kind of illusion, not a real substance, it is effective. The substance equivalent to the form is the same, just like a genuine copy and a copycat.

This is actually a very helpless thing. Now Li Meng’s consciousness has to avoid leaving the human body, and Li Meng’s body is fragile. Although his mental power has recovered a little, it is still unbearable. Now the "spiritual body" is The only force Li Meng can use.

When the consciousness cannot be separated from the human body, only the spirit body can cooperate with the human body so that the human body has enough power.

Of course, this power does not come from the human body, but from the armor on the body.

With this armor on his body, Li Meng can control the "power of death" as he wishes like a spiritual body.

He stretched out his hand, opened his five fingers, and Li Meng moved slightly. The metallic luster of the water chestnut-covered iron gloves made Li Meng very satisfied. At least the appearance is beyond doubt.

Sometimes, a good appearance is also a weapon, because it can make the enemy feel pressured.

Wearing this armor, Li Meng's body seemed to be a lot stronger at once. Of course, this was the perspective of Li Meng from the outside.

It seemed that something was missing. Although the helmet was connected to the armor, the side of the face was empty.

With a thought, the power of death suddenly emerged from the iron hand, quickly forming a skeleton mask.

Holding the skull mask in his hand, Li Meng put it on his face.

Although the skull mask looks a little dark, the belief of the First Legion is "death", and the future state religion is the death sect. One day, the world will accept the belief of the First Legion.

Because the endless starry sky will let mankind understand that death is the greatest driving force for mankind to enter the starry sky.

Looking at the different, newly renewed master, the eyes of the women all light up.

People rely on clothes, horses and saddles. This sentence is correct. When the master puts on the armor of heroic warriors, the soft temperament of the human body completely disappears and becomes very mighty. The skull mask adds another to the master. mysterious.

"Oh, right!" With a slight smile, Li Meng had forgotten a little.

The power of death surged behind him, and a black cloak rolled out.

Since you pay attention to appearances, as the highest commander of the First Army, this appearance will be determined today. Use this appearance to enter the sight of mankind.

The First Army is a purely military armament. Even if an empire is established in the future, its military characteristics will never change. Both ordinary soldiers and high-level soldiers are soldiers, the purest soldiers, even Li Meng is not listed.

Li Meng also never thought of using that thin body to enter the sight of human beings. This time, why he used the identity of "special envoy" instead of "commander", and his intention is also the same.

Li Meng certainly understood the surprised look of the women and what they thought in their hearts.

This is excusable. After all, the skinny temperament of the human body has penetrated into the hearts of the women. If the temperament changes suddenly, they will of course feel uncomfortable and they will also shine.

"let's go!"

As soon as these words came out, the power of death suddenly surging in the room, Wendy, Sakuya, Kotoki, Pasha, even Shayue, all entered a fighting posture.

The original Gothic dress disappeared and turned into a black skirt like Sakiya.

This is the most basic fighting posture of the guards, and it is also the ability they have obtained from the resurrection pool.

This ability is "shaping", shaping the force of death.

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