Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1107: Sewer

Among Li Meng's family members, only Shi Ji, Li Meng's favorite family member, had this ability.

Other dependents, such as ghouls and ghouls, are much more ordinary, and there are also major flaws.

Take ghouls for example, their use of the power of death is almost zero, they will only use the power of death to strengthen themselves instinctively, and disdain for other uses, which also gives them the strongest physique and strength.

The ghoul is even more ordinary, because the appearance of the ghoul is just an accident. When the ancestor of the ghoul, "Chen Qi", was resurrected, it was Li Meng's first use of the "resurrection" ability, so use Time was more casual, and Chen Qi's body was a little special, very much more than ordinary people, accidentally created the "ghoul" family.

Also due to Li Meng’s randomness, the ghouls did not inherit Li Meng’s too much power. Although they have a natural affinity for the power of death, they always can’t win the love of the power of death. In the use of the power of death They are not as good as ghouls. Fortunately, they are smart enough to maintain the emotions and desires of human beings, and their physical activity is generally the same as that of humans. Although they are an alternative among the dead, they are for the First Legion. An indispensable existence.

Because only ghouls can ease the relationship between the First Legion and humans, and will not let the First Legion completely separate from humans.

With the girls, Li Meng left the room and walked outside the military government.

I have to say that the change in posture has made the normally gentle and charming girls become heroic. Although their hoods cover their faces, they only look at the appearance, and every figure is nothing.

I have to say that Li Meng's love for "beauty" has become very paranoid, which has also affected the entire First Army.

When a group of people walked out of the military government, a convoy was waiting in the courtyard.

It was late at night, and the city of Marani, shrouded in darkness, fell into a dead silence.

Occasionally, a patrol convoy drove by with the roar on an empty street, but as the patrol convoy went away, the street returned to silence again, and it repeated the cycle again and again, over and over again.

For the civilians in Marani, although they noticed the frequent patrol convoys that drove through the streets, they would not care, because in the usual nights, the patrolling vehicles can often be seen, but not as much as today. Many, not as frequently as tonight.

If you think about the election activities of the Bentley nation these days, you can understand the tension with the First Army.

In this way, as the civilians take for granted, the crisis is slowly approaching.

With the help of darkness, it quietly enveloped everyone in danger.

It's dark and damp, you can't see your fingers, only the sound of water flowing slightly is the only eternal melody in the darkness.

There is no light, only darkness.

This is the sewer, a world dominated by darkness.

In the past, whether it was day or night, there was only one color, and that was darkness.

But tonight, on this dark night, in the dark world of the sewers, a trace of long-lasting light emerged.

In the darkness, a murmur of whispers floated, as if calling, and as if speaking.

The faint flame was flickering, it came from the darkness not far away.

As you get closer, you can find that the fire is coming from a crack on the side of the sewer.

Looking into the crack, there is a very generous space inside.

Compared with the darkness of the sewers, this place looks very bright. On the walls around the space, there are burning torches one after another, and the jumping flames illuminate the originally dark space.

Under the firelight, there was a dark figure. He was kneeling on the ground and wearing a black robe. This made his whole body covered by the black robe, making people unable to see what he looked like, only to hear from the black robe. A soft murmur from the middle.

Under him, there is a blood-colored pattern, the pattern is very large, a circle, covering the entire space.

In the pattern, there are overlapping corpses one after another.

These corpses were terrifying, with hideous faces and wide-open eyes, and seemed to have been severely tortured during their lifetime.

On the scarred corpses, every corpse had a wound on its wrist, which caused the corpse to bleed out the blood in the body and also caused the blood to flow from the ground.

The **** scene and the piles of corpses made this small space a slaughterhouse.

At this time, the whispering voice suddenly became loud.

"My kind father, may your love come to this world, pain, compassion, love, the world needs your blessing."

The voice is distorted, abnormal, and affectionate, like a child calling for a kind father.

In his distorted call, his father responded.

The huge blood-colored pattern gleamed slightly with blood, and a trace of green mist slowly drifted out of the pattern.

As the green mist became more and more dense, the corpse on the **** pattern began to melt.

It was as if sulfuric acid had been splashed, and the body melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and more green mist drifted out from the melted body.

In less than a quarter of an hour, hundreds of corpses on the ground disappeared without a trace, not even a single remains.

At this time, the green mist has filled the entire space.

In the green mist, he was very excited in a black robe, sucking drunkly.

Although he couldn't see his face, he could feel it from the drunken gasp.

The wind suddenly appeared. It was not the wind, but the conscious action of the green mist.

It seems that there is something being manipulated, and the green mist in the space is gathering towards a certain point.

The gathered green mist was rotating in a counterclockwise direction, forming a huge vortex.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the center of the vortex is getting deeper and deeper. Until that moment, a terrifying breath appeared from the vortex.

For ordinary people, they cannot feel this kind of spiritual induction. Their consciousness will only tremble instinctively, like falling into an ice cave, subconsciously a sense of crisis.

But for Li Meng and all the girls, the sudden evil aura was so clear.

"the host……"

In the armored command vehicle, the expressions in the hoods of the women changed slightly. Somewhere in the city, they felt the existence of evil, and Sakiya's gaze turned to Li Meng. The call in her mouth was to remind and seek Coping method.

Undoubtedly, their actions are too late, the demon warlock has successfully summoned the demon

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