Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1108: Disgusting devil

Starting from the military government, the convoy of Li Meng and his party has entered the city.

Not long after entering the city, the convoy was racing on a street in the south of the city.

To the eyes of the women, under the skull mask, Li Meng's expression was very pale.

Although the demon is a very scary creature, for everyone, it has not reached the level of fear.

Even if the demons are so powerful that they cannot be resisted, they will not be afraid, because they are "dead", and "dead" will not have the emotion of "fear".

Leaving slightly, Li Meng left the large and soft seat and strode to the command platform.

Turning on the projector, the blue light flickered, forming a clear map on the command platform.

In an indifferent tone, Li Meng said, "Order all the troops in the city to immediately block the third and fourth streets of Xicheng District."

When giving the order, Li Meng slid his finger slightly on the touch screen of the command platform and drew a circle on the map.

After a blockade circle appeared, Li Meng continued: "From now on, every quarter of an hour, the blockade zone will expand one mile from this circle until the blockade is isolated."

Finally, Li Meng did not know who ordered: "Open the route map for the underground waterway of Marani City."


There was a clever response from the command platform, and the small figure of "Sha" jumped out of the screen.

After paying a military salute to Li Meng, she quickly pulled out another map from the corner of the screen.

This picture is three-dimensional and can clearly distinguish the various routes between the ground and the underground.

Looking at the newly appeared map, Li Meng said: "The blockade should not only block the surface, but also block the underground waterways. At the same time, the civilians in the blockade should be evacuated immediately."

"The order has been communicated. The patrols scattered throughout the city are heading to the blockade. The Xiaowai barracks are gathering troops and will be able to reach the blockade in about an hour and a half."

At this moment, Li Meng has taken over the command from Natasha.

Although Li Meng is not good at military command, it is at the strategic and tactical level. In small-area battles, the deployment of the army relies on the ability to react and calculate. At this time, Li Mona calculated A powerful brain can come in handy.

The most important thing is "intelligence." Although Natasha, Sakuya and the others can feel the presence of the evil aura, they cannot confirm the exact location, but Li Mengneng, when the evil aura appears, Li Meng is already locked in. The place of evil.

The order has been issued, and the next step is to see how the army can react.

Looking at the map, you can see a lot of moving blue dots on the map. Each moving blue dot is a patrol convoy, and the patrol convoys distributed in the city are quickly heading to the blockade.

Although the order has just been issued, at this time, the patrol team near the blockade has already arrived in the blockade, and there are already many blue dots in the blockade.

Tonight is not destined to be a peaceful night.

It was late at night, and at this time many civilians fell asleep.

Few people can notice the different changes in Marani City in the past.

On the empty streets, patrol teams from all over the city were racing wildly, and the powerful engine "roaring" came from a distance and quickly disappeared.

On the third and fourth streets of Xicheng District, the patrol team arriving in the blockade area turned on the alarm device of the vehicle as if it were facing a major enemy. The harsh sound echoed over the street, and it also surprised the residential buildings. Civilians.

"Attention, this place has been sealed off. Please leave the room immediately and evacuate to a safe area. Please obey the instructions."

The sound from the horn repeated over and over again, echoing in the streets.

A large number of soldiers rushed into the residential building and knocked on every door.

"This place is very dangerous. Please leave as soon as possible. Don't take anything or bring it. The First Army will guarantee your personal safety."


Where does the danger come from?

The people did not understand the warning to the soldiers, nor did they understand what the First Army was doing.

Although they didn't understand, and they were puzzled in their hearts, a large number of civilians got up and left the room in a hurry.

When they left the residential building, they discovered the seriousness of the matter.

In the dark streets, there are dazzling beams of light everywhere, a large number of various vehicles, and a large number of soldiers.

On the road and on the vehicle, the soldiers were on the verge of an enemy, patrolling the surrounding darkness vigilantly, the guns in their hands were tightly gripped, and the fingers were placed on the trigger.

"Da da da!"

The calm darkness was finally broken by gunfire.

After the first gunshot sounded, there were more intense gunshots followed by a "rumbling" explosion.

"What happened?"

"The devil was found on the third block, and two patrol teams are fighting with it."

"Any support request?"


The sound of gunshots in the distance made the soldiers on the street nervous.

This place is located at the central edge of the blockade. Behind them, a large number of civilians are constantly walking out of the residential buildings. The fighting place is not far from them, which makes the soldiers on the street vigilant.

At this moment, a group of swaying shadows suddenly appeared from the street on the left in front

It was too far to distinguish it, but the shaking black shadow was very clear.

"Ready to fight!"

How could the soldiers ignore this vision, with a loud roar, all soldiers on the street pointed their guns forward, aiming at the shaking figures in the dark.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, three armed assault vehicles stepped forward, and the dazzling beam of light shot into the darkness.

Under the illumination of the headlights, all hidden objects are in sight.

What kind of monster is this? They look like humans, their skin is scarlet, their bodies are covered with abscesses, and their bodies are plump like a big ball of meat.

They have different shapes, some are short, like a fleshy ball with tentacles, and some are big, like a big fat man walking staggering, but they all have one characteristic, that is, they are covered with abscesses all over their bodies. They are all disgusting wounds, and some places can even see slimy internal organs.

Their disgusting appearance cannot be described in words.

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