Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1109: Line of defense on the street

The lights irritated them, they opened their big sticky mouths, and roared harsh and sharp roars, laughing and crying, their rotten bodies, like **** of meat, rushing towards the soldiers on the street. The past is extremely fast.


With a loud roar, the soldiers on the street pulled the trigger.

"Da da da!"

Flames spit, gunshots rumbled, countless bullet marks cut through the night, like a fiery stream covering the demon.

"Chiff, chick!"

The bullet hit their bodies, but did not stop them.

Their bodies seem fragile, but they are indeed fragile. The bullets easily penetrated into their bodies, but that's all. Their bodies swallowed the bullets. Although the body was splashed with liquid and scarred, they sent out. Sharp laughter.

The soldiers were surprised to find that the guns in their hands could hardly cause effective damage to the devil, and could not stop the devil from advancing.

"The battle is ineffective! We need more powerful weapons. Quickly, immediately request support from the nearby Sickle Mechas. RPG is ready to stop them!"

Under the command of the chief sergeant, the soldier with the rocket launcher on his shoulder quickly replaced the weapon in his hand and was ready to attack.


With an order, only a whistling sound was heard, a number of rockets flew out, the burning flame tore through the darkness, and one head plunged into the demons not far away.

"Boom, boom!"

A deafening explosion sounded immediately, and several fireballs burst in the demons. A large number of demons were swallowed by the flames, and their bodies were torn apart by the powerful impact and turned into a pool of flesh.

Seeing the explosive attack was effective, the soldiers' eyes brightened.

The sergeant commanded immediately: "Use a grenade against the enemy."

Although the power of rifle grenades is somewhat small, the explosive power is much stronger than bullets.

"Humm! Humm!"

As dozens of rifle grenades flew into the night sky amidst the strange sound of gunshots, for a moment, a dense explosion broke out from the demons, as well as bursts of fireballs.

In the explosion, countless demons were swallowed by flames, some were blown up, some were overturned by air waves, and some were directly hit by grenades and wiped out in smoke.

Under the resistance of more than fifty soldiers, hundreds of demons on the street were successfully intercepted.

However, the situation is quite unsatisfactory. Grenades are no better than bullets, and there are not many carried with them. They can only sustain a few waves of attacks by soldiers.

At this time, behind the soldiers, the civilians who walked out of the residential building had already seen the demon exposed to the lights on the street, screaming for a while, and fear appeared on all of their faces.

what is that?

Is it a polluting beast?

Is there such a detestable polluting beast?

"Don't mess, please evacuate as soon as possible, and evacuate to the north. There is a blockade outside the two streets. You will be safe there."

In the face of the panicked crowd, the soldiers who maintained order could only comfort them.

On the street, they were the first place to exchange fire. Looking to the rear, in front of a row of residential buildings, there were soldiers guarding civilians who left the residential buildings.

On the street, some soldiers rushed to the place where the fire was exchanged in vehicles, but the scattered crowds on the street greatly affected their speed.

"There is no ammunition, Sergeant Chief, we must evacuate!"

In several waves of battles, the soldiers ran out of grenades and could only use bullets to continue attacking the devil.

But the power of the bullet is too small, and it tends to set fire. A small demon can withstand the blow of hundreds of bullets until the body is shattered by bullets and cannot move.

When the firepower became weak, the demon immediately rushed forward, and it was already less than fifty meters away from the line of defense on the street.

The soldiers could already see the ugly figure clearly.

Although the power combat uniforms of the mobilizers are all the same, they are different.

He slightly separated from the front line, turned and looked behind.

Although the civilians in the residential building beside them have been evacuated, there are evacuated civilians everywhere in the rear and on the streets. Once they evacuated, the devil will overtake them and tear all the civilians to pieces.

The sound of "Da Da" gunshots echoed in my ears, and the heavy machine guns on the assault vehicle fired bullets into the darkness. The bullets roared endlessly, as the bullets hit the distance, fighting He felt the fierceness of the comrades, and he felt the tension of his comrades. After all, their enemy was not humans, nor polluting beasts, but even more peculiar and evil demons.

"Patrol Team No. 26, please evacuate immediately. The streets are crowded and cannot be reinforced. A new line of defense has been set up at the first intersection behind you. Please evacuate immediately. Please pay attention to the area map. The smart AI is already online, code-named "Sha". Guide you."

When he was hesitating whether to retreat, the communicator rang from his superiors.

On the screen in his helmet, a little figure jumped out even more.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately said: "Please evacuate immediately. You have 30 seconds. After one second, your troops will suffer casualties. The countdown is 30, 29."

Seeing the imitation of General Natasha in military uniform on the screen, the sergeant commander was surprised by the beating number before he was surprised, and quickly gave the order to evacuate.

"Everyone is evacuated, no love for war."

At this time, the devil was already close at hand, and a charge could rush into the line to kill.

With the order to evacuate, all the soldiers gave up their immediate target, turned and ran towards the vehicle on the side of the road.

Under the cover of the heavy machine gun on the assault vehicle, in just 20 seconds, more than fifty soldiers boarded the assault vehicle and an armored personnel carrier.

The engine had already started. With the roar of the powerful engine, the demon was approaching, and the speed of the convoy was finally raised, slowly pulling away from the demon.

Facing the enemies they had gotten away, the demons running wild on the street roared in anger.

In the dark streets, more and more demons came out from everywhere, their numbers increased, and the harsh roar echoed in the night sky.

The sudden battle disturbed the entire city of Marani. Although the city of Marani was large, the occurrence of the fighting could not be hidden. The First Army never thought of hiding it.

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