Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1126: Motivational speech

He looked at the deputies on the stage, and said with a smile: "Members, please take your seats!"

Under the urging of the old man, a group of old and young congressmen waved to the crowd reluctantly, turned back and sat down on a row of seats on the stage.

On the other side of the podium, there are still several places, where several people have already been seated.

These people are all candidates for the head of parliament, and their identities are also extraordinary.

In the position closest to the podium, he was sitting on the floor. He had arrived in Marani two days ago.

He has also personally experienced the recent changes in Marani.

Facing the gaze of more than 100,000 people in the audience, Fei Lide's face did not fluctuate too much. Although there was tension in his heart, his years of experience have allowed him to remain unchanged on various occasions.

Slightly tilted his eyes, Fei Lide looked to the other side.

On the other side of the seat, he saw many familiar people, one of them was "Ricky", his former staff.

As if aware of his gaze, Ricky and a few others nodded to Fei Lid and exchanged their gazes.

In some people, the excitement on their faces is obvious, but on this occasion, they can only hold back the joy in their hearts and stay calm. In any case, at this time, they must pay attention to the image.

On the huge screen, the time is beating, in the eyes of everyone, it has become 15 o'clock.

On the screen, Fei Lide's portrait jumped out, almost occupying the entire screen.

At that moment, the people in the audience boiled again and cheered.

When the cheers of the people gradually subsided, the old man on the podium said in a calm voice: "I announce that the election is over. The first president of Bentley is "Filid Lasage". Let us congratulate him with warm applause. He, I hope he will lead Bentley to prosperity."

As soon as the voice fell, fierce applause rang out from the audience, with great momentum and deafening.

Fei Lide also stood up, smiled and waved to the audience.

The people in the audience are not alone, because everything that happened in the central square is being broadcast live in each city. In the squares of the elections in each city, the screen shows the main square of Marani.

At this moment, using the unobstructed network, the First Army stirred the hearts of all the people in Bentley.

When the applause fell, looking at Lilid, the old man smiled and said: "Now we have Mr. Lilid, the president of the parliament, to speak on stage."

After speaking, the old man walked down from the podium and gave up his position.

In the eyes of everyone, Fei Lide turned and walked onto the podium.

Looking at the people under the platform, at this moment, Lilid's nervous heart calmed down.

This reminded him of the significance of the existence of revolutionaries.

What is the meaning?

That is change, not a promise, but actual action.

Without the First Army, even if their revolutionaries succeeded, they would not be able to realize their wishes.

But now, the opportunity to realize the wishes is close at hand, and the only thing needed is a motivation, a motivation to awaken the people of Bentley.

The speech in his arms, Lilid did not take out.

In the eyes of the public, he slowly said: "Once, we yearned for freedom, longing for prosperity, not being trapped by hunger, cold, or poverty, not being oppressed by the evil, and facing all kinds of hardships. We had the heart to resist, but we did not do anything. The courage to fight freely..."

The strenuous words on the stage undoubtedly affected the hearts of many people. The past sufferings silenced many people, and their expressions were very complicated.

It's not just the civilians in the central square of Marani City that have complex expressions. At this time, countless people gathered under the screen in the squares of cities across the country fell into silence.

Facing the sadness of the people in the audience, Feilide did not stop what he said, and continued: "Faced with the oppression of the evil forces, we are afraid, afraid, and give up any dignity. We are told that we are born To survive, we must prove the value. We work hard, pay hard work, and pay dignity in order to prove our value. Is this the meaning of survival?"

"No, this isn't it." Labored's voice became loud, and he said straightly: "We are humans, real humans. We have our own thoughts and different desires. We are qualified to fight for freedom, and we are qualified to fight for freedom. To fulfill our own wishes."

Speaking of this, Fei Lide's expression is slightly sinking, and he said in a deep voice: "But this world is not beautiful. Strong means survival, while weak and weak only have destruction. This is true whether it is a person or a country. We need freedom and the strong. Only under the protection of the strong can we change ourselves."

"Human rights, freedom, and the First Legion gave us under the new regime. Now, what we have to do is to do our duty to make this country a better country. Here, I promise you that, as the President of Parliament , I will take you out of poverty and create a better future."

As soon as the words fell, fierce applause suddenly sounded, and the laborious words undoubtedly drove the people's emotions.

This gave him the warmest applause and the most admired look.

As a politician, the hard work at this time is undoubtedly extremely qualified.

He mediated the relationship between the people and the First Army very well, and made the people more receptive to the existence of the First Army.

As he said, the weak need the protection of the strong, the First Army is the strong, and the Bentley Country is the weak. This description is quite appropriate, and it will give the public a natural perception. .

And the last promise made by hard work is an incentive and an announcement of the political goals of the first president of parliament.

What followed was boring officialdom. I took out a speech in my arms, and announced to the people the goals of this regime, various goals, and what kind of policies it would implement.

Finally, amidst the warm applause and cheers, Lilid stepped off the stage.

So far, Bentley’s election has been fully concluded at this moment. After tomorrow’s conference, Bentley will take the first step on a new path.

Today, some people are happy and some are sad, but there are undoubtedly more people in Bentley today.

Regardless of whether the politician's promise will be fulfilled, for the people, good words are always loved.

No matter what changes Bentley will have in the future, the people will never forget this grand and spectacular scene today.

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