Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1127: statement

With the end of the election, the new government and the people of Bentley are discussing it.

In any case, one thing is undeniable. The military government that oppressed them no longer exists. Bentley is changing. Whether the direction of change is good or bad can only be proved by time.

Night fell.

In the city of Marani, the fighting in the blockade continued, and the gunfire in the sewers continued to sound. Under the clearing, the sewer blockade was shrinking bit by bit. Before the new day arrived, The battle will be completely over.

At this moment, the military government is also a little busy.

A convention will be held tomorrow. The venue of the convention will be the military government.

In the military government, there is a great hall, which is the venue for important meetings. In the entire city of Marani, only the military government can be competent for the upcoming important conferences.

Before a new day arrives, the First Army must be prepared.

Before dark, Jevrich took some people into the military government, and began to prepare for the meeting tomorrow.

This made the military government that had always been quiet a little bit lively. In the corridors, it was no longer empty, and there were walking figures everywhere.

"He is smart..."

On the screen, on the podium at the meeting stage, Fei Lide was speaking. Li Meng still recognized his words very much, with a faint smile on his face, whether it was praise or other intentions.

Tonight, Li Meng didn't walk around everywhere. After dinner, he came to Natasha's office.

Although Li Meng did not go to the conference venue in the central square in the afternoon, you don't need to go there in person to know the situation.

Besides, everything that happened in the central square in the afternoon was recorded by the First Army.

The screen is replaying the scene of hardly speaking on stage in the central square in the afternoon.

At Li Meng's side, Natasha leaned lightly on the edge of the desk, a cold voice sounded from her hood.

"He didn't have to be elected. As the first President of Parliament, his first task was to allow the people of Bentley to accept the rule of the First Legion. If he could not do this, the new regime would not be necessary, and so did he."

Although Natasha's words are a bit tough, the reason is correct.

As an outsider, the First Army wants to rule this country. It is not enough to use force alone. It also needs to subdue this country spiritually. This will take time to change.

Just like what Fei Lide said, the weak need the leadership of the strong. As long as the first legion is strong enough, the survivors can maintain permanent loyalty to the first legion.

At one point on the screen, Li Meng turned off the video.

Turning his head to look at Natasha beside him, Li Meng asked, "How is the elimination of the devil going?"

Natasha said: "Everything goes well, the number of demons is lower than our previous estimate, and the battle will be over tonight."

Lightly nodded, for Li Meng, this was a good thing.

In this way, before tomorrow's meeting, the demon event finally came to an end.

At this time, Natasha said again: "Master, the culprit of this incident, Childe, was captured last night."


Natasha's words made Li Meng a little surprised. He was still thinking about when he could find the trouble of Demon Warlock Childe, but he didn't expect to have captured it.

Li Meng did not get any news about this matter.

"Where is he?" Li Meng asked.

"His body has been semi-demonized, just like a demon. Considering the danger of his existence, he was executed last night and he was thoroughly purified."

Is it executed?

Although it was unexpected that Natasha ordered Childe to be killed so quickly, Li Meng didn't care too much.

For this kind of person, even if he is still alive, Li Meng will not let him live for too long.

However, it was too early to kill.

After thinking about it, Li Meng reminded Natasha.

"In the future, we must not execute such people privately, but openly, and fire to them in public. We must let mankind understand that even with high walls, there are threats around them."

Humans must have sufficient knowledge of demons, only in this way can they reduce their inner fears.

Li Meng understands that fear often comes from inner ignorance. As long as you have some understanding of the unknown, no matter how evil it is, no matter how scary it is, as long as it can be killed, the fear in the human heart will be very large. The lowering of the situation sometimes even leads to courage due to fear.

"Yes!" Natasha responded.

Although fire torture is inhumane, the fallen can no longer be called "human beings". Only flames can purify them.

Natasha very much agrees to the request of the master.

"Master! What should Blackmore and Sass do?"

The dark guild is only the most evil side of human beings. No matter how crazy and evil its members are, they are still humans. As long as they are humans, they cannot be confused with demons. Although their various behaviors are sometimes more terrifying than demons, one is one and two is. Second, this made Natasha quite difficult to deal with them.

Natasha would not hesitate to say that she was sentenced to death, but it seemed a bit wasteful to do so.

How to deal with it?

Behind the desk, Li Meng was lost in thought.

Killing them like this is too cheap for them.

Although they deserve to die, death is the best punishment for them, but death alone cannot satisfy Li Meng.

In a moment, Li Meng had an idea.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said calmly: "This Hessian Guild has heard that the name is not small. This failure will definitely not be reconciled. Let us see the value of these two people. Keep them shut first, don't let them die. ."

Stretching lazily, Li Meng smiled indifferently, and continued: "This time the Hessian Guild has caused such a big demon invasion in Marani City. The First Legion will not forget it, the headquarters of the Hessian Guild. Isn’t it in the Kingdom of Orleans? A statement was sent to the Kingdom of Orleans, saying that the First Legion and the Hessian Guild were at odds with each other and demanded that this evil organization be eliminated immediately."

"Master! The First Army has no communication with the Kingdom of Orleans, and there is no communication channel."

Although the purpose of the master's actions was somewhat strange, Natasha had to remind her.

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