Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1135: is it wrong?

Yes, she can feel that he cares about them in those words, but that way is unacceptable for Gunia, which makes Gunia very uncomfortable. She never expects anything, but she doesn't like her country being People are intimidated and threatened.

"Sister Gunia!"

At this moment, Teresa, who was beside her, pulled her hand.

"What's the matter?" The sleeves were pulled, causing Gu Niya to look down at her younger sister.

Facing the gaze of Gu Niya's sister, Teresa's expression was very calm. She just looked back at Gu Niya with a light gaze and said softly: "When the mother was alive, she said that as a princess, we will not have The right to choose, the only thing we can do is fight for or escape. The queen let us fight for our own future. Teresa is still young and doesn’t know much. I don’t know what Sister Gunia thinks, but Teresa When she grows up, she will definitely fight for her elder brother, because in Teresa's heart, her elder brother is Teresa's future."

Gu Niya, who was a sister, was surprised by the straightforward words of Little Teresa.

She smiled bitterly, rubbed Teresa's little head, and said helplessly: "Even if there is no possibility with him, will you fight for it?"

"Yes!" Teresa nodded seriously, and said softly: "Regardless of political needs or interest needs, as long as the older brother can remember Teresa."

Looking at Teresa with a serious face, Gunia was silent, her eyes complicated.

On the other side, Dinessa also stared at Teresa blankly. In her small pupils, she didn't know what she was thinking.

With a light sigh, Gu Niya said without understanding: "Telisa, what kind of medicine did he give you? Let such a young age put your mind on him."

Regarding Sister Gunia’s question, Teresa just smiled and said of course: "Big brother’s love for Teresa, Teresa can feel it, if Teresa refuses this kind of thought, elder brother will Disappointed."

Is it just that?

For this answer, Gu Niya was even more surprised, and she was also somewhat taken for granted.

It's not surprising that little Teresa knows about love matters.

Thinking of this, Gu Niya breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed Teresa's little head again, and said angrily: "You, you are a little devil, although I think so now, it won't be the same in the future. "

Teresa didn't refute the words of Sister Gunia, she just smiled slightly and looked at the sea again.

Fight for it?

Looking at the vast sea, Gu Niya was silent.

After communicating with Teresa, Gu Niya figured out some things.

Yes, for the future, they have to fight, not only to fight, but also to do everything possible to fight. Only in this way can she and her sisters' future lives be guaranteed.

As Teresa said, Li Meng is the only existence they can fight for at the moment.

Gunia didn't hate this person, otherwise she wouldn't have the thought of dedication.

Although there are factors of interest, as the princess of the Kingdom of Austria, she has no choice, because her every move involves interest, which is not what she thinks, but is irresistible.

Whether it is the arrogance of the martial artist or the arrogance of the princess, sometimes you must let go.

Kuniya knew very well that he was not malicious, and that what he said was just because he cared about them too much.

Her arrogance, her recognition of the kingdom, and the maintenance of her father made Gu Niya unacceptable. She believed that she had been insulted in dignity. It was precisely because of this that the two eventually broke up unhappy.

At a certain moment, Gunia also regretted it, but the arrogance in her heart made Gunia unable to put down her face to admit her mistake.

But now, Gu Niya has already figured it out, no matter how bad his words are, it is enough to care about their intentions. As long as this is certain, the others can be ignored.

Thinking of this, Gu Niya suddenly felt that she was so unreasonable. It was clear that what he said and did everything for them, and finally, because of her arrogance in her heart, she deeply hurt her.

Regret and panic all rushed to my heart, which made Gu Niya's hands tightly grasp the guardrail.

In the end, the good mental qualities of a martial artist calmed Gunya's chaotic heart.

The things have been done and the words have been spoken. Regret is of no use, and now I can only make up for it.

Gu Niya asked for nothing but forgiveness and peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Gu Niya took a deep breath, and the gloom on her face swept away.

At this moment, Gu Niya has completely figured it out.

With a slight expression on her face, Gu Niya looked at the sea in the southwest and said: "Let's go to the Danlan Kingdom!"

The eldest princess has made a choice, which undoubtedly makes him very happy for Torres.

As the captain of the royal family's guards, for Torres, protecting the three princesses is only his duty. He cares more about the survival of the kingdom and the rise and fall of the royal family.

In his opinion, if the First Army is assisted, the kingdom will prosper.


Torres responded loudly, with excitement.

He quickly left the ship's gunwale and ran towards the cockpit.

Soon, the ship sailing on the sea slowly turned around and headed southwest.

At this moment, Gu Niya had made a choice, a choice that satisfied Li Meng.

Of course, Li Meng, who was thousands of miles away, didn't know what happened.

Several days have passed, and Bentley has officially embarked on the road of dawn.

In the cities of Bentley, power is changing, and the army of the First Army is gradually withdrawing. Soon, soldiers of the First Army will not be seen in all cities of Bentley.

Of course, although the army has withdrawn from the city, it does not mean that the First Army has completely withdrawn from Bentley.

Although political power was handed over to the new government of Bentley, it was still necessary to station troops in Bentley.

There is an island outside the gate of Marani Bay. It is called "Turner Island". This island is also the place where the First Army attacked Bentley’s first shot. Due to its good location, the First Army intends to Here is built into a military base.

The construction of military bases takes time. Therefore, nearly 50,000 troops of the First Army will temporarily stay in Marani City, waiting for the completion of the construction of the military base before they will be fully stationed on Turner Island.

The alternation of power is proceeding in an orderly manner everywhere, and now, the only thing needed is time.

For Li Meng, the trip to Bentley is over, and he has also completed his mission.

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