Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1136: financial problem

Although he didn't do anything, he just showed his face.

However, when the identity reaches a certain height, showing up is enough.

The task was completed, and for Li Meng, it was also time to leave.

The long night had just left. In the early morning when everything recovered, after breakfast, Li Meng came to Natasha's office, but he did not expect to hear a bad news as soon as he entered the office.

"No money?" Sitting on the chair behind the desk, Li Meng looked at Natasha beside him in disbelief.

How can there be no money? Li Meng can remember that there are more than one billion funds in the accounts of the First Army.

The last time I paid attention to finances was only a few days ago. After these few days, the money is gone?

"It's not that I don't have money, but I'm about to run out of money?" Looking at the master's silly appearance, Natasha smiled very rarely and emphasized.

Hearing this, Li Mengbai gave Natasha a glance, and said angrily: "I said, how can the billions of funds be said to be gone, okay, Natasha, now even you I made a joke about the master."

As he said, Li Meng faked an anger, grabbed Natasha's slender wrist, and pulled the tall and delicate body closer to his arms.

When the tender body was in his arms, the fake anger on Li Meng's face disappeared immediately, but his expression was bad, as if he was going to punish Natasha.

Seeing her master look like this, Natasha had no choice but to nudge her master's chest, and explained: "Master! I didn't lie to you, I didn't make a joke, just listen to me."

Natasha's pushing seemed to be itching, although her hands seemed to push again, in fact, there was no strength in her hands.

Is it a joke, why doesn't Li Meng know?

With a slight smile, Li Meng put away his frivolous appearance, his expression was slightly straight, and he held the delicate body in his arms, his eyes quietly looked at the white and beautiful face, and he made a look of listening. .

Being watched by the master, Natasha said softly: "Bentley is very poor and very rich. During the war, we got nearly two billion coins from the military government. For a country, this Money is undoubtedly scarce. Poverty is manifested in civilians, while wealth is manifested in military commanders. Since the military government is a dictatorship, money will eventually flow to the highest authority, that is, military commanders. After the war, we did something. The investigation revealed that the treasury of the military government is not in Bentley but in Kyoto."

"In Kyoto?" Li Meng was a little puzzled. How could Bentley's treasury go to Kyoto?

Regarding the master’s confusion, Natasha explained: “The Bentley country implements an inheritance system. Every commander comes from the same family. Whoever inherits the commander will stay in Bentley, while the other members of the family go to Kyoto. Living in Kyoto, the family will manage the wealth for the army commander of Bentley. They often open an account with the Warsaw Bank to store an astonishing amount of wealth."

Hearing this, Li Meng had some feelings. As expected, none of the political messengers were stupid. Even in a high position, they would always leave a way for themselves.

Obviously, as the supreme leader of Bentley, he put the wealth plundered from this country abroad and put it in the international metropolis of Kyoto. Isn't this a good way forward?

While appreciating, Li Meng finally knew how indifferent the human beings in this world were to their homeland.

Speaking of this, Natasha continued: “Wealth has been taken away by the military commander. Today’s Bentley nation has become an empty shell. For new governments everywhere to maintain their operations, they must have a certain amount of capital injection. A lot of money, if you let the congressmen find a way for this matter, I am afraid that it will provoke anger and resentment. As a possession of the First Army, Bentley nation should bear this responsibility."

Nodding lightly, Li Meng agreed with Natasha's responsibility.

The new government of Bentley is from the First Army. If only an empty shell is left and nothing is left, then the development of Bentley is a joke.

"According to the calculation of intelligent AI, in the first year, the First Army needs to inject about 5 billion into Bentley, and in the second year it needs to inject 3 billion. In the third year, if Bentley develops smoothly, there will be a certain amount of finance. In five years’ time, the First Army will benefit from Bentley’s income.”

In other words, in the next two years, the First Army will need to provide 8 billion yuan to Bentley?

Hearing this exaggerated number, Li Meng had a headache.

The 3 billion fund in the second year is okay. With a certain time buffer, 3 billion fund is certainly not a problem for the First Army. What Li Meng cares about is the 5 billion fund needed this year, which needs to be provided immediately. Now all the funds of the First Army can only add up to more than one billion, and the gap between five billion is too big.

Even if it can be provided separately, with the existing funding sources of the First Army, the pressure is still too great.

It seems that Li Meng’s pressure is not strong enough, Natasha continued: "Except for Bentley, the construction of the First Army, the monastery, the Loyalty Academy, the military base, and the Black Fort all require a lot of money. According to Intelligent AI calculations. There are currently 26 monasteries, 12 loyalty colleges, a military base, and a black castle all over Bentley. Once these buildings are completed and put into use, a steady stream of investment is needed. Its operation is only for Bentley. In the outlying area of ​​Austria, the First Arms Corps required by the "Kingdom of Danlan" should also be purchased. This also requires a lot of money."

Trouble, quite troublesome. Natasha’s words made Li Meng understand that for a long period of time in the future, he should not be as relaxed as before. The financial pressure, as the highest commander of the First Army, he must bear.

What should I do?

Holding Natasha lightly, Li Meng was lost in thought.

Although his expression seemed calm, his brows were already frowned.

The master’s silence and frowning expression made Natasha a little concerned. She comforted: "Master! Financial matters should not be rushed. Take your time. There is always a way. If it doesn’t work, you can only rely on those businessmen. I figured out a way."

How could such comfort let Li Meng feel relieved, it would only make Li Meng more worried.

Shaking his head, Li Meng exhorted: "You can't mess around. In the military government era, those merchants were harshly exploited by the military government. They can only get three out of ten. How much wealth do they have? No need."

Li Meng understands very well that the businessmen in Bentley are very poor. Even if the wealth of all businessmen is looted, it would be a drop in the money for 5 billion.

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