Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1137: Method

When the new government was established, it was impossible for the First Army to do such thankless things.

There is a way. Li Meng thought of the underground space under the 10,000 meters of Nanlin Island.

The underground space is a cornucopia, and the water in the underground sea has amazing wealth. As long as it can be effectively developed, the financial problems of the First Army will be solved.

But the development of the underground is not so easy. It is under 10,000 meters. The depth of the project is extremely huge. Although the underground space has been discovered, the largest tiankeng in Nanlin Island is the first The Legion has already been building some mine projects, but the time is still too short. In the next one or two years, the development of underground space is hopeless.

The underground space is not good, and of course the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce is not good, and Li Meng can't think of any source of funds for the outside of Austria.

"Right!" Li Meng's eyes lit up as if thinking of something.

In order to confirm what was in his mind, Li Meng quickly asked Natasha: "Do you know the devil statue?"

"Know!" Nodding lightly, Natasha expressed affirmation.

Of course, Natasha knew about the devil statue, after all, this thing is not a secret in the human world.

Bentley is very close to Eurasia. It is in charge of this place. Even if the First Legion does not deliberately detect it, it will naturally spread to the ears.

"What is its value in humans?"

Hearing such an inquiry from the master, how could Natasha know the master's purpose.

After pondering for a while, Natasha said: "There has never been a man who has sold statues of the devil. However, the Heroes Association and the Martial Arts Association have offered rewards for the statues of the devil, two billion and ten. Billion."

Hearing this, Li Meng felt a little bit. The Heroes' Association is really rich and powerful. The amount of rewards offered is as high as 2 billion. This is already a year's financial income for ordinary countries.

The Heroes' Association only paid two billion for a statue. Although this statue is not a mortal thing, its value is too amazing.

Of course, for Li Meng, the higher the value, the better.

Seeing the master’s silence, Natasha continued: "Master! To others, the Demon Statue is a time bomb. Once it erupts, it will be extremely destructive. The reason why the Martial Artists Association and the Heroes Association offer huge rewards for them, The main purpose is to prevent some people from getting it. If the statue of the Devil God falls into the hands of some lawless people, the disaster caused is unimaginable, and it is a disaster for any country. The owner can use this to increase the Demon God in his hands. The value of the statue."

Her eyes lit up slightly, and Natasha's words undoubtedly activated Li Meng's mind and gave up the idea of ​​directly giving the Demon God statue to the Heroes Association in her heart.

A demon statue is worth two billion crystal coins. Li Meng now has four demon statues in his hands. That is to say, if the demon statue is handed over to the Heroes Association, Li Meng will receive a reward of eight billion.

Although 8 billion crystal coins are many, it is far from enough for the First Army, which lacks financial resources.

Since he has such a hot and good thing, Li Meng of course must make good use of it.

If done properly, the financial problems that plagued the First Army might be solved.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled on his face.

Looking at the beautiful face close at hand, Li Meng boasted without hesitation: "This idea is very good!"

After speaking, he took a bite on Natasha's rosy lips.

When her lips were attacked, Natasha just smiled faintly. She could feel the master's happiness. As long as she could help the master, she would be very satisfied.

How could she refuse the master's favor and closeness to her?

Now she is no longer the Natasha who just came into this world. She was a soldier at that time, and now she is not only a soldier, but also the master’s family, but also the master’s woman. When she is a soldier, she is also Will not forget the fact of being a master woman.

Clutching Natasha lightly, Li Meng said lightly: "I have an idea, but now there is only one goal missing." Speaking of this, Li Meng thoughtfully said indifferently: "It seems that I will go to "Kyoto" in person. It's time."

Kyoto is an international metropolis. Only in this metropolis, the four statues of demon gods in Li Meng’s hands can find good buyers.

Natasha didn't have any surprises when she heard that her master was going to Kyoto. Looking at the entire East Asia, only "Kyoto" could achieve her master's purpose.

Looking at the ordinary face in front of her, Natasha said softly: "Master! You can't be too formal when you go to Kyoto. The First Army does not have any diplomatic relations with Kyoto, and the situation in Kyoto is also quite complicated. The city is under the control of the military, and Kyoto is under the jurisdiction of another person. Although the two sides are divided between the upper and lower sides, the acropolis is out of the jurisdiction of Kyoto. If you want to reach Kyoto, you will pass through multiple acropolises. If you use the identity of the first army, I am afraid that the military in Kyoto will embarrass the master."

Natasha’s concerns are unreasonable. Today's First Army is not a country, but a notorious military organization. If Li Meng goes to "Kyoto" under the banner of the First Army, it would be a trivial matter to be made trouble. Now, a war is probably inevitable, and even if Li Meng is unwilling, the entire First Legion will not agree.

"It makes sense!" Nodded lightly, and Li Meng agreed with Natasha's words.

Indeed, if you want to go to Kyoto, you can't have a relationship with the First Army.

After thinking about it, Li Meng said, "Then go as a private person."

Natasha nodded lightly, if she went there as a private person, there would be no problem.

Kyoto is a metropolis and countless people come in and out every day. As long as you don't use the banner of the First Army, there is no problem with free access.

Speaking slightly, Natasha asked softly: "When is the master going to leave?"

Li Meng said, "This matter can't be urgent, we need to return to Nanlin Island."

The four demon statues are all stored in the shrine on Nanlin Island. Of course, they must be brought with them during this "Kyoto" trip.

"Right! Is there news about Chen Yan?"

At this time, Li Meng thought of Chen Yan. The Soul Language Chamber of Commerce managed by that girl had already developed in Kyoto. This time I went to Kyoto and you can stop by.

Li Meng is unfamiliar with Kyoto, so Chen Yan, who is familiar with Kyoto, can lead the way.

"The data terminal has her contact information. If the owner finds her, he can ask her to come back."

With the smooth network, no matter where Chen Yan is at the moment, she can still be found and contacted.

This is Li Meng's negligence, his thinking has not changed, and he is still stuck in the era of unsmooth internet before the First Army.

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