Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1143: Silver Wings (monthly pass plus more)

For the first time they met, for the two women, the talks were over.

Gunia got what she wanted, an army, an army that could help the Kingdom of Austria through this crisis.

And Tan Ya can finally start to complete the task assigned to her by the master.

Standing up, Tan Ya stood up from the main seat and looked at Gu Niya.

"It takes time to gather the army, and we will leave tomorrow morning."

At this time, the sky is getting late, the setting sun is already sunset, and darkness is covering the earth.

Nodding lightly, Gu Niya also stood up.

With the sound of slight footsteps, silence in the combat meeting room was restored.

The long night came after all, and what happened in the Danlan Kingdom was unknown to Li Meng.

Kuniya arrived at the Danlan Kingdom. This was the result Li Meng wanted to see, but it would take some time to get the news.

As time goes by, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, no matter how long the night is, there will be a moment of dawn.

In Bentley, Li Meng and Chen Yan left Marani City for Amway City early the next morning.

The Silver Wing Martial Artists Guild is located in Amway City. Since it is a commission, of course, it must abide by the rules of the industry. It is essential to take a trip in person.

The forest is dark, but it is not peaceful on the forest road.

Since the war in the Bentley country subsided, the forest road connecting the cities has gradually become lively.

There is only this way for trade and material transfer between cities.

On the gloomy forest road, you can see some freight convoys roaring by from time to time.

Their models are bloated and huge, and they look very rough, and the roar of the engine can be heard even from a few kilometers away.

Although dangerous in the forest, speed and armor can minimize the danger.

Even so, in the huge Bentley country, there will be incidents of vehicles being attacked by polluting beasts from time to time.

This is unavoidable. The forest road runs through the entire Bentley country and connects cities with a total length of several thousand kilometers. On such a long road, some accidents will always happen.

At this time, on the forest road leading to Amway City, a bloated car was driving.

Amid the roar of the "huhhuhh" engine, it was driving slightly hard.

Although it has heavy armor, when driving, the external armor shivered and seemed to fall off at any time.

The "ding-ding" metal crash coupled with the roar of the engine is uncomfortable for the people in the car.

"I said Yana, is it necessary to do so? This short tens of kilometers is really uncomfortable."

The deafening roar of the engine was clear into the ears, giving people the feeling of sitting on the engine, surrounded by various noises, which made Li Meng very uncomfortable.

The noise of the noise and the roar of the huge engine almost drowned what Li Meng said.

But Chen Yan, who was next to Li Meng, heard it.

She smiled slightly and said softly: "If the owner wants to hide his identity, he can't take a luxury car. Today, Bentley's Soul Whisper has not yet opened. Only the First Army has that comfortable car. If the owner takes a luxury car to Amway Cheng, I'm afraid I can't hide this identity."

The reason is this, but it is still too difficult for people to accept.

With a sigh of relief, Li Meng collapsed and rested on Chen Yan's soft thigh.

The soft touch on the back of his head made Li Meng feel much more comfortable.

Chen Yan smiled softly at the master's move, and stretched out her slender hands to gently place her on her body.

The vehicle has just passed through the city of Bali. If you want to reach the city of Amway, you still have to walk the road ahead for a while.

Amway City, this is a comprehensive city with no particular preference. There are factories, fertile fields, and mining. It is like a hodgepodge, involving all walks of life.

It is precisely because of this that Amway City is developed around population, so Amway City is a medium-sized city, not large, but not small.

After nearly four hours of trekking, Li Meng and Chen Yan finally arrived at Amway City, which is more than 70 kilometers away from Marani City.

Amidst the roar of the engine, a bloated car appeared from the corner of the street, passed through a busy intersection, and stopped in front of a very strange building.

"This is the Silver Wing Guild?"

Leaving the car and looking at the small castle building in front of him, Li Meng was a little surprised.

Compared with the buildings next to it, the building in front of you is undoubtedly peculiar. Although it is not high enough, it has a style like a castle with spires and careful coloring on the walls, which makes it very conspicuous in the city.

Compared to Li Meng's surprise, Chen Yan was much more indifferent.

Chen Yan is no stranger to the martial arts guild. In Kyoto, in the Acropolis of Kyoto, there are countless martial arts guilds. There are not thousands, and there are hundreds. If you see more of everything, you are used to it.

"Lord... Master! Let's go in."

When the status has changed, the title must of course be changed.

The voice of Chen Yan in the ear made Li Meng withdraw his sight.

"Let's go!"

Taking a light step, the two walked towards the gate.

As soon as he approached the gate, a noise came to Li Meng's ears.

The sound came from behind the gate and became louder and clearer as it approached.

When Li Meng opened the door and entered, the noise of "buzzing" suddenly rushed toward him.

A hall, a counter, this is everything Li Meng can see.

In the lobby you can see tables and chairs with some people sitting on them, while the counter is not far from the door. The furnishings and layout of the space look like a bar.

The sound of opening the door and the entry of Li Meng and Chen Yan attracted the attention of many people in the hall. The noisy atmosphere instantly condensed and became a lot quieter.

Many eyes looked at Li Meng who was thin, and more eyes looked at Chen Yan behind Li Meng.

Today, although Chen Yan is slightly simple in dress and a gray dress, this still cannot conceal her beauty.

In the face of many eyes, the two did not stop, and walked slowly to the counter.

Behind the counter, there was a woman in a blue and white dress. Although her face was weather-beaten and the baptism of time was more obvious, she still had the charm, and her loose dress could not hide her amazingly curved figure.

Looking at the two people in front of the cabinet, she smiled slightly, and said kindly: "Welcome to Silver Wings, I wonder if you two have any needs?"

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