Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1144: Commissioned tasks (seeking monthly pass)

A thin boy, a beautiful woman, such a combination, Tyra has been familiar with this combination, but for many years, according to the eyesight of people, who is the best, Tyra has already seen.

Among the two, the young man is the backbone, and the woman behind him is more like a waiter.

From the two of them, Tyra also felt some distinctive auras.

Although on the surface, the two of them are ordinary, just like civilians in the downtown area, they are not normal if they are too ordinary. Their appearance can be faked, but their temperament cannot be concealed.

Regardless of the walking posture or the look in the eyes, it is definitely not something common people can have.

Li Meng sat down in the seat in front of the counter.

Looking at Tyra behind the counter, Li Meng smiled indifferently, and said: "This time I am here to release an **** mission to your guild. I will set off for "Kyoto" tomorrow. I need martial artists to accompany me. Time may be longer. One point, it takes about a month to go and go."

Escort mission?

Tyra understands slightly. Kyoto is not close to Bentley. It’s okay if you take a floating boat. If you take the waterway, the long journey can be extremely dangerous. If you are accompanied by martial artists, your own safety will undoubtedly be greatly improved. Guaranteed.

With a faint smile, Tyra asked, "I wonder if Mr. is going to Kyoto on a floating boat or by water?"

Li Meng said: "Floating boat."

Nodding lightly, Tyra smiled slightly, and said: "Because the time is uncertain, just calculate it in one month. It is much safer to take a floating boat than to take the waterway. This time the **** mission is set as a B-level mission, a B-level mission. The minimum remuneration must not be less than 20,000 coins, can you agree to it, sir?"

It was only twenty thousand crystal coins. Without even thinking about it, Li Meng nodded lightly.

Behind Li Meng, Chen Yan stepped forward slightly, took out two topaz coins from somewhere and placed them on the counter.

After doing all this, he silently backed up a few steps and returned to Li Meng's back.

Looking at the two gold coins on the table, Tyra was taken aback and smiled: "Sir! According to the rules of the Martial Artists Guild, the client only needs to pay half of the deposit first, and then pay the other half after it's done."

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "It's okay! I believe in your guild's ability."

Since the other party said so, of course Tyra couldn't say much.

I had to put away the topaz coins on the table top and put them in the drawer under the counter table.

After finishing all this, she looked at Li Meng again and asked: "Thank you for your trust, Mr. I don't know if your husband is going to rest in the guild for one night and set off together tomorrow, or decide on a place to meet tomorrow? "

Stay for a night?

Li Meng didn't plan to do this, it was still early, and it was only afternoon when he went back to Marani City.

Shaking his head, Li Meng said, "You don't have to stay for one night. Let's meet at the airport of Marani city at noon tomorrow."

This is the client's choice, and Tyra certainly won't force it.

Tyra asked, "I don't know Mr.'s name?"

"Li Meng!" This is Li Meng's answer.

Li Meng?

Is the surname of Kyoto?

This is natural, and Tyra has guessed this since the two entered the guild.

After all, black hair and black eyes are the characteristics of Orientals, especially Kyoto, where the yellow-skinned people gather.

Tyra nodded clearly: "Understood, at noon tomorrow, the martial artist who will be entrusted with the task will arrive at the airport of Marani City. At that time, please tell me your identity.

Without saying anything, Li Meng just nodded lightly.

Immediately, Li Meng moved slightly and stood up.

"Sir! Please go slowly!"

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Tyra gave a very gentle smile.

This is just a kind of courtesy. Although Tyra is a martial artist, she is also the counter receptionist of the guild. No matter who the opponent is, whether it is rich or powerful, Tyra will give the most to even civilians. Basic courtesy.

For the Martial Artists Guild, any delegate who issues a delegated task is a guest, and of course it is not impolite to treat guests.

For Li Meng and Chen Yan, the trip to the Silver Wing Martial Artists Guild was over.

It’s just to post the entrusted task. This is not a difficult task. After leaving the name, address, and contact information, the next thing to do is to wait and wait for the confluence of tomorrow.

"Tara! What kind of mission?"

When Li Meng and Chen Yan left, in the lobby, some deliberate martial artists quickly surrounded the counter.

Since the First Army occupied Bentley, the life of the Martial Arts Association has become more and more difficult.

Not only did the monthly commissioned tasks be reduced by half, the level of the tasks was also pitifully low. They were all trivial things. Except for the Hessian Guild not long ago, nothing major happened in the entire Bentley country.

With fewer tasks, of course life will be sad.

Of course, the martial artists who are still in the guild are very concerned about the new mission.

To the comrades who looked at her eagerly, Tyra smiled slightly and said: "This is a B-level **** mission, the destination is "Kyoto", it takes about a month to go back and forth, this mission you don't fight, I I happen to be going to Kyoto, so I will take it."

Hearing this, everyone was very disappointed and dispersed.

Although a B-level mission is rare, one month is too long.

Moreover, even if they are willing to take on this task, how can they compete with Tyra.

When the crowd dispersed, two slender figures came forward to the counter.

It's Yuli and Ai Li.

In the demon invasion a few days ago, for the commissioned mission issued by the First Legion, the team where the two women belonged got a big head. Except for the intermediary fee received by the guild, the reward of more than 300,000 yuan allowed them to relax for a while.

"Sister Tyra! Are you going to "Kyoto"?"

Alice heard Tyra’s words just now, which made Alice a little surprised and curious.

In Alice’s cognition, Tyra had never left the guild, but today she suddenly said that she would leave the guild and go to "Kyoto". How could this not surprise Alice.

Seeing that the people were Ai Li and Yu Li, Tyra smiled slightly and said: "It is Ai Li and Yu Li." Nodding lightly, Tyra said: "Yes, I'm going to Kyoto, although the president has been in touch, But he has been reluctant to return, perhaps because the relocation problem has not been resolved."

Speaking of this, Tyra sighed slightly, Meimei’s face was a little worried, and said softly: "The Silver Wings Guild has been in Amway City for decades, and we can’t just leave. In any case, it’s worth fighting for. With me, the president can also increase some voice in the association."

Is that right……

The two women suddenly nodded slightly.

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