Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1216: Vanity

With a faint smile, Yalan said casually: "Mr. Li Meng joked. If your husband becomes a devil, many people will probably be happy about it. Over the course of more than a year, what the First Army has done, But being jealous of many people, isn't it just what they want?"

It seems that Arran is a sensible person...

Li Meng was a little surprised when he had this knowledge of Yalan.

Just as Arran said, the actions of the First Army in the South China Sea have attracted many people's eyes. Not to mention other things, the Bentley country alone has aroused many people's hearts. After all, Bentley is rich in original crystals. In terms of mineral deposits, many countries cannot be compared.

In addition, Bentley is only a small country, and of course some neighboring countries will spy on it.

But before they did it, the First Legion who appeared from nowhere suddenly snatched the meat from their mouths. Can they not be angry and annoyed?

If the First Army suffered any blow, many people would be happy.

Looking at Yalan, Li Meng said with a slight surprise: "You are like a mirror."

With a faint smile, Arran took it for granted: "This is natural. After all, I am a hero in the Heroes Association. Although heroes like me and others will not participate in political affairs, but in order to better complete the tasks assigned by the Association. , I will also learn about some things through the channel of the Association. In terms of intelligence, the Hero Association has a natural advantage. Some things may be secret to others, but for heroes such as me, it is not a secret."

This is the benefit of having a strong background.

The Heroes Association of Kyoto is just a political tool placed on the table by the nations of mankind, although the original purpose of its creation was to enhance the sense of glory of martial artists, strengthen the connection with ordinary people, and prevent "heroes" from disappearing from human society.

But with the passage of time, this very simple international organization has slowly degenerated, and has gradually become an arena for political struggles among human nations.

Under the political struggle, the heroes are the first to be affected. Because of the motherland behind them, even if they are reluctant, the heroes must choose their own positions. Over time, with someone’s acquiescence, the Heroes’ Association becomes An international joint organization.

In East Asia, whether it is a global unified convention or an allied country, all political matters between countries are handled through the Heroes Association.


Because in the Association of Heroes, there are permanent members of parliament representing various countries, and these parliamentarians have another identity, that is, the ambassadors of various countries in Kyoto.

Before the status of ambassador, the status of congressman is the most important.

It can be said that the Heroes’ Association is the representative of the East Asian Entente and an important channel for contact with foreign countries.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly, and suddenly there was an urge to test Yalan in his heart.

Without restraining the impulse in his heart, Li Meng smiled and said, "Since the Heroes' Association has such a powerful intelligence network, I have to ask you for a question."

Although I don't know what Mr. Li Meng wants to ask, Yalan didn't think much, and said softly, "Sir, please say!"

Looking at Yalan, Li Meng said in a puzzled manner: "Although the Aegean Sea is remote, it has not been separated from the human society. Although Sri Erlin is far away, there are floating boats in and out, even if Sri Erlin is captured by the devil. , The intelligence network of the Heroes’ Association should not be interrupted because of this. Why does the Heroes’ Association know nothing about the situation in the Aegean Sea? Let’s not talk about the city of Sirilin. The huge Aegean Sea should have more than that where humans exist. One place. As far as I know, there is a mission about exploring a certain place in the Aegean Sea in the SS-level missions of the Martial Artists Association. This means that martial artists should always go in and out of this place. Although your Heroes Association is different from Martial Artists A different organization, but there should be very close ties with each other. What the Martial Artists Association knows, your Hero Association should also know it."

The identity of a hero is very complicated. Although he is a hero, he is also a martial artist. Although the heroes in the Heroes Association are selected from the martial artist, many heroes have their own martial arts when they hold the title of hero. Heroes’ guilds, heroes like Yalan without a martial arts guild are rare in the Heroes’ Association.

When heroes perform tasks entrusted by the Association, or when they promote themselves in various cities, they will invite or entrust their guild companions to help them. It can be said that the so-called heroes are only heroes in the eyes of ordinary people, and they are used to promote martial arts. It exists as a representative of justice, and in the eyes of martial artists, the title of hero is very boring.


Because heroes must pay attention to their image, they must be amiable, and get along with ordinary people, and they must work hard to get recognition and gain more popularity.

After all, heroes exist for the purpose of integrating martial artists into human society. When they are on duty, they will entertain the people and use multimedia platforms to show their fighting style in front of the public. When killing, they will also inform the public of the cruelty of this world.

Inform the people that the world outside the high wall is dangerous. In order to survive safely, in addition to the high wall, the guardian of the martial artist is needed.

Li Meng's question stumped Yalan.

She shook her head with a wry smile, and said helplessly: "Mr. Li Meng, this is embarrassing me. Although the Hero Association is called the Hero Association, we heroes don't have much rights. We are just relatively free. When performing certain commissioned tasks Although we heroes have the right to use the intelligence network of the Hero Association, it is limited to tasks related to tasks, and other unrelated things, we heroes have no right to know."

It turned out to be like this...

Li Meng's heart was slightly clear. It seemed that the Heroes' Association had nothing but a mere appearance. Although the heroes were still doing what they should do, the organization had completely degenerated and became a political tool.


After the conversation, Yalan continued: "The association is not ignorant about the situation in the Aegean Sea, but it is not very specific. This is the same for the cult empire."

Hearing this, Li Meng felt that there was something to play, and he looked respectful.

Seeing that Mr. Li Meng seemed to want to hear this information, Yalan did not hide it.

She doesn’t need to conceal it. These things are not secrets. Although they have not leaked out, they don’t need to be kept secret. Moreover, at today’s conference, these information will also be brought up. Now tell Mr. Li Meng and Yalan in advance I don't think there is anything wrong.

Even if there is, she will also say that although there are outsiders in the car, she is a messenger, and Mr. Li Meng is the ambassador of the First Army, so she is qualified to know the news.

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