Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1217: she was

Talking slightly, Yalan opened his mouth and said: "When the news of the fall of Sri Erlin reached Kyoto, the Heroes’ Association and the Order Empire sent personnel to the Aegean Sea to learn about the situation. Although the current situation on the mainland of Ogeria is very Chaos, but there are also strongholds of the Bus Association and the Martial Artists Association. At the request of the Heroes Association, the Bus Association cooperated with the Martial Artists Association and dispatched a number of floating boats to the Aegean Sea. During this month, the Association accepted There is a lot of news about the Aegean Sea."

Hearing this, Li Meng knew that the point was coming.

Li Meng is also very concerned about the situation in the Aegean Sea.

It was too late for the First Army to learn about the news, and there was no preparation for collecting relevant information.

Although I know it now, it takes more than half a month to act.

Kyoto is too far away from Austria, and the transmission of information requires a lot of processes. When Tan Ya received the message from Li Meng, it was at least half a month away.

In Li Meng’s interested eyes, Yalan shook her head and said: "There is nothing too useful news. Although the exploration team has set the main target on Alcatraz Island, the Alcatraz Island has been occupied by demons, and the floating boat is not too strong. Therefore, the detection team can only monitor the movement on Alcatraz Island from a distance. Three days ago, according to the report from the detection team, the main force of the demons was not on Alcatraz Island, but only a small group of demons remained on the island. The detection team is now searching for the movement of the main demon. What the specific news is, it should take a while."

Distance is still the biggest problem, and communication is lagging behind, resulting in the inability to transmit information in time.

Such delays often have disastrous consequences.

Although there are buoys released by various countries in the high altitude for signal transmission, the airspace is too large, and the transmission range of the buoy is very small. Sometimes a piece of airspace causes the buoy to shift due to various reasons, and no buoy exists. At this time, it takes a lot of time to wait for the passing floating boats.

The most important factor for the Bus Association to become an extremely large international organization is the heavy responsibility it shoulders.

This important task is to maintain the signal buoy floating high in the sky, and also to release the signal.

The high-altitude signal buoy is the most important communication tool of all countries, and its importance is self-evident.

In Li Meng's view, the array of high-altitude signal enhancement devices is undoubtedly extremely backward. Although it is very effective in solving the problem of human communication, it only solves it.

High altitude is a forbidden zone for humans. This is common sense. The height of the signal buoy is more than 5,000 meters, which is 3,000 meters higher than the safe height. Whether it is to release the buoy or to repair the buoy, it is good for the floater. Both are extremely dangerous.

The fact is indeed the case. Every year, a large number of floating ships are destroyed due to high-altitude signal buoys leaving a safe height. This number is not in the single digits.

Although the earth is big, the bus association dare not say that it has set foot in every corner of the earth. However, wherever humans exist, 80% of the areas have the airport of the bus association, and the bus association has entered the internal route. Figure.

In hundreds or even thousands of areas, there are not too many pontoons sailing at the same time, and there are hundreds of them, and even thousands of them are not impossible.

For hundreds of floating vessels, dozens of them will be lost every year. Such a loss rate can be said to be astonishing.

Although the loss was staggering, the Bus Association still faithfully abides by its responsibilities and bears the heavy responsibilities on its shoulders without any complaints.

Of course, this is just official words. Although the bus association will suffer huge losses due to the heavy burden on its shoulders every year, it is also rewarding. In return, it comes from the financial support of various countries.

Every year, all countries that use aerial signal buoys for communication will provide a certain amount of assistance to the bus association. If this assistance is counted as a sum, the bus association’s income in aid funds is undoubtedly amazing. Maybe Has exceeded the income of a medium-sized country for a year.

The news that Arran said undoubtedly disappointed Li Meng.

Although it is not without any gains, but such gains are dispensable, after all, they still know nothing.

I don't know the purpose of the devil, nor the movement of the demon army, the news is still about the "holy city" of Sriellin.

But there was no need to focus on the city of Sirilin.

The city has been captured by demons, and things that people don't want to see have happened.

Although some things are well known, the enemy is the devil, there is no surviving human in the holy city "Sri Erlin".

Even if there is, he has become a fallen one of the demon servant.

What is the most important thing now?

It is to detect the movement of the devil, to understand the purpose of the devil, and to monitor the Aegean Sea.

If humans are in the mist in terms of intelligence, it is impossible for humans to defeat demons in future wars.

The demons on the southern continent are not ordinary demons, they are a group of demons controlled by wise men.

Thinking of this, Li Meng thought of a very famous ethnic group on the southern continent.

This ethnic group is a family of magicians.

What is a messenger?

Of course it drives the existence of the devil.

Who can drive the devil?

There is only one answer, only demons can drive demons.

And the enchanting demons are the servants of the evil gods. They may have been humans a long time ago, but now they have become the existence that can drive demons, that is, the so-called fallen ones.

Speaking of the envoys, Li Meng remembered the demons encountered when the First Army first entered Nanlin Island a year ago.

In that battle, Li Meng found her.

Li Meng naturally didn't know who she was, but Li Meng already knew her identity at that time.

She is a member of the envoy family, and it is precisely because of her that Li Meng was attracted to the world of Adras by the space crack.

At that time, Li Meng didn't have any idea about the enchantress family, he didn't feel much about demons, and naturally he didn't have any malice towards her.

When he was curious about her special ability, he also rescued her by the way.

Regarding the act of saving her at that time, now in retrospect, Li Meng does not feel regret.

What has been done has already been done, let alone, at that time she was just a human girl in Li Meng's eyes.

It was impulse and instinct to save her. Even if she would become an enemy in the future, Li Meng would not care too much.

Since she was a servant of the devil and belonged to the evil and chaotic side, Li Meng naturally would not treat her as an ordinary person.

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