Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1218: Excited crowd

Li Meng's silence made Yalan mistakenly think that she was answering her, and Mr. Li Meng was disappointed.

Looking at Li Meng, Yalan apologized: "Sorry, this is the news I can know, because I was too rushed when I came, and I didn’t have experience as a messenger. I just listened to hearsays from within the Association for these things. Go to know exactly."

Yalan apologized, making Li Mengcong think about it.

When he noticed Yalan’s apologetic gaze, Li Meng was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed blankly: "You have misunderstood. You have no obligation in this matter. It’s already good to know this. I was thinking just now. Things, that's why I fell into silence. Don't get me wrong."

"So it's like this..."

Yalan was suddenly relieved, her face obviously relieved.

The complicated relationship with the First Army made Yalan have to pay attention to the young man in front of him.

The martial artist must repay his favor. Whether it was her or Clive's life, the first legion saved them. Not to mention other things, Arran would put her posture very low based on this alone.

This is respect, but it's not just respect.

The journey was not far, and in the following time, the car fell silent.

As the vehicles got closer and closer to the headquarters of the Heroes Association, outside, on both sides of the road, some people who were on the sidelines gradually appeared.

At this time, at the end of the street ahead, the huge building of the Heroes Association was clearly visible.

In the second ring city, it is like a huge monster standing in the city, especially eye-catching.

Today, Kyoto is not an ordinary day.

Although the pace of life in Kyoto was as usual a few days ago, today, everything has changed.

Although the threat is still on the opposite side of the sea, people in Kyoto want to know something about the fear of demons.

The doubts and curiosity in their hearts caused them to put aside the things in their hands and gathered to the Heroes Association by coincidence.

Today, although Kyoto is not an empty street for thousands of people, it is already crowded around the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

Especially in the large square in front of the Heroes' Association headquarters, it was occupied by the crowd.

In order to maintain order on the scene and avoid chaos among the people, the Kyoto authorities had to send a large number of guards to assist the Heroes Association to maintain order on the scene.

For a time, the upcoming "Exorcism Conference" became the object of attention of all parties.

At this time, there is no back door to speak of, because the surrounding area of ​​the Heroes Association has long been congested by the people.

When approaching the Heroes' Association, the vehicle that Li Meng and Chen Yan boarded was not accidentally caught in a crowd of people.

The headquarters of the Heroes' Association is right in front of you. On a two-way four-lane street, Li Meng's vehicle is driving slowly.

The road is not congested. On both sides of the road, there are a large number of uniformed guards, holding short weapons, standing on the side of the road and separating a road with a human wall.

Looking outside through the window, all Li Meng could see was the crowd moving backwards.

Those figures, faces, and eyes flashed past each other.

In addition to the roar of the engine, you can hear the noisy noise outside.

It wasn't until the vehicle passed a checkpoint composed of guards that the outside became empty, and the noise gradually weakened.

At this moment, the voice of the young man in the driving seat rang in the car.

"Master Arran! Just received the notice that the ambassadors of various countries can enter from the main entrance. The temporary passage has been closed."

Arran was not surprised by the closure of the temporary passage.

At this time, the Heroes Association has no distinction between the front door and the back door, because both the front door and the rear side door are crowded with people. In that case, it is better to choose the more formal front door.

This was just an announcement. Not long after the young man's voice fell, his destination had arrived.

The vehicle stopped under the stairs in front of the hero's association gate.

Seeing this, Yalan turned to Li Meng next to him and said: "Mr. Li Meng! Let's go."

With that, Yalan opened the door, and Long Qiaoer, who was on the other side of Li Meng, also opened the door on the other side.

When he left the car, his vision suddenly became wider.

On one side is the ladder leading to the gate of the Heroes’ Association, while on the other side there is a swarm of people fifty meters away.

The black silhouettes stretched one after another, looking quite spectacular.

The Association of Heroes is still quite vigorous, and only this wide and long ladder makes people feel different.

Fifty meters is not far away. To the crowd not far away by the guards, every ambassador who comes can say a word or two.

Because the ambassadors of various countries who are here today are familiar to many people in Kyoto.

Some do not know, some do know, and all the origins can be known.

But at this time, watching the young man walking out of the car, many people mumbled.

He is too young, it's so young, and the oldest is only in his twenties. Is he also an ambassador for which country?

This is impossible……

The identity of an ambassador is very important. It can be said to represent the image of a country. It must be experienced and rich in political experience. Generally speaking, it is held by some older and experienced politicians.

Either a middle-aged person or an old man, this is the first time I have seen a young man serving as an ambassador.

"Do you know who he is? So young, he shouldn't be an ambassador."

In the crowd, some people talked.

"It may not be true. The people who participated in the meeting today are said to be ambassadors from various countries. Not everyone can enter this national level conference."

"Look, isn't that Lord Arran?"

A depressed exclamation sounded from the crowd, which undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention.

Throwing out of the field, on the other side of the car, I saw their familiar figure.

That was a hero, Lord Arran of the Heroes Association.

This can surprise many people. Not everyone can see the heroes of the Heroes Association.

Although the common people of Kyoto are no strangers to heroes, few people can see them if they are real people.

Because most civilians only know about heroes on the TV screen.

I have seen it with my own eyes now, and this has excited some people off the court.

Although Lord Arran is only the twelfth ranked hero, as a female hero, many people like her because of her beauty.

"Master Arran!"

No one in the crowd shouted excitedly.

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