Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1220: Competition between heroes

In the conference room, everyone who should be there has arrived. They are sitting around a huge round table, whispering to the people nearby.

Compared with the people waiting outside, the people sitting in the conference room can be described as gorgeously dressed and extraordinary, all of whom have power and political experience.

The sound of doors and footsteps caught their attention.

When they cast their gazes, they saw Yalan and Li Meng entering the meeting room, which made their faces a little curious.

Of course Yalan and the others knew that he was a hero in the Heroes Association and the defender of this meeting.

But many people didn't know the young man beside Yalan, and they were wondering who that young man was.

Li Meng and Yalan appeared. Compared with the puzzled people on the round table, Kaios, who was sitting in the first place to preside over the meeting, had bright eyes and quickly stood up.

He introduced to the envoys of the countries on the round table: "Everyone, this is the ambassador of the First Army "Li Meng". Because of a sudden incident, the ambassador of the First Army happened to be in Kyoto. He invited His Excellency Li Meng to represent the First Army Attend this meeting."

Ambassador of the First Army?

When everyone heard it, it was clear.

But..., really young.

Compared with an old man of their age, this ambassador is undoubtedly young.

After introducing it to everyone, Keos said to the approaching Li Meng: "Your Excellency Li Meng! Please take a seat."

For Li Meng, although Keos had never seen him, it was the first time I saw him today.

But Keos still has a certain understanding of Li Meng. Of course, he only understands the identity of the First Army ambassador.

The source of the news is naturally from Arran.

Like everyone else, even though he knew that this ambassador representing the First Army was very young, when he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't help being surprised and very surprised.

Keos was curious as to why the First Army would let a young man take the position of ambassador.

The round table is still very large, and more than 20 envoys from various countries did not fill all the seats.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Meng took the seat calmly, like envoys from various countries, waiting for the meeting to be held.

Although both are ambassadors, sitting in the meeting room, Li Meng can be said to be very out of place.

Because Li Meng was too young, sitting with a group of middle-aged people and old people, of course, seemed a bit eye-catching.

When Li Meng took the seat, Arran left silently.

She did not leave the meeting room, but entered a side hall next to the meeting room.

In the side hall, she is not the only one, but there are many figures in strange costumes.

They sat lazily around a tea table, no conversation, only silence.

Although the footsteps were slight, Yalan entering the side hall could not be ignored by them.

There are five people in the Pian Ting, four men and one woman. Counting Yalan is two women, a total of six people.

Among these five people, only one person was more familiar with Yalan.

That is Ivy, although the relationship between the two is not familiar, but they have also dealt with things together, and they can be regarded as acquaintances.

Seeing that Yalan was back, Ivy, who was sitting in the corner, nodded silently to Yalan, saying hello.

But Yalan just responded with her eyes, and sat down in a seat silently.

Although there are not many people here, there are only five people, but they are no strangers to these people, Arran, they are all heroes, heroes ranked above her.

Although the heroes in the Association of Heroes will have some contact with each other more or less, this contact is very shallow. In the Association of Heroes, the relationship between heroes is very strange.

Of course, this refers to normality, and there is no shortage of people who know each other in heroes, and there are hero partners.

The reason for the strangeness is the competitive relationship between heroes.

The ranking of heroes is not absolute. Ranking matches are held every five years, and competitions are held every ten years.

Ranking competition is an internal competition of the Heroes Association. It is mainly used to adjust the ranking based on the strength of the heroes themselves. The winners naturally rank up while the losers fall.

The competition for hegemony is a re-election, which represents the end of a session and the birth of a new hero.

Of course, heroes have no time limit, as long as they have strength, they can keep their status forever.

The competition for hegemony is just a new baptism, allowing the weak to be eliminated and the strong to become new heroes.

Although heroes are just a title, for martial artists, this title is still very attractive.

Of course, this attraction is not the pride of being watched by the public, nor is it for the so-called "justice", but for the benefit.

For martial artists, becoming a hero can get the eye-catching benefits.

This kind of benefit is resource tilt.

Martial artists want to become stronger, their own efforts are only one of the inevitable factors. Aside from talent, martial artists want to become stronger and step into a higher realm without the assistance of foreign objects.

This foreign object refers to the "raw stone".

Compared with normal human beings, martial artists have one more organ in their bodies, and this organ is the "strength pulse."

Meridians are a very special organ and a source of strength for martial artists. Martial artists want to become stronger. In addition to training the toughness of the meridians, they also need to use external forces to increase their strength to nurture the meridians.

The energy emitted by high-quality rough stones is something that martial artists can effectively use.

As a well-known large-scale international organization, the Heroes' Association is undoubtedly rich.

For the heroes under the banner, of course, there will be no harm in resources.

For martial artists, becoming a hero is also an opportunity to move quickly to a higher level.

As the twelfth ranked hero, Arran has self-knowledge. Anyone here is stronger than her in strength, and the relationship with them is not just a simple companion, but a competitor.

At this moment, in the side hall, another heroine who was lazily sitting on the sofa suddenly smiled upstairs and looked at Yalan.

Her physique is very petite, and she looks very petite and exquisite with a lavender skirt.

The petite figure and a baby face make her look like a doll.

Speaking slightly, she curiously asked Yalan, "Sister Yalan, you won't admit the wrong person? No matter how peculiar the First Army is, it is impossible for a young man to be an ambassador.

In terms of appearance, Arran is much bigger than her.

But the "sister" that she said from her mouth was quite natural.

Compared to her childish appearance, her voice is also childish, just like a little girl.

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