Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1221: trouble

With a faint smile, Yalan said softly: "Sister Xinlan has been worried. I saw him when I first went to Nanlin Island. I would not admit it. Although Mr. Li Meng is young, I have nothing to do with his ability. Doubt, he is qualified to serve as an ambassador."


Seeing that Yalan was so sure, she was very surprised by her small appearance, and couldn't help turning her head back to look into the conference room.

There is only a wall between the side hall and the conference room, and there is a glass of glass on the wall, which can clearly see the outside.

She looked at Li Meng on the round table.

At this time, outside, the meeting is about to begin.

"Boom, boom..."

On the west wall of the conference room, the clock rang all the time.

After three beeps, everything returned to stillness.

The meeting started.

The bell fell and the meeting room became quiet. Everyone remained silent, waiting for Keos to speak.

In today's exorcism meeting, the host is Keos, who is the president of the Heroes Association.

Regarding qualifications, aside from the status of President of Parliament, he is also the ambassador of the Republic of Sharjah.

This host can be said to be him.

In Kyoto, there are more qualified people, but the only qualified one will not attend such a meeting.

No, it should be said that the one will not attend any political meetings.

Seeing that the conference room fell silent, Keos spoke.

He looked around at the envoys of various countries on the round table, and said in a deep voice: "Today, you can come here to participate in the exorcism conference. I sincerely thank you. What we will discuss next is not just for the benefit of a certain country, but It is for the sake of mankind and the peace of East Asian countries. I hope you all put righteousness first."

Speaking of this, Keos spoke slightly, his expression slowed, and then he said: "As everyone knows, I am the president of this session, and I also serve as the ambassador of the Republic of Sharjah. I am the host of this conference. I should set an example. Here, on behalf of the Republic of Sharjah, I assure you that all decisions that are beneficial to mankind and peace in East Asia will be the first to agree with the Republic of Sharjah, and do our best to fulfill our own obligations."

As Keos said, this is just an example of him as the head of parliament and the ambassador of the Republic of Shaka.

As the ambassador of a major country, his remarks undoubtedly have a great effect.

At least the envoys of various countries have been more cautious, thinking carefully about the powerful relationship.

The reactions of the envoys of various countries were seen by Kaios one by one, but he did not stop what he said.

Keos understands that although he is the president of the Heroes Association, he will also think from the perspective of the Republic of Sharjah in this meeting.

Although he is the host of this meeting, his duty is only to show all the issues and guide the progress of the meeting. Any decision requires the consent of the envoys sitting here.

The meeting entered the topic.

Kaios said: "About a month and a half ago, the city of "Srierlin" in the Aegean Sea was captured by the demon army. Since then, the barrier of the Aegean Sea has been crossed by the devil, for the sake of mankind and the countries of East Asia. Tranquility, in order to avoid being under the threat of the devil, we must act as soon as possible to eradicate the threat of the devil."

Speaking of this, Kaios looked dignified, looked around at the envoys, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, everyone knows the terrible devil. Maybe the devil is still far away from Eurasia, and there is also the continent of Austria. This barrier, but people who have no vision must have near worries. We must not only look at the present, we must think further. Our Republic of Sharjah is located in a remote place in the north of Eurasia. If we only look at the present, why should I host this Meeting? The devil is the great enemy of mankind, and no one can have a fluke idea in the face of the devil, because this kind of thinking will only bring the most serious consequences and will not solve any problems."

"Today's meeting has only one theme, and that is how to deal with the threat of the devil. Now, I would like to invite you all to speak actively. The protagonist of this meeting is not a certain person, but everyone sitting. Only the ideology is unified. There is a battle."

When Keos' words fell, there was a sudden discussion in the conference room.

Envoys from various countries whispered to each other, and "buzzing" discussions echoed in the conference room.

Although Keos’ remarks are reasonable, they cannot be decided on the basis of “reason”.

In the politics of national interests, what is done is the most insignificant, and national interests are the most important.

The purpose of this meeting is well known to everyone present, but whether there will be a good result, no one can guarantee.

Because in this matter, unity of consciousness is impossible.

No matter how correct a decision is, there will still be opponents.

Compared with the envoys from various countries on the roundtable, Li Meng seemed very indifferent.

Although there are envoys from other countries around Li Meng, Li Meng will not discuss with them, and envoys from other countries will not discuss with Li Meng, a young man.

There are two reasons. One is the age difference. In the eyes of many envoys, Li Meng is not qualified to sit on the round table. The other is because the "First Army" is in the eyes of many countries. People like the existence, and the current First Army is just an armed force, not a country. This makes many people dismiss it and don't take the First Army in their eyes.

Li Meng didn't want to cause trouble, but the trouble was still up.

Although Li Meng sat quietly and did not participate in the discussion between the messengers, Li Meng was still spotted by one person.

On the opposite side of the round table, when Kaios introduced Li Meng's identity, his eyes dangled on Li Meng from time to time.

He wears a purple robe, looks very noble, and his body is obviously noble.

He is Kenan, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Barron to Kyoto.

If Li Meng knew his identity, I'm afraid he would realize that trouble is about to get up.

The first legion?

His eyes drifted from the young man from time to time. Although his expression was indifferent, Kenan's mind became active.

If there was no Luo Luoxin, Kenan would naturally not have any intersection with the First Army.

But with Luo Luoxin, some things have been changed.

Although Kenan can do very limited in the matter of Luo Luoxin.

But it's not that Kenan would really treat it as nothing happened.

With his gaze taken back from Li Meng, Kenan looked slightly upright and said loudly, "Everyone!"

Because of his voice, the discussion disappeared, and the meeting room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Kenan.

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