Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1222: Kenan's making things difficult

Seeing everyone’s eyes turned towards him, Kenan’s expression was very calm. He looked at Kaios, who was the first one, and said: “Everyone knows the danger of the devil. Everyone knows the truth about the death of lips and teeth. I’m Barron. The Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Austria are still close relatives, and they have some connections. They also understand the situation on the continent of Austria. The Kingdom of Austria was indeed strong, but it has now fallen apart. It’s impractical to stop the demons from the human power. To stop the demons in the Aegean Sea, we really need the power of East Asian countries, but..."

Speaking of this, Kenan turned his head slightly and looked at Li Meng.

He smiled faintly, and said slightly: "As far as I know, the forces of the First Army have reached out to Austria, and even captured a country. Lu Ben is one body. Since the First Army has a great idea about the Austrian continent, I think the First Army is doing my part to expel the devil, Ambassador Li Meng, I wonder if I am right?"

Facing Kenan's slightly smiling gaze, Li Meng didn't react much.

When he heard him talk about the Kingdom of Barron, Li Meng knew that trouble was coming.

However, Li Meng had already prepared for such trouble.

Li Meng understood that even if there were no ambassadors from the Kingdom of Barron, there would be many people making things difficult for the First Army in this meeting.

Kenan's words made the envoys thoughtful, and their eyes turned to Li Meng.

They wondered how the young ambassador would respond.

At this time Keos also remained silent. This meeting was originally a discussion, and any opinions can be said.

As for the First Legion, Keos knew very well that the First Legion could not stay out of this meeting.

Seeing that the attention of the envoys from the various countries in the conference room was focused on himself, Li Meng smiled lightly and said calmly: "The First Legion has also had a lot of dealings with demons, and it can be considered to have a good deal of such unnatural creatures Some understand that although our First Army is not a country, it will also guarantee the security of the territories. This does not require your efforts."

This sentence is quite meaningful.

Of course, the First Army will protect the territory.

However, there is no territory of the First Army on the mainland of Austria. On the mainland of Austria, there is only the Kingdom of Danlan. Even if it wants to protect the territory, it will not become the first to fight against the devil. First line.

Unless the devil completely captured the Austrian continent, it was possible to encounter the First Army head-on.

If you want the First Army to act as a forward to resist the devil, Li Meng will not be involved.

Li Meng's answer made the envoys of various countries look up a lot.

They did not expect this young messenger to advance and retreat so freely in the face of making things difficult, without any stage fright.

Kenan would not give up like this. He smiled faintly and continued: "Although the First Army is not a country, it is very powerful in terms of military strength. In just one year, it has grown to its current scale. If the Legion has enough time, it is not impossible to unify the mainland of Austria."

This remark caused quite a stir.

The envoys of various countries looked at each other, their expressions were unpredictable, and they were lost in thought.

is it possible?

The mainland of Austria is not a Bentley country, nor is it the Kingdom of Danlan. Although the Kingdom of Austria is divided, the country that has been split is not weak. Even if it is not strong, it is not a bullying existence.

Although the First Army is strong, it is only an armed force. Where can the capital be used to occupy a continent?

This obviously makes things difficult, and makes many envoys a little puzzled.

When did the Kingdom of Barron have such a big contradiction with the First Army?

Have a good show...

Kenan's pressing step by step made the atmosphere in the meeting room tense in vain.

In this tense atmosphere, Li Meng had a playful smile, looked at Kenan, and said indifferently: "You are right, this is not impossible. When that day comes, you don't have to worry so much."

What an arrogant tone...

Looking at Li Meng with an indifferent expression, the envoys of various countries were quite surprised.

They didn't expect Li Meng to be so straightforward and did not hide his ambition.

Or is it the ambition of the First Army?

Sure enough, he is still too young...

If it were them, they would never say such a thing at this time.

This is because it seems confident, but it will attract criticism and even more trouble.

"Well, Ambassador Kenan, today the First Army is just an observer. Even if the First Army is responsible for resisting the devil, it is not the responsibility of the First Army alone. Now, let's listen to the opinion of the Ambassador of the Empire of the Order. ."

At the critical moment, Keos finally spoke out and turned his attention away.

Seeing Kaios turned the topic to himself, Selman, who was sitting still on the side, was taken aback for a moment, and then he recovered.

As the messenger of the Order Empire, Selman is still very special.

Compared to the people in the meeting room, the clothes on his body are quite eye-catching.

He was dressed in a black priest's robe, dressed as a monk, and he was very religious.

Although Kaios took advantage of it a bit, Selman didn't care.

He wanted to speak at the beginning of this meeting, just by using Keos to achieve his goal.

Selman did not refuse, his expression was slightly straight, his eyes looked at the envoys of the countries, and he said: "This exorcism conference can be held successfully. As the representative of the cult empire, I am still very happy, because it proves that you are aware of the evil Dangerous. In the past, Sri Erlin was the only barrier in the Aegean Sea, but now this barrier has been destroyed by the devil. For the future of mankind and the security of East Asia, we need to unite all the forces that can be united, one blow Destroy the demons, remove the threat of demons forever, and take this opportunity to regain the lost land of mankind..."

The next meeting seemed a bit boring.

The purpose of the Order Empire is well known, and it is more inclined to use force to destroy demons.

This is not the self-confidence of the sect empire, but a radical behavior caused by the hatred of demons.

This kind of extreme cognition is unacceptable to East Asian countries, nor does it believe that humans in East Asia alone can eliminate the demons on the southern continent.

Facing the threat of demons, the main consciousness of East Asian countries is to focus on defense and avoid proactive attacks.

But the cult empire is different, always thinking about breaking into the southern continent and completely eliminating the devil.

The difference in ideology makes it impossible for countries in two different regions to unite.

The ecclesiastical empire has its own considerations, and the East Asian countries also have their own views.

One main attack, one main defense, the contradiction is very obvious.

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