Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1226: Embassy of the Kingdom of Orleans

In the future, the devil will not disappear, and will continue to grow with mankind. For such an opponent that cannot be completely eliminated, fear is useless. Only to eliminate it again and again, to fight for the right to survive from the hands of the devil, Only in this way can the future of mankind go further.

The same is true for the First Army.

The cold expression returned to normal. With a slight smile, Li Meng said lazily: "Don't worry about these things. The most important thing is to get rid of the Kyoto affairs as soon as possible. There is also a second drive. The Demon Assembly must also find a way to make the Association of Heroes convene earlier. Although it does not count on human beings, it must also strive for some benefits from human countries. Although the threat of demons is still thousands of miles away, the battle of the First Legion is for them. They should understand the principle of eliminating calamities and eliminating disasters."

In the second meeting, Li Meng would not remain silent.

The protagonist in the meeting will not be a certain country, but Li Meng, the First Army.

Although it is still only Li Meng's idea, Li Meng is very clear that if the First Army takes on the important task of resisting the devil, the East Asian countries will be happy to see it and will never object.

Even in my heart, I will call the First Army an idiot, because only an idiot will face the terrifying demon alone.

"Yeona! How are you doing?"

Today, Chen Yan is not by his side, and Li Meng knows what to do.

Although it is clear, Li Meng does not know how things are going.

With a faint smile, Chen Yan said softly: "The cargo has been loaded on the ship. Now we are waiting for the port and channel to be cleared. We will set off in the early morning."

"It is necessary to ensure the safety of this shipment. This large army expansion will rely on this batch of money."

Thirty billion is not a small amount, and it is qualified for Li Meng's attention.

This batch of crystal coins is not only the basis for the expansion of the First Army, but also a guarantee against the demons.

If something accident happens to this shipment, the First Army will be uncomfortable.

Not only will the army expansion fail, there will also be great problems in the capital chain. By then, let alone fighting the demons, the First Legion may not even be qualified to fight the demons.

"Don't worry, Master, this time the route not only chose the offshore, so as to avoid being caught by the king beasts in the deep sea, but also arranged a large number of clan members on board. They are all veterans with combat experience. Although our ghouls are in In terms of combat, it is not comparable to ghouls, but it is not comparable to ordinary people. If anyone is eyeing this batch of goods, they are guaranteed to get away."

Li Meng naturally believed in Chen Yan's ability to do things.

Then there is nothing to worry about. Li Meng is tired today, not only in his body but also in his heart.

Li Meng, lying in Chen Yan's soft arms, closed his eyes again.

The owner's speechlessness for a long time made Chen Yan realize something.

The owner should be very tired...

Holding her master lightly, Chen Yan kept silent, and time passed slowly while the two embraced on the sofa.

There was no sound in the hall, except for Li Meng's breathing.

I don't know how long it took, outside, darkness fell quietly, and for a while, Kyoto fell into a colorful world again.

In a bustling city, the night is not a representative of danger, but a moment of entertainment.

It's time for humans to release their stress and have fun.

Of course, everyone’s life is different. Some people like a lively environment, while others like quiet.

For politicians from all over the world gathered in Kyoto, tonight is not a happy night.

No matter what responsibility they hold, today's meeting will undoubtedly disappoint many people.

This disappointment is not dissatisfaction with the slow progress of the conference, but turning a blind eye to the problem and disappointed with the attitudes of countries.

Of course, this disappointment does not mean everyone. For some people, this is exactly the result they want.

Kyoto, Second Ring City, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Orleans.

The embassies in Kyoto are all unified standards, which means that the appearance of the building is basically the same, and people will know that it is the embassy of a certain country at a glance, and the flag is to distinguish the country of the embassy.

The night was dark, and the embassy surrounded by tall buildings was brightly lit.

Soldiers at various outposts were treating them seriously and dutifully guarding the safety of the embassy.

At the gate, there are two silver-white guards standing, like two steel fortresses to frighten those who are interested.

In Kyoto, the guards of the embassies of various countries are standard with 100 people, and the guards are dispatched by the countries themselves.

In cities, the guarding force of embassies of various countries is still very strong.

This seems unnecessary. In Kyoto, who would bother with the embassy?

But there is no absolute thing. There are martial artists in this world, and there are also people with different abilities. This kind of people are very powerful, but they are also dangerous. Once they are spied on, they must have a very strong guard force.

The scale of the guard at the embassy is prevention and a necessary defense force.

After all, for a country’s ambassadors, their enemies are often not ordinary people, but powerful capable people.

The higher the status, the greater the power, the more enemies, and the easier it is for a country’s ambassador to become a target while abroad.

It is not difficult to understand why Kyoto allows embassies of various countries to have such a large defense force.

At this time in the embassy, ​​a secret conversation is going on.

This is a study room located on the second floor. The space is not small, but the lighting is dim and the environment is not very comfortable.

Under the dim light, two shadows were printed on the wall, shaking slightly.

On the white sofa, the two sat opposite each other, their words floating in the study.

"This is your business, not mine. I can't control what you are going to do, but don't involve me. As a member of the Heroes Association, I also serve as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Orleans. Under the supervision of the Heroes Association, even if I have the intention, there is nothing I can do. Once this matter is exposed, let alone me, the Kingdom of Orleans will get into trouble, and maybe it will be sanctioned by Kyoto. I absolutely cannot take this risk."

Looking ugly at the person on the other side who was covered in black robes, Quan San clearly rejected his proposal.

What a joke...

This is not the Kingdom of Orleans. In the Kingdom of Orleans, as long as you don't do too much with the Hessian Guild, the kingdom can turn a blind eye to it, but this is Kyoto.

Kyoto is not a place to act arbitrarily. Once his goal is achieved, Izumi understands that once the matter is exposed, it will not be a little trouble to get into the body.

He was still young, but only forty years old, Quan San didn't want to bury his future on the Hessian Guild.

"What are you afraid of?"

The voice in the black robe carried a hint of playfulness and a hint of sarcasm.

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