Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1227: contradiction

"The news will not be leaked, and this matter has nothing to do with you. All you have to do is hold a banquet and invite envoys from various countries to participate. Don't worry, we will not do it in the embassy."

Quan San was very puzzled and asked in a puzzled way: "If this is the case, why don't you go directly to the target residence? That person lives in a merchant's mansion now, it shouldn't be difficult for you."

In the black robe, Leng Ran's words sounded: "It is indeed not difficult, but the risk is too great. As the industry of the First Legion, how can the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce have no sense of safety? Only by letting him leave the mansion can we ensure that nothing is lost."

It turned out to be like this...

Quan San understood.

The Hessian Guild is a member of the Dark Society. It was originally a rat crossing the street in Kyoto. Once it attacked the mansion of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce and the battle could not be ended in a short time, it would be easy to be targeted by the Kyoto guards.

Once spotted by the guard, getting out is not easy.

After hesitating again and again, Izumi did not immediately agree, and said solemnly: "This matter makes me think about it. The atmosphere of Kyoto is not a time for a banquet. You must think of another reason."

Nowadays Kyoto is in a special period, and holding a banquet at this time is too eye-catching.

Once the invited ambassador is killed on the way, it is easy to be suspected.

After all, there is a contradiction between the Kingdom of Orleans and the First Army, and there are reasons for killing.

This is too dangerous. As an ambassador of a country, Quan San cannot be so reckless, he must be steady.

"Are you scared?"

With a hint of sarcasm in Leng Ran, Quan San frowned slightly.

Looking coldly at the person in the black robe opposite, Quan San said solemnly: "I am not obligated to help you in this matter. Yes, the Kingdom of Orleans does have some contradictions with the First Army, but these contradictions have not reached the level of assassination. I represent a country, and you must obey the rules at the national level, but you are different. Your dark guilds are unfettered and the ugliest side of human nature. You want revenge against the First Army. I would love to see it, but I will never be involved in this matter."

The contradiction between the Kingdom of Orleans and the First Legion is, after all, only wishful thinking of the Kingdom of Orleans.

The two parties did not have direct contact, but because of the ruin of their interests, the Kingdom of Orleans hated the culprit of the First Legion.

The so-called contradiction is somewhat inexplicable for the First Army.

Speaking of this, Izumi's expression slowed down, and he said calmly: "Kyoto is very big and it is also a beautiful and prosperous place. He can't stay in that mansion forever. There are opportunities, and it depends on whether you are willing to wait. ."

The conversation between the two was not pleasant, and he got up and got up from the sofa.

At the same time, a cold voice rang from the black robe.

"Since the ambassador doesn't want it, I will not force it, so I will bother."

After speaking, he left, disappearing under the dim light.

Looking at the place where the black robe figure disappeared, Quan San's face looked very ugly.

I didn't expect him to come...

I came to Kyoto, Izumi knows what it means.

This represents revenge and chaos.

Quan San knew about the contradiction between the Hessian Guild and the First Army.

News of what happened in Marani, Bentley, has spread.

The appearance of the demon also made the Hessian Guild fall into the ground of public criticism, and even the Kingdom of Orleans deliberately imposed certain restrictions on the Hessian Guild.

Demons are a big taboo for humans. The Guild of Hessian summoned demons in human cities, which undoubtedly crossed the bottom line.

Thinking of this, Quan San had a headache and felt helpless.

In this special period, I didn't expect that group of people would come to Kyoto.

While having a headache, Quan San also had some doubts.

How did they know?

Today is the first time that the Ambassador of the First Army has appeared. Before that, no one knew that the Ambassador of the First Army was in Kyoto.

How can the Hessian Guild know in advance?

Although the Kingdom of Orleans is not far from Kyoto, it is still a few days away. In other words, at least a few days ago, the Hessian Guild had received the news that the Ambassador of the First Legion was in Kyoto.

This is a bit weird. Who told the Hessian Guild that the Ambassador of the First Army was in Kyoto?

Could it be...

An idea and a possibility emerged in Quan San's mind.

Is it a coincidence?

The group of people came to Kyoto for another purpose, and it was just a coincidence that the first legion ambassador was met.

This possibility is very high, otherwise, he would not come to him tonight.

At this time, it is obvious that at today's meeting, the presence of the Ambassador of the First Army let them know the news.

Thinking of this, Quan San thoughtfully.

I'm afraid something will happen in Kyoto recently...

Their courage is really big. Although they don't know the purpose of the Hessian Guild, they dare to cause trouble in Kyoto, which is enough to prove the madness of the Hessian Guild.

Looking up at the landline on the desk, Quan hesitated on three sides.

In the end, Quan San gave up and sat on the sofa silently.

It was late at night, and the noisy Kyoto gradually fell silent.

In an unknown tavern, something is happening.

In Kyoto, there are pubs and hotels. Although the two are the same thing, they serve different objects.

The hotel is more formal, with the right to operate, and serves the middle and upper class people.

The tavern is relatively inferior, messy and mixed, serving people at the bottom of society.

Although it was late at night, the tavern was still noisy.

Under the dazzling lights, there are crazy roars and giggles, and men and women who are intoxicated are venting the pressure in their hearts.

Compared with the harsh noise on the first floor, the second floor is much quieter.

After crossing a boundary line, even the lights became much dim, and the narrow corridor was filled with smoke.

There are many doors on both sides of the corridor, some people are still open, looking inside, some haggard men and women are smoking a kind of dried tobacco, Mingming Yintang is black, eyes are like pandas, haggard and non-human, their faces But he showed a happy look, that kind of pleasure, as if he was enjoying the most beautiful things in the world.

With a slight sound of footsteps, he appeared in the corridor surrounded by smoke in a black robe.

His steps are not hurried or slow, walking step by step, approaching a certain end.

"Hey! Do you want something? You will never forget that feeling. Come on, I will take you to heaven myself."

In front of the door, a coquettishly dressed woman leaned against the wall, gleefully looking at the black robe passing by her in the corridor.

She was smiling, her bright red lips opened, and her long pointed tongue was moving on her lips, and the atmosphere of temptation was very strong.

But the black robe didn't stop, didn't even glance at it, ignored her, and walked silently beside her.

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