Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1228: Cres

"Cut, poor ghost."

This made her scornful and cursed in a low voice.

The black robe that had left entered the room at the corner.

The room is not dark, although the light is soft and somewhat dim, but the small space makes the darkness nowhere to hide.


The door was closed.

The entry of the black robe made the eyes of all the people in the room look at him.

They only took a look, and they stood up quickly, sitting lazily.

The fierce and hideous faces were full of respect, and in front of the black robes, the burly figures seemed very restrained.

With the addition of black robes, there are four people in the room.

In the eyes of the three people, the black robe took off the robes, revealing the delicate leather armor under the black robe, the rough face, and cold eyes.

With the black robe still on the hard bed, he sat on the edge of the bed blankly.

"Quizan can't count on it anymore. He is too timid and afraid of getting involved with our mission."

In the room, Leng Ran's words echoed, which made the standing three people stare at each other.

One of them cautiously said: "Master Kress! Knowing our purpose, will Izumi reveal our whereabouts to the Heroes Association? Or tonight..."

With that said, he made a wiping motion with a fierce face, his eyes were unusually cold.

Kress raised his head and glanced at the subordinate who made the suggestion coldly, and he scolded: "Stupid, you must abide by the rules of the dark world when you are in the dark world. Some lines cannot be crossed. Once crossed, the rules will be broken. , And those who break the rules don’t have the right to live, Aaron, you keep this in mind for me. If you break the rules in the future, I will personally kill you."

Facing Kress’s cold eyes, Aaron lowered his head quickly, and said in a hurry: "Yes, Lord Kress, I remember."

Withdrawing his gaze from Aaron coldly, Kress said solemnly: "Quizan is not an idiot. It will not do him any good for him to tell the Heroes Association of our whereabouts. He knows the relationship between the Hessian Guild and the Kingdom of Orleans. Don't have the guts."

Although the trip to the embassy tonight was not smooth, for Kress, seeking the help of the three major envoys was just a non-essential choice.

The words paused, and Kress continued: "The life and death of that waste of Sass is unknown. Although the president has no clear instructions, as a member of the guild, he has an obligation to let the First Legion know that our Hessian guild is not easy to mess with. "

Speaking of this, Kress looked at Aaron with a cold expression, and said, "Aaron, the ambassador of the First Legion of Kyoto will be left to you. I don't care what method you use, I only look at the result.

He smiled, Aaron showed a hideous look and sneered: "Don't worry, Lord Kress, leave this ambassador to me. I won't let him leave Kyoto alive. I will let the First Army understand. Provoke the fate of the Hessian Guild."

Kress ignored Aaron's blind confidence.

In the Hessian Guild, incompetent people cannot survive. If this matter is not handled properly, then Aaron has no need to live. He is not the trash of Blackmore, even his subordinates can't control it.

Looking back at the other two people, Kreis said: "The rest will follow me to complete the main task. The woman Long Xueer must die, and she must not be allowed to leave Kyoto alive. The concert is approaching. This is our only chance. "


The two responded in unison.


Time flies, and when the darkness is gone, a new day has arrived.

In the early morning, when everything recovered, the quiet Kyoto gradually became active again.

In the second ring city, in the mansion of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce.

"Master, do you want to meet that woman today?"

Chen Yan said softly while finishing the collar of the host.

In the bedroom, beside the bed, Li Meng was enjoying Chen Yan's service.

Today is not a leisurely day. No, Li Meng got up early.

Looking back, Li Meng looked out the window.

There is a sky outside the window, and a neighbor’s residence.

Today’s weather is very good, there is no cloud, and there is a blue sky early in the morning.

Looking out the window, Li Meng said, "Well, since I promised her, I won't break my promise."

Chen Yan knew what she had promised, although she was not with her master that day.

"Do you want Yana to accompany you?"

If possible, Chen Yan would like to go with the host.

From outside the window, Li Meng withdrew his gaze and looked back at Chen Yan in front of him. Li Meng smiled slightly and said softly: "I don't want to reveal my identity. If you go, you can't hide this identity."

Chen Yan didn't care, and said softly: "Well, then Yan'er won't go, the master should return early."

"Look at the situation, if it's still early, I would like to go to the Martial Arts Academy."

Martial Arts Academy?

Chen Yan withdrew her hand from Li Meng's collar. She looked at her master in a puzzled manner, and asked suspiciously: "Does the master know anyone at the Martial Arts Academy?"

Looking at the pretty Chen Yan in front of him, Li Meng smiled slightly, and stretched out his hands to embrace the soft waist.

With a tender body, Li Meng said softly in Chen Yan's ear: "This is a long time ago. At that time, the First Army had not yet occupied Nanlin Island. It was still active in the territory of Kyoto. In the "dirty valley," I met some people and had some intersections with them. After such a long time, the debt owed should be paid."

Debt owed?

Who can make the owner owe debts?

Chen Yan was very curious about this.

Curious to curious, Chen Yan did not break the casserole to ask the end.

She would naturally know some things that should be known, and she couldn't ask if she shouldn't.

Although being held by the owner Chen Yan is very useful, but it is not early.

Lifting her head slightly, Chen Yan looked at the host close at hand with a light gaze, and said softly: "Master, breakfast is ready, let's eat."

With a slight smile, Li Meng lowered his head and clicked on Chen Yan's ruddy lips. When Chen Yan was still in a daze, he let go of her.

"Let's go!"

Steps have already taken, Li Meng walked outside.

It took a long time for Chen Yan to recover and quickly followed.

Although he has been intimate with his master for a long time, some intimate actions of the master are still full of lethal power for Chen Yan.

When Li Meng and Chen Yan came to the restaurant, breakfast was ready.

At the dining table, Li Meng also saw Long Qiaoer and another maid.

"the host!"

Seeing Li Meng's arrival, the two women lowered their heads and shouted softly.


Replied softly, Li Meng went to the table and took a seat in the eyes of the two women.

The breakfast is very rich and light.

A bowl of rice porridge, a plate of pastries, mainly sweets.

This is very different from Li Meng when he was in Bentley. In Bentley, the staple food is mainly noodles and meat as a supplement.

Kyoto is different. The staple food is millet, supplemented by meat, and various vegetables.

In terms of food types, Kyoto is undoubtedly a lot more abundant.

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