Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1229: Travel

After breakfast, Li Meng was ready to set off.

"The weather today is really good."

Before the gate, Li Meng stopped and looked up at the sky.

There is no cloud, even the sun seems to have a hint of temperature.

There is also a little noise in my ears. Although this is a villa area, the roar of cars is still harsh.

"Master! Go back early."

Behind her, Chen Yan gave Li Meng one last word.

Did not make a promise to Chen Yan, and withdrew his gaze from the sky, Li Meng smiled faintly and turned back to Chen Yan: "Before the second exorcism meeting, there are still some leisure days. There are many places to go, don’t worry. , I will come back naturally when it's time to come back."

In other words, does it take many days for the host to travel?

Realizing this, Chen Yan hurriedly said, "Take Yan'er, no matter where the master goes, someone must be by her side to serve."

Li Meng shook his head, stretched out his hand and squeezed Chen Yan's white face, and said very indifferently: "This trip, I just want to look around as a civilian. By the way, I also admire the land of Kyoto. Scenery, if you follow, it will be meaningless."

The master's petting actions made Chen Yan very useful. While her eyes flickered, she felt a little regretful in her heart.

Although she didn't want to, Chen Yan also knew that she could only give up and let her master travel alone.

Stretching out her hands, Chen Yan hugged the still-holding hand on her face, and said pitifully, "Then the master should return early."

Chen Yan's pitiful appearance made Li Meng smile helplessly, she stretched out her hand and rubbed it on the little head, and said helplessly: "Don't worry, it won't take too long. Okay, I should set off too. ."

At this time, beside the road in front of the iron gate, a car was waiting.

Li Meng waved his hands and boarded the car in Chen Yan's eyes.

"Let's go, go to the empty talk auction house."

As soon as he got in the car, Li Meng said to the driver in front.


The driver in order started the car, and amid the roar of the engine, the car slowly moved.

The vehicle carrying Li Meng is going away, but Chen Yan still stands at the door blankly, looking at the passing vehicle with a look of dismay.

Naturally, it was not the car that made her give up, but the person in the car.

In the car, Li Meng naturally knew the line of sight outside the car, and also knew Chen Yan's mood at the moment.

This made Li Meng feel a little bit helpless.

How should I put it, the emotions of the ghoul family are too rich and too sensitive.

Being with him for a long time, Chen Yan already has a sense of dependence on him. The close relationship between the two parties has turned this attachment into love.

Of course, Li Meng doesn't hate this, because Chen Yan is not only his family, but also his woman. Being loved by the woman she loves is something that every man likes.

But Chen Yan is not an ordinary woman, and Li Meng is not an ordinary mortal. As a ghoul, she has her own responsibilities. One day she will leave Li Meng's side.

This day will come sooner or later. When that day comes, what will she do?

Can you accept the responsibility on yourself?

Li Meng was very worried about this, but he saw it very indifferently.

In the First Army, Li Meng is the sky and the earth. It is the center of this system and can exist as he pleases.

If Chen Yan asks him to be by his side forever, this is just a word from Li Meng.

But Li Meng also knew that Chen Yan would not say such a request, even if she thought it in her heart, she would not say it.

Because before being Li Meng’s woman, Chen Yan was Li Meng’s family member. As a family member, she had to prove her worth to her master. This is not instinct, but nature. This is also the meaning of the existence of the ghoul family.

Without this, Chen Yan also loses the value of existence, which cannot be replaced by "love".

Li Meng was worried because he was afraid that Chen Yan would be uncomfortable.

This is not Li Meng's hypocrisy, but an instinctive concern.

Ghouls, corpses, and ghouls are all of Li Meng's dependents. They were all born because of Li Meng. When facing his dependents, Li Meng would feel as a father.

As a father, you naturally care about how your children feel.

I think too much...

With a slight sigh, Li Meng let go of what was in his mind.

Thinking about everything now is superfluous, let's talk about the future.

Li Meng put his thoughts on the body of the Xuyu Auction House.

That woman...

Her name is Wang Mei, who is in charge of the Xuyu Auction House, but is that all?

During the previous conversation, Li Meng felt a strange awkwardness.

This feeling may be subtle, but in Li Meng's eyes it is infinitely magnified.

When she introduced herself, Li Meng could tell from the mouth of the woman named "Wang Mei" that Wang Mei was not her real name, because when she said the name, her tone was a little unnatural.

Normally people can't hear it, but Li Meng is different.

Li Meng, who has a huge mental power, is extremely sensitive to details, even if his mental power is not fully recovered, this ability has not been lost.

Of course, Li Meng didn't care about her true identity, just a little curious.

I wonder why she concealed her identity and why she had to bear a false name.

The road is not far away, and the distance between the mansion and the Xuyu Auction House is only a few streets away.

Soon, the destination was reached.

Before getting off the car, Li Meng said to the driver in the front position: "Go back, don't wait for me."

"Yes Master!"

Came here again, nothing changed.

The Xuyu Auction House is still the same, and the cylindrical building is still so strange.

The square is also very lively, with the roaring roar of vehicles coming in and out.

If there is a change, only Li Meng himself.

When he opened the door and left the car, Li Meng got off and put on a black robe.

It was not an ordinary black robe, but an illusory object condensed by the power of death.

Shrouded in black robe, Li Meng looked quite mysterious.

Although the dress is a bit peculiar, it seems a bit ordinary here.

After all, many people entering and leaving the auction house are reluctant to reveal their identity.

In order to cover the face, more exotic dresses are available.

In contrast, Li Meng in a black robe is not so eye-catching.

It's not early. At this time, there are quite a few people who enter and leave the empty talk auction house.

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