Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1236: stay

Someone is going to be uncomfortable...

That's fine, compared to Li Lanxin making him uncomfortable, if Li Meng made him uncomfortable, he couldn't bear it.

Although Li Meng said he didn't care, how could he really not care?

Even if it's just a false name, it's a fact that Li Lanxin is Li Meng's fiancée. It's a fact. Will she look at her fiancée and other men?

Li Meng's possessiveness is very strong.

As Li Meng said, he was uncomfortable.

"What? You want to go with him? No, I will never allow it."

Li Lanxin's words made Zhang Ting go crazy with jealousy, and he roared with great anger and gaffe.

This made Li Lanxin frowned and said in disgust: "He is my fiance. Why should I be with him? This is my own business. You can just report it to Your Excellency Qian Yongfu. Will come back, and by then, it will be time for us to leave Kyoto."

After finishing talking, ignoring Zhang Ting who was extremely frustrated and angry, Li Lanxin said to the two in the car: "Ma Donglin, Shu Dongdong, after I leave, you will continue to talk with Your Excellency Qian Yongfu, and I will be back in a few days."

Shu Dongdong in the car nodded and said, "Don't worry, instructor, leave these things to us."

Ma Donglin, who was next to Shu Dongdong, also smiled and said: "Go, you can't let Master Li Meng wait for a long time. I can meet Master Li Meng by chance today. This is the instructor's luck. You can't waste this opportunity."


With a reddened face, Li Lanxin responded with embarrassment.

Li Lanxin's shy appearance made Zhang Ting's heart even more uncomfortable.

He sternly said: "Lan Xin, you can't go with him. I brought you out today, so I must take you back."

With that said, Zhang Ting reached out and grabbed Li Lanxin's hand.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was snapped at him.

"Zhang Ting, please pay attention to your behavior. Although Your Excellency Qian Yongfu is your brother-in-law, if you are disrespectful to the instructor, don't blame us for being rude."

Looking at Zhang Ting outside the car coldly, Ma Donglin's expression was very gloomy, and his words were very cold.

This shocked Zhang Ting, his outstretched hand stiffened, and the expression on his face changed.

Shu Dongdong on the side also sneered: "We don’t want to deal with young people’s affairs, but we want to pay attention to the instructor. I’m afraid you don’t have the courage and life. I advise you to be honest. With your current status and status, You don’t even deserve to give him shoes. Someday you will have the status of one person and above ten thousand people. You may be eligible to fight with him. Now, let's just give up. There are some people you can't afford. of."


Is it the person Lan Xin called "Li Meng"?

Who is he?

Is it a high-ranking official in which country to be regarded so highly by the rebels?

This is impossible. If so, as his fiancée, how could he let Lan Xin fall outside, struggling to survive alone in the dangerous forest?

With the help of Shu Dongdong and Ma Donglin, Li Lanxin breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Zhang Ting with a stunned look, Li Lanxin felt an unspeakable refreshment in her heart.

I've been a little annoyed by him these days, and I can finally get out today.

"That's it, the rest will be left to you!"

Waved to the two people in the car, Li Lanxin left with excitement.

The slender figure shows the youthful and lively atmosphere.

"It's nice to be young, does that girl know stage fright?"

Seeing Li Lanxin leaving behind, Shu Dongdong sighed softly.

Shrugging, Ma Donglin said indifferently, "Who knows, it depends on how enlightened that girl is."

"Yes, if it were her, maybe it could be done."

What can be done, except for the two who know it well, Zhang Ting, who is more and more confused, naturally doesn't know.

Li Lanxin kept the promise very well.

After leaving for only half an hour, he returned to his previous seat.

"The trouble is solved?"

Seeing Li Lanxin's return, Li Meng asked casually.

Lightly nodded, Li Lanxin said happily: "Well, it's all solved, and the disgusting people are also dismissed."

Li Meng: "Then continue to eat, the food may be cold."

Li Lanxin didn't move the chopsticks, but smiled and said, "I'm full, adults eat more."

I couldn't eat more anymore. At this time, Li Meng had already put down his chopsticks.

Li Meng said, "Now that you have eaten well, let's go."

"My lord, where shall we go next?"

Looking at Li Meng expectantly, Li Lanxin asked.

Where to go

In his heart, Li Meng thought about it.

It's a bit late to go to the Martial Arts Academy. After Li Lanxin's delay, noon is too early. Now I go to the Martial Arts Academy. After arriving, I am afraid that the sky will darken soon.

After thinking for a moment, Li Meng noticed, and said to Li Lanxin, "First find a place to stay, and go to the Martial Arts Academy tomorrow."

Find a place to live?

As if aware of something, Li Lanxin's face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking about.

Li Meng just smiled for Li Lanxin's reaction.

Although she mustered up the courage to make a decision, for her, some things were still too powerful.

Although how far she is as an instructor, in the final analysis, she is really just a girl under twenty years old.

She is naturally curious and afraid of things that women must experience.

Such a reaction is normal.


Beckoning slightly, Li Meng called the waiter.

"Sir! Do you need anything?"

Li Meng asked: "Can you provide accommodation here?"


The young waitress glanced at Li Meng with a comprehensive look and chuckled softly: "Yes, there are regular suites and VIP suites."

Yipin Pavilion is not limited to the third floor, so Li Meng thought that Yipin Pavilion should also provide accommodation.

Since it provides accommodation, Li Meng doesn't need to look elsewhere.

"Then come to two VIP suites."

"Okay, do you want to move in now or later?"

Li Meng looked at Li Lanxin with his head down, and asked, "Lanxin! Where can I go?"


The sound is very small, if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it.

However, Li Meng heard clearly.

With a slight smile, Li Meng turned his head to the waitress beside him and said: "Now move in."

"Okay, sir, miss! Please come with me."

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