Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1237: Oriana

The wind is blowing, pushing the waves forward one after another.

When it reached the end, the golden beach and black reef were washed over and over again in the sound of "crashing".

The sea is boundless, but it has an end.

On one side is the blue sea, looking into the distance, is the world of water.

On the other side is land, with steep cliffs and golden beaches forming a long coastline.

And on a beach almost parallel to the coast, a huge and magnificent city stands tall.

It is so huge and magnificent, it is located at the junction of water and land, one side extends to the sea, the other extends into the interior.

From afar, the coastline of dozens of kilometers is occupied by huge cities.

This is the Kingdom of Austria, and this city is Darwin, the capital and the only city of the Kingdom of Austria.

As a port city, smooth shipping is indispensable.

On the side facing the sea, a huge port connects Darwin with the sea.

A large number of piers extend from the interior, forming a group of piers.

Although the port is large and there are many piers, there are few ships. At first glance, the port is empty and there are only a few fishing boats docked on the pier, undulating with the surging water.

The harbor was empty, but on the sea outside the harbor, a huge ship shadow was floating on the sea.

The huge metal body reflects the metal light, and the densely packed cannon barrels on the deck are like a monster that eats humans, revealing a hint of danger.

After more than ten days of sailing, the fleet finally arrived in Darwin City.

After a year, Gunia finally returned to her hometown.

Today, Darwin City is lively because the princess "Gunia" is back.

The princess who gave them hope and brought back food is back.

Upon hearing this news, the people gathered spontaneously on the way from the port to the palace to welcome the return of the princess.

For a time, the shouts of Darwin City were deafening, and news of Princess Gunia's return spread throughout the city.

It was not until Kunia returned to the palace that the riots in Darwin subsided slightly.

Gunia's return also plunged the always quiet palace into riots.

The palace, in the inner court corridor.

Amidst the chaotic footsteps, followed by a group of maids and guards, Gunia took the two younger sisters and walked lightly.

"Sister Gunia! If the queen mother blames, you have to intercede for us."

Dinessa seemed very worried, with a timid gaze, looking at Gu Niya pleadingly.

This made Gu Niya smile helplessly, and said with a chuckle: "You, now I know I'm afraid, don't think about it, this time I won't intercede for you, so I will let the princess teach you a lesson, and see if you dare Run around."

"Sister Gunia..."

Dinessa pouted unwillingly, her face becoming more comfortable.

Compared to Dinesha's fear and worry, Teresa seemed very indifferent.

Taking Guniya's hand, she walked quietly, seemingly not worried about the scolding of her mother.

This made Dinessa on the other side of Gunia very envious, and whispered to Teresa: "Telisa, come and be your sister. Haven't you been fighting with me? Let you be your sister today."


Teresa clearly refused.

This made Dinessa a little dejected, and it seemed that she could not run today.

Such childish words made the maids behind him smile heartily.

I am afraid that only the naughty Princess Dinessa would think of giving up her sister's identity.

But can the identity of the sister be allowed?

Really a child.

Just amidst Dinessa's anxiety and worry, the destination has arrived.

This is the room of the first princess "Olianna". In the room, the princess is waiting for them.

Compared to Dinesha's anxiety, Gunia seemed very calm.

Oriana can be the mother of Dinessa and Teresa, but she cannot be her mother.

One is age, and the other is approval.

There are three princesses in the Kingdom of Austria, and the first two princesses died earlier, and all have left orphans.

Kuniya was the daughter of the first princess. When Kuniya was seven, her mother died.

After the death of the first princess, King Vilchin soon married the second princess, the mother of Dinessa and Teresa. Because of her younger age, she recognized her concubine Kuniya.

When Kunia was fifteen years old, the second princess died, when Dinessa and Teresa were only four years old.

In the second year after the death of the second princess, King Vilchin married the third princess, which is now the first princess "Olianna". In that year, Kuniya turned eighteen.

As an adult, Gunia has independent consciousness, and naturally she will not call Oriana, who is only ten years older than herself, as her mother.

Fortunately, Olianna didn't care, which made the relationship between the two subtle.

Like mother and daughter, but also like sisters, probably somewhere in between.

In the palace, King Wilkin was seriously ill and could not handle state affairs. Political affairs could only be handled by the first princess Oriana. A woman was single and weak, but two women were different. As a princess, this It is also Gunia's responsibility.

Perhaps it is because of mutual cherishment, or perhaps because of political considerations, the relationship between the two is good.

After more than a year, I came back here again, even Kuniya was quite excited.

Although excited, Gunia was not timid. She rubbed the timid Dinessa's small head and pushed open the door.

In the room, a lazy and luxurious figure was already waiting.

She wears a purple dress with a golden crown on her head. She is slender and leaning against a large seat. Her white and flawless face has a lazy smile, her eyes are light but full of wisdom.

Slightly curled lips, beautiful face, lazy maturity, and eye-catching caress.

She is Oriana, the first princess of the Kingdom of Austria.

It is also a stunner in the eyes of all men.

"Mother... Empress..."

As soon as she entered the room, Dinessa timidly hid behind Gu Niya, looking at Oriana with a pleasant expression.

Seeing Dinessa showing such a timid appearance, Oriana smiled lazily, waved to Dinessa and Teresa, and whispered: "My two daughters, come, come by my side. "

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