Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1242: Sleeping man

Under the gas mask, the doctor smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Due to the limited medical conditions, the only thing we can do now is to minimize the suffering of His Majesty the King, and the subordinates can't do anything about the erosion of pollutants. Your Majesty is already dying and the pollutants have invaded. Your majesty’s internal organs, there is no hope for a complete cure. Now we can only slow down the virus's erosion rate as much as possible, so that your majesty can survive longer.

Kuniya knew that the doctor had tried her best.

The father is already old, and the elderly in this world, due to the decline of their resistance due to aging bodies, often cannot escape the end of the erosion of pollutants. It can be said that this is a barrier that all elderly people will experience.

Once this inverted barrier is passed, the aging of the body will no longer be the target of pollutants. If it fails, it will usher in death. This is the result that no one can change.

Although sad in her heart, Gunia can only accept such a result.

"I also ask your Royal Highness to leave as soon as possible and take care of your precious body."

The doctor reminded again.

This time, Gunia did not wilfully ignore the doctor's warning.

Taking a deep glance at the old figure on the bed, Gu Niya turned around and left the stinking bedroom.

The half-month journey at sea is a torment for everyone, even Kuniya who is a martial artist is not listed.

A nice meal and a nice sleep are the most important things.

In the early morning, the dense fog was filled.

Even the sea surface near the sea was shrouded in dense fog spreading from the land.

The huge Darwin City, as usual, lived his daily life.

Without the harassment of the devil, the rebels in the city calmed down, and everything seemed very good.

The port shrouded in mist also ushered in a new day when it was a little lively.

For fishermen, fishing at sea is their only life guarantee and can survive better.

I don't know when, this low-level industry is now envied by people.

The sea was rippling, and amidst the scolding of fishermen, fishing boats left the harbor and sailed into the deep sea.

Outside the port, the fleet shrouded in mist has also become an existence that fishermen talk about.

Some fishing boats even deliberately approached the fleet, just to observe the huge ships.

"These guys are really big, hey, have you heard that this fleet is said to be mercenaries brought back by Her Royal Highness."

"Haha, you're afraid you are not stupid, if it is an enemy, how dare we get so close."

"That said, but these ships are really big."

"Let's go, let's go, it's important to do business, don't get too close."

From the passing fishing boats, from time to time there was the sound of exclamation and discussion from the fishermen.

For the fishermen, the fleet is just a relatively novel thing.

Under the shroud of mist, the huge fleet turned into a huge shadow. When you get close enough, you can see the huge metal body and the pressure that is like a mountain.

This is both curious and daunting.

At this moment, in the harbor, a slightly larger boat left the dock and slowly approached in the direction of the fleet.

The roar of the engine rumbling echoed in the mist.

Today, Gunia is not lazy, Darwin City seems calm, but she did not relax her vigilance.

"What do you want me to do?"

In the command room of the flagship, Tan Ya received Gu Niya.

Today, Gunia is dressed in plain clothes and a gray robe, looking like a wanderer.

This look is obviously out of town quietly.

With a wry smile on her face, Gunia said helplessly: "Darwin City has undergone a lot of changes. A few months ago, the demons that plagued the kingdom disappeared without a trace, and the rebels in the city were quiet. Now Darwin The city fell into a strange calm, which made me very worried."

The devil disappeared?

Tan Ya on the captain's seat slightly raised her head and glanced at Gu Niya unexpectedly.

The wide hood hides everything, and Gu Niya only felt a gaze towards herself.

In the hood, Tan Ya's voice rang.

"The tranquility before the storm, the next time it erupts, will definitely be unstoppable."

This is the conclusion reached by Tan Ya.

Nodded lightly, and said to Tanya, Gu Niya felt the same way, and said softly: "I think so too. The disappearance of the devil and the hiding of the rebels must be connected to each other. Maybe they We are accumulating strength and waiting for the next opportunity."

"Is there information on the surrounding countries? The demons will not disappear for no reason. As long as they still exist, they will not stop the killing." Tan Ya asked.

Tanya asked Gu Niya to apologize and shook her head: “Because of the hostile relationship with the surrounding countries, the kingdom is relatively closed, and it is ignorant of the situation of the surrounding countries. It is also difficult to complain about Send intelligence personnel outside."

In that case, you can only start from the beginning, as if you are exploring a new continent, and you can explore outward little by little.

This is not an easy task...

It takes too much time.

Thinking of this, Tan Ya sighed in her heart.

The master really took a trouble.


Kuniya knew that the kingdom was too incompetent. As a country, she didn't know anything about the surrounding countries, and the intelligence was blank. This is a shameful and annoying thing.

What can be troublesome? The task is the task. The owner's purpose is to solve the worries in the woman's heart and let the Kingdom of Austria survive this crisis. Although the devil no longer threatens Darwin City, it does not mean that Darwin City is safe. Still very clear.

Now that the devil has disappeared, find out the devil. Only by destroying this demon and killing the group of fallen ones can the task be truly completed.

"Understand, the demons outside the city will be solved by us, and we will find them out."

Speaking of this, Tan Ya's words paused, and then: "For the First Army, everything here is unfamiliar. I need information. Any information you know, any information you can think of, I need ."

Nodding lightly, Gu Niya said: "Leave it to me. When I go back, I will order someone to sort out a detailed information and give it to the general. It will take about a day."

Intelligence is very important, even if it is just the most basic intelligence, it is also extremely important.

Gu Niya can understand Tanya's request, and she understands that this is also her obligation.

The First Legion was a mercenary and came to assist her. She must try her best to satisfy any request.

Only when both parties work together can the troubles facing the kingdom be resolved more quickly.

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