Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1243: Tanya's changes

"It's not too late, I'm going to deal with intelligence matters."

With that, Gu Niya was leaving.

Seeing this, Tan Ya didn't say much, picked up a small metal box on the metal platform beside him and threw it at Kuniya.

As a martial artist, Gu Niya's reaction was undoubtedly sensitive, and she quickly reacted and caught the metal box.

"This is a remote communication device. With it, you can contact me at any time within a hundred miles."

Gu Niya's expression was slightly taken aback by Tanya's words, and she reacted.

It turned out to be a communicator. In this case, she doesn't need to travel to and from the fleet frequently, and she can directly contact General Tan Ya if she has any problems.

For Gunia, this is undoubtedly much more convenient.

Nodding lightly, Gu Niya said: "Then I will go."

Tan Ya said: "Keep in touch at any time."

Gu Niya left, and for Tan Ya, she also had an ultimate goal.

Things are not simple.

Standing up from the seat, Tan Ya walked slowly to the window.

Outside, on the deck, Gunia's figure is visible.

As a martial artist, he is undoubtedly dexterous in action.

Although the ship's rail has a certain height from the sea, this height is not worth mentioning for martial artists.

I saw Gu Niya leap slightly, then jumped off the boat and jumped onto the boat below.

In the rippling sea, the boat was leaving, and after a while, it disappeared into the mist.

Behind Tan Ya, a sergeant who stayed in the command room approached Tan Ya.

In the helmet, a slightly mechanical voice sounded: "General, to me, this continent is a new continent, an undeveloped virgin land. There is too little intelligence. If you want to find demons in the vast forest, it is not one. It’s easy. It takes a long time. The situation outside of Austria is still unclear. We can’t stay here for long.”

The words of the sergeant behind him did not make Tan Ya react much.

A cold voice rang from his hood, his eyes still looking at the mist-shrouded sea outside.

"This is an order and what the master wants to see. Don't think about leaving until the difficulties faced by the Austrian Kingdom are completely resolved. If you have such an idea, it is better to cherish every minute and every second. Take action."


Holding the military salute, the sergeant said loudly.

"I will send an investigation team inland."

Turning around, Tan Ya left the window and sat on the captain's chair.

Regarding the urgency of the chief sergeant, she said calmly: "No hurry, first prepare the equipment needed by the investigation team. When the information arrives, it will not be too late to act. Although the Kingdom of Austria has fallen, it was once a country that unified the mainland. Apart from anything else, there should still be a map of the continent of Austria. With a map, there is a direction, which is better than wandering around without a clue."


The sergeant responded.

"Go, pick some clever soldiers. This time, you will face the devil. If you don’t know anything, you will face death. Although I hope you will be blessed by death, if you are killed by the devil, you will die. Up."

The words are a bit evil. I don't know when, in front of these soldiers, Tan Ya no longer conceals the identity of her dead.

Let the army adapt to her changes, and let the army have a real awareness of the First Army.


In the helmet, the sergeant's cheeks showed cold sweat.

Although they didn't know some things, when they really knew it, when they faced the generals, the pressure became more and more.

Because they understand that kind of power, kind of belief, kind of magical existence, it makes them feel terrified.

With a slender hand stretched out, Tan Ya lifted the hood on her head.

A beautiful face appeared in everyone's eyes.

Their general is so beautiful...

After more than a year, the short hair that was originally shoulder-length has grown to the waist, unconsciously, Tan Ya also has a beautiful long hair.

Although he has become a dead person, his body is still alive.

The corners of her mouth turned slightly, and Tan Ya revealed a weird smile, and said in a playful manner: "When I got here, I saw the status quo of the Kingdom of Austria, and I understood the real purpose of the master. This kingdom has been broken, it is so bad. The bone marrow is so bad that it is hopelessly bad. If you want to save yourself, you must seek a life-saving straw."

Speaking of this, Tan Ya looked at the sergeant not far away with a beautiful eye, and said softly: "A Rui, when do you think they will realize this?"

"This one……"

Tan Ya called A Rui's Sergeant Chief, and I don't know how to answer.

For the city in front of them, they didn't collect much information, but they were not able to know from the princess like the general did. Without relevant information, how could he know.

As if aware of something, Tan Ya smiled lazily, and said indifferently: "I forgot, you are also unfamiliar to the Kingdom of Austria. Look, wait, it won’t take long for them to realize When the reality is cruel, the Austrian continent will be lively."


Seeing everyone in the command room looking at her together, Tan Ya was a little surprised and asked incomprehensibly.

At this time, Ari said the voice of everyone.

"The general... it's so beautiful to laugh."

That's it...

A Rui's words made Tan Ya lazily smile, and sighed: "I am not more than the other two generals, I can always get in touch with the master at any time. If I don't make some changes, how can I welcome the master to like it?"

This is also true, counting the days, it has been more than half a year since I left Nanlin Island.

They can understand the anxiety in the general's heart.

"It seems that the general likes the commander very much."

Since when did General Tanya seem not to care about showing his liking for the commander in front of them.

There is no way to check the time.

At what A Rui said, Tan Ya just smiled faintly and waved: "Go."


The gossip was over, A Rui turned and left the command room.


Seeing A Rui leaving the command room, the corners of Tan Ya's mouth curled slightly.

Just like it?

This is really shallow...

When can I see the master?

Looking at the fog that was dissipating outside, it was as if Chunxin was sprouting, Tan Ya was thinking stupidly, thinking of the person in her heart that has been missing.

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