Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1244: Pre-nuclear civilization

Li Meng, who is thousands of miles away, cannot feel the miss of someone.

Due to the time difference, the darkness of Kyoto at this time has just left, and the early morning has quietly arrived.

In the VIP suite on the sixth floor of Yipintang, on the balcony outside the window, Li Meng was sitting on the sofa with a glass of cyan sweet wine in his hand, feeling the breath of the morning.

The sun is slowly rising, the golden light is slowly covering Kyoto, and the quiet Kyoto is slowly becoming active.

Standing high, seeing far, the bustling city is so beautiful.

"It's not like you, you should know that girl's mind, with your personality..."

There was no other person beside him, and the voice came from his head.

The long-lost mastermind appeared again at an inappropriate time.

My character?

Li Meng smiled indifferently, and said indifferently: "She and I are not the same person. A false name should not affect her life. She has her own way to go. In the future, she will also find her own belonging. Live a short life together."

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Li Meng sighed lightly, and said, "With an existence like me, some things will always fade. Whether it is hobbies or interests, one day will pass away with time. At that time, what will be left, probably the purest wisdom."

In his mind, the main brain was silent.

After a long time, the light voice sounded: "It's still early for you, it's not the time for you to think now."

"you are right."

Li Meng stretched lazily and said, "It's early indeed."

When the topic ended, Li Meng thought of one thing.

"When I used mental power yesterday, I found that the previous blockage disappeared. Is this healed?"

Li Meng was a little uncertain about this. Although he was very clear about his own situation, Li Meng was a little uncomfortable with the changes compared to the past.

How should I put it, I always feel a little more in my mind.

Like a memory, a memory that is ignored, it is not accurate to say that it is a memory, because it does not contain any information.

It is a special feeling, a kind of sprouting, a kind of reaction to something.

"Now you can't ask me everything. You have to explore your own mental state, in a sense, you know better than me, and you can no longer rely on me as before."

With a faint smile, Li Meng said playfully: "So, did you dump me?"


With the silence of the mastermind, Li Meng didn't take advantage of the victory and pursued him, but he was contemplative and lost in thought.

The main brain is right, he knows his mental state better than anyone, including the main brain.

"Try it!"

With a murmur, Li Meng closed his eyes, but after a few breaths, he opened them again.

Li Meng showed a clear look on his face.

He whispered in his mouth: "The damaged spirit has been restored, the brain development has been greatly improved, by six percentage points, and the current development is 50.1%. As for the mental power..., it seems we have to try Up."

When the mind moved, centering on itself, an invisible mental force spread out, covering it instantly...

With a slight stunned expression, Li Meng withdrew the mental power that spread to me.

Without opening the information acceptance mode, Li Meng only tried purely the range of spiritual power coverage.

Unbelievable, Li Meng can only be described as unbelievable.

The spiritual power's coverage area has enveloped the whole world, even entered the universe, even the moon is within its coverage area, and it almost touched Mars.

The mental strength is probably no less than a hundred times stronger than before.

At this time, the main brain’s voice sounded again: "This is nothing surprising. The mystery of the soul is the most mysterious metaphysics. The master has just broken through a bottleneck now, and the strength of the spirit will naturally increase greatly. In the future, a little bit of growth, They have grown a hundred times, or even a thousand times in the past, but the development of the brain is a bit unbelievable..."

"How to say?"

It seems that the mastermind also has doubts about certain things, which makes Li Meng very curious.

The main brain said: "The soul is independent, and the spiritual power is the same. The soul can be called consciousness, and the spiritual power is an extension of consciousness, a force generated by consciousness, which has nothing to do with the development intensity of the brain Although the brain of the main creature is where the consciousness is, the soul is relatively independent. Although there is a connection between the two, the relationship between the two is like a prisoner and a cell, and the degree of development is the comfort of the cell. The more comfortable the prisoner is, the more comfortable the prisoner will feel. For the main creature, the cell is absolute in a sense, and it will never be possible to break through the restraint of the cell. The more developed the brain area, the more the main creature’s brain will be improved. The capacity, so that the main creature becomes smarter and more powerful in computing."

"so what?"

To be honest, Li Meng didn't quite understand everything the mastermind said.

"Therefore, the level of brain development has nothing to do with mental power. No matter how high the level of brain development is, it will not necessarily use mental power, which is what humans in this world call mind power, and the increase in mental power will not It affects the development of the brain area, but the owner is different. Although the owner has been out of the scope of the main creature, the brain area of ​​the human body is affected by the master's powerful soul, and the development intensity of the brain area has exceeded the limit of the main creature."

"Master, it is shown in my database that among the known major biological civilizations, the race with the most developed brain is only 43.9. Does the master know what this means?"

"What does it mean?"

Although Li Meng still doesn't have much idea about what the mastermind is surprised by, but at this time, it is necessary to cooperate well and get some unknown knowledge from the mastermind.

"The owner is human, which also proves the huge potential of human beings, and such potential is terrifying and terrifying."

Rarely, the mastermind was surprised at this.

Li Meng said something that didn’t understand: “It’s just potential. I can’t say anything with potential. In my opinion, it takes a long time for a smart race to improve its brain development, and it also needs a kind of evolution. Opportunity."

"The opportunity is fair. In the vast universe, almost every intelligent race will experience pre-nuclear civilization. When nuclear energy is available, destruction will come. When it is reborn from destruction, this is the opportunity for evolution. Think about it now Don’t the master still understand the earth’s civilization?"

Earth civilization now?

Li Meng was thoughtful, and for a moment, Li Meng's expression was slightly stunned, and he was surprised.

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