Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1248: Unstoppable

He gave an unexpected order.

Although the players were puzzled, they subconsciously stopped the attack.

The intensive gunfire disappeared, and it still stood in the pit.

The previous wave of attacks did not make it move.

Manipulating the guard and stepping on heavy metal steps, the captain approached the red demon step by step.

Facing the approach of the guard, the red demon did not attack, and the golden pupils calmly looked at the guard approaching.

"Captain! What are you doing? Come back, it's dangerous."

The actions of the captain made the players a little puzzled. They didn't know why the captain wanted to do this.

He didn't explain, and said calmly: "Don't talk too much. Once it attacks me, you immediately retreat and use buildings to cover yourself. Its jumping ability is amazing. If there are no obstacles, you can't escape."

At this time, the guard controlled by the captain was less than five meters away from the devil, and at this distance, the guard also stopped.

The height of the guard is seven meters, while the devil is only five meters.

Physically, the guards are better, but in terms of strength, the difference in strength between the two sides is more than a hundred times.

When he looked at the demon at close range, the captain knew how terrifying the monster in front of him was.

Its body was burning, and even in the cockpit, the captain felt a wave of heat.

He knew that at this moment, the armor of his guard, facing the devil, was probably hot.

Otherwise, he won't feel the heat, nor will he feel the heat wave after wave.

The captain's words rang from the speaker on the guard.

"You have wisdom, I can feel, why attack Kyoto, why slaughter civilians?"

Will it respond?

The team members are not sure, dozens of miles away, the crowd in the command room of the guard headquarters is also very curious.

In the surprise of the players, it responded.

It opened its hideous mouth, and spoke familiar language.

"You are weak, but brave. For your bravery, I will fulfill your last wish before you die."

It stretched out its hand and pointed its fingertips at the guard.

On the armor of the guard's chest, a strange scene appeared.

As if hit by high temperature, the armor on the guard's chest was melting.

In a moment, the heaviest armor on the guard's chest was completely melted. In the melting hole, the captain in the cockpit looked at the demon who was close at hand with a terrified expression.

After doing all this, it withdrew its hand.

The golden pupil looked at the captain in the hole, and it said: "I am a god, not the **** of your humans. In this world, there are the most humans in this city. I chose this place. There is no reason to kill. Fun, the joy of the devil, and the joy of the queen."

Fun, is it just fun?

It's really a devil, and only a devil can do such a thing.

Seeing the demon close at hand, the captain's mouth turned slightly and spit out a few words.

"God... will die?"

Behind the devil, on the distant wall, a cyan flash flashed past.

In the sky, a huge cyan fireball is coming through the air.

Wherever he went, the air was distorted, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart, and a spider-web-like black light appeared.

A terrifying breath suddenly appeared in the sky, causing all creatures to tremble.

A little blue light flashed, and the blue fireball hit the demon.


With a earth-shattering explosion, a cloud of cyan mushrooms nearly 100 meters high slowly rose.

The shock wave of the explosion baptized everything around, the buildings on both sides of the street were instantly enveloped in flames, and rubble and wreckage blew into the sky.

The powerful shock wave and flame swallowed the demon and the captain.

At that moment, the captain in the cockpit was reduced to ashes.

The players farther away, even tens of meters away, were blown up and down by the powerful air wave, unable to control their posture.

When everything subsided, the huge mushroom cloud had not dissipated, and the ground was a hideous.

On the ground of the explosion, a huge pit with a depth of more than ten meters appeared, and the width of the pit was more than half a hundred. The buildings on both sides of the street were also completely erased, leaving only the foundation and a little debris.

The power of the shells fired from the cyan original crystal is undoubtedly amazing.

Did you make it?

At this moment, everyone was looking at the big pit where the smoke had not cleared.

However, the frightening thing is that it is still alive.

When the smoke slowly dissipated, its figure appeared in the pit.

The crystal cannon caused some damage to it, several corners of his back were blown off, and his body was also bloody.

However, the damaged area on its body is being repaired and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You monster..."

With a roar, a guard dropped the rifle in his hand, drew out the alloy dagger, and rushed toward the demon in the pit with the fastest speed.


It was a blast through the air and a phenomenon that broke the speed of sound.

The demon in the pit jumped up, turning into a red figure and flashing across the sky.

When it fell, it crossed with the guard in the sprint.

At the moment of contact, the guard's charge came to a halt, and in the burst of sparks, it exploded with a "boom".

"Retreat, retreat immediately."

In the command room of the guard headquarters, the guard squad on the street was immediately given an evacuation order.

However, it was too late.

How can the guard's speed be comparable to the devil? After a few violent explosions, a red figure jumped up from the street. Amidst the sound of breaking through the sky, it soared into the sky and directly passed the city wall of the Second Ring City. Entered the second ring city.

The defense on the city wall was completely ignored by it.

The killing could not be stopped, and in the second ring city, it started killing again.

It is powerful, extremely powerful, and unimpeded in the largest city of mankind.

Humans appear so helpless in front of it.

Is it really a god?

Or, it is the most powerful demon.

The riots continued, and the Ercheng District also broke up.

In the city, the guards are fighting the devil with all their strength.

The sound of explosions, gunshots, and the collapse of buildings continued where the devil passed.

"Master Li Meng! What happened?"

The sudden sound of guns in the city surprised Li Lanxin. She was puzzled and curious.

Here is Kyoto, the most prosperous city for mankind, how can it become a battlefield?

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