Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1249: Mighty god?

On the balcony, the two had been sitting, Li Lanxin was puzzled, while Li Meng was very calm.

He knows what happened, because when the meteorite landed, he was monitoring the movement of the incident.

I also saw the red demon and knew its power.

It is indeed powerful, it is the most powerful existence among Li Meng's known creatures, and it is beyond his imagination.

I'm afraid Kyoto is in trouble...

Holding a wine glass in his hand, Li Meng looked at the distant city.

In that direction, fighting is happening.

Regarding Li Lanxin’s doubts, Li Meng said calmly: “There is something that has appeared in Kyoto. It is very powerful, and the guards of Kyoto are fighting it.”

"Polluting beast?"

Li Lanxin guessed uncertainly.

"No, demon."


Li Meng's answer caused Li Lanxin to be taken aback, with an incredible expression on her face.

This is Kyoto, how can demons invade this city.

Moreover, how did Mr. Li Meng know?

"Lan Xin!"

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance, Li Meng turned to look at Li Lanxin and exclaimed.


Li Lanxin was still very happy to call Li Meng so intimately.

As the two looked at each other, Li Meng said: "Leave Kyoto. Take your people and leave Kyoto immediately and evacuate from the south. Kyoto will soon become a battlefield. For you, it is too dangerous."


Li Lanxin hesitated, the Kyoto affairs had not been finished yet, and it was just a demonic invasion. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?

Some people are unfamiliar with demons, while others are familiar.

Because there is no pattern for the appearance of demons, demons can appear anywhere.

However, demons are often wiped out soon after they appear.

"This is a catastrophe, a catastrophe in Kyoto. This time the devil is different. I am afraid that many people will die.

Listening to Master Li Meng's tone, the demon that appeared in Kyoto this time seemed very powerful?

Li Lanxin was silent...

She didn't want to leave Li Meng-sama now, time was too short, they only met yesterday.

"Go, you are the instructor of the rebels. If something happens in Kyoto, the new order will depend on the rebels. In any case, you can't get into trouble."

Is it so serious? I heard from Master Li Meng that there is a crisis of destruction in Kyoto?

is it possible?

Not to mention that Kyoto has tens of thousands of martial artists, as well as the ultimate weapon of mankind, the "Guardian". Li Lanxin doesn't believe that Kyoto will be destroyed by this demonic invasion.

Li Lanxin's expression of disbelief, how could Li Meng not know.

He didn't say much, he looked into the distance again, and sighed: "This is a scourge, a punishment from God."

Li Lanxin, who was hesitant, finally chose to believe in Li Meng.

She got up from her seat and said solemnly: "Although I don't know what happened, I believe Master Li Meng, I will leave Kyoto with my subordinates, but what about you Master Li Meng?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked back at Li Lanxin, who had already stood up, and said softly: "If I want to leave, I have my own way. It is not too late. Go ahead."

Obviously, Master Li Meng didn't want to say anything, Li Lanxin didn't ask much.

"Then I will leave."

After speaking, with a trace of nostalgia, Li Lanxin turned and left, and the slender figure disappeared in Li Meng's eyes.

"Master, it is recommended to leave Kyoto immediately. Its powerful owner has also seen it. Even if it is the owner, you can hardly stop it. Devil is just a defining word. It is a demon, perhaps also a god, facing gods from other worlds. The humans on earth are still too weak."

In my mind, the voice of the main brain rang.

Other worlds?

Although it fell from the sky, Li Meng had conjectures in this regard, but Li Meng was still a little unbelievable when it was confirmed from the master's mouth.

"Although the universe is vast and the distance between civilizations is far away, but for some existences, the distance of tens of thousands, even millions of light years, is not impossible to cross. The development of science and technology is diverse and distant. The interstellar journey is not the only way to go in subspace. I am also surprised by its appearance this time. For humans on Earth, it is still too early to connect with the interstellar."

It's too early...

Take the demon looting in Kyoto, Li Meng also felt powerless in the face of it.

It's not fear, but a kind of awe of powerful enemies of equal strength.

"Look at it and talk about it."

If Kyoto is truly destroyed, Li Meng also wants to see the fall of Kyoto with his own eyes.

At this time, two hours had passed since the appearance of the devil.

Kyoto has also become a battlefield, the city is being destroyed, and civilians are being slaughtered.

A large number of martial artists were summoned in the palace in the first ring city, and an emergency meeting was underway.

This is a parliament room, located in the palace, the space is very large.

Dozens of figures are sitting around a long table, and in the first place is an old man.

He was gray-haired, obviously old, and there was a huge screen behind him.

The meeting started.

"You are all elites of martial arts and well-known personalities. Here, on behalf of the Grand Archon, I would like to express my gratitude to you all. You can stand up when Kyoto is facing a crisis. This is righteousness and a performance of your bravery. "

"Well, I won't say much nonsense, let's get to the point."

Hearing what the old man said, everyone on the long table looked straight and looked at the old man in unison.

Under the gaze of the martial artists, the old man said: "Two hours ago, a meteorite fell into Kyoto and brought a terrible demon. Where did it come from? This is a question, but its purpose is obvious. , That is to destroy Kyoto, the most prosperous city for mankind."

"Look at everyone!"

The screen behind the old man suddenly flickered, and there was a picture on the picture.

The photo shows the scene of the demon fighting the guard.

Looking at the red demon in the photo, the martial artist was in an uproar, showing fear on his face.

Its shape is too fierce, tall and big, and its robust appearance gives people a feeling of strength.

The old man said: "This red demon is the culprit who invaded Kyoto. It is five meters high and holds a lava giant sword. It is indestructible and has extremely strong defensive power. The ordinary firepower is ineffective against it. The guard is fighting with it. In the battle, it can only delay its footsteps. Only the crystal cannon above the cyan primary crystal can cause certain damage to it, but its self-healing ability is extremely strong, and the damaged body can quickly recover."

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