Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1251: Hell fire

From the bursting flames, the demon walked out unharmed.

It's coming...

Looking at the burly demon body on the street. There was a commotion in the guards on the front. Whether it was the soldiers hiding in the building or the driver among the guards, they looked pale at the moment at the demon on the street.

This was a demon they had never encountered before, and they had never felt such powerlessness.

It is really like a god, slaughtering mortals like them wantonly.

It stopped on the street, and its golden pupils coldly watched another group of ants ahead.

Along the way, I always encountered these fragile metal weapons, which seemed to be inexhaustible, killing batch after batch, which made it seem a little impatient.

"Ant, accept the baptism of **** fire."

Killing excites it and also makes it enjoy. Now, it wants more killings.


The lava giant sword in its hand suddenly burned, and it burned so vigorously.

Holding the sword in his backhand, it was raised high and inserted into the ground forcefully, almost half of the sword body was submerged into the ground.

In the next moment, the ground was shaking, the ground cracked, and the cracks were spreading outward from the soles of the devil's feet.

In the "click" sound, Kyoto seemed to have had a major earthquake, and the entire ground was shaking.

The huge crack not only spread along the end of the street, but also scattered in all directions.


The building collapsed. In the strong vibration, a large building collapsed suddenly around the devil.

"Retreat, retreat."

The spreading crack passed directly through the defense line, which caused the guards on the front line to chaotic.

With such a violent shock, how could it be possible to fight, the officer quickly issued an order to evacuate.

But it was too late.


There was a sudden explosion in the ground crack, and countless flames with rubble and dust ejected from the crack.

The height of the sprayed flame was tens of meters high, and it was red, like blood. The hot temperature vaporized everything, and the sizzling sound suddenly continued.

With the devil as the center point, the area within a radius of five miles was plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

Countless buildings collapsed, countless lives were buried and burned to death.

The screams are no longer heard, and in that instant, countless lives have already died.

When the flame disappeared, the vibration of the ground ceased and everything returned to calm.

In the city, a dead place suddenly appeared. In this dead place, everything was burned.

Only the scorched building remains.

The lines on the streets have long since disappeared, buried by collapsed buildings, or burned by flames.

The street has disappeared. In this scorched ruin, almost all the buildings have collapsed. The street is buried, and only a vague line leading to the intact area can be seen.

This horrible scene made the guards stationed on the city wall have long been dumbfounded.

Looking pale at the demon standing in the ruins.

How can such monsters be opponents?

The hot air waves can be clearly felt on the walls far away from the ruins.

In the ruins over there, it was as if magma had flowed through it, and the red sparks were one after another.

"It's a martial artist, they are here."

At the edge of the ruins, a group of people finally arrived.

The sharp-eyed soldiers on the wall saw the presence of their group.

At the edge of the ruins, the junction of tall buildings and ruins appeared, and Talf arrived with a group of martial artists.

They had experienced the violent shaking first hand, they had also seen the flames soaring to the sky, and the rumbling and collapsed buildings shocked their hearts.

They also saw the huge red figure holding a sword in the ruins.

The confidence on his face is no longer there. Seeing the red demon standing in the ruins, all the martial artists are shocked.

The color of consternation quickly turned pale.

The number of them is not large, there are more than a hundred people, all dressed up at a glance, and their momentum is not weak.

But facing the devil, at this moment, no one has the same confidence as before.

It is too strong, so powerful that it is terrifying.

"What are you afraid of?"

With a loud roar, Talf pointed at the demon in the ruins, and sternly said: "We are martial artists, the elites of mankind, and the heroes who protect mankind. What is it? The devil is our territory. It's his turn to go wild."

"There is no strategy, and no strategy, follow me!"

After speaking, Tarf strode forward, rushing into the ruins with a huge axe in his hand, moving dexterously across the remains of the building.

"Kill it!"

With a few roars, many figures rushed into the ruins.

This scene made the waiting martial artists unbearable. Although the devil is strong, but they have so many people, are they afraid that they can't be eliminated?

"Kill, charge!"

Another figure rushed into the ruins, which gave the martial artist who stayed a choice and rushed into the ruins.

The charge of hundreds of people is not small, and the figures moving on the ruins can be described as densely packed.

Seeing the human beings rushing forward aggressively, the demon in the ruins showed a sneer, grinning sternly. It leisurely picked up the giant sword inserted into the ground, waiting for the ants to approach.


Tarf was the first to approach.

I saw him braving the purple brilliance, jumped away from the wreckage, one jump was ten feet away, raising his axe high, and slashing towards the devil with the momentum of Mount Tai.


Hearing only a huge metal collision, with this blow, Talf draped an axe on the shoulder of the demon.

The immense power made the demon take a step back, and an unexpected glance at Tarf in his golden pupils.

It didn't expect the human being in front of them to have such great power.

After the blow, Tarf quickly backed away and distanced himself from the demon.

Seeing the results of the blow on the devil's shoulder, Tarf frowned slightly.

The skin was torn, and a small wound appeared.

Is that a wound?

No blood even appeared, it can only be called a trace.

Seeing that Tarf hit the demon unexpectedly, he made the demon step back.

The martial artists who followed Tulf suddenly became more confident.

"Fun, kill it."

For a while, a faint blue light appeared from the martial artists, rushing towards the demon with all their strength.

"Wait! Danger."

Seeing the martial artists rushing towards the devil so recklessly, Talf quickly reminded him of a change in his face.

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