Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1252: The battle between ants and gods

But it was too late, he reminded that the martial artist who was already ready to attack would not stop.

This time, the red demon swung his sword.

With a random slash, in the martial artist's stunned expression, the weapon in the martial artist's hand was cut off, and the giant sword slashed from him without stopping.

Without blood and pain, the martial artist was cut in half by the devil from his shoulder.

The second martial artist who fought with the devil was beheaded.


The martial artist and the demon who followed immediately became a group.

The advantage of the large number of people, coupled with the vigilance of the martial artist, avoids head-to-head with the devil, and uses the way of fighting to cause harm to the devil.

For a while, surrounded by the devil, the figures of martial artists flashed, and the weapons in their hands continued to cause harm to the devil.

However, the demon remained motionless and allowed the martial artist to attack.

The "ding-ding" metal collision sounded non-stop, but the martial artist's attacks did not cause any harm to the devil, leaving no traces.

In those golden pupils, there seemed to be a trace of sarcasm, and he looked at the more and more martial artists approaching.

"Retreat, retreat immediately."

At this time, Talf suddenly let out a loud roar and issued an order that surprised the martial artists.

When the martial artists looked at Tarf, they found that Tarf was fleeing out of the ruins in a panic.

This made the martial artists caught off guard, and their bodies could not help but take a meal.

At this time, the red demon moved, and it swung its sword.

Every swing will take away a life, no matter how agile the martial artists are, the great sword can always cut them and tear their bodies mercilessly.

This was a massacre. When the demon swung the sword, but within a few breaths, the martial artist nearest to the demon had died, and both the body and the weapon in his hand were destroyed by the demon.

This scene made the martial artists in the ruins feel tight

Think of Tarf's escape, how can they not understand the reason now.

"Run, retreat."

As the body turned, the martial artists fled in panic.

However, for the devil, the escape of martial artists is a feast of harvest.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and at the moment it jumped away, its speed had already exceeded the speed of sound.

A figure flashed by in the air, and the ruins in the distance were broken with a "boom".

The broken earth and dust rose up, accompanied by several lives.

The red demon is like a heavy tank, with firepower and speed that martial artists don't understand.

In the ruins, the red demon kept leaping up and reaping lives, and no one who was targeted by it could escape.

For a time, the martial artists could only flee in panic.

With a burst of dust, the martial artists of Bailai were falling down one by one.

The powerful demon is slaughtering wantonly, no one can stop its footsteps.

"No, don't kill me."

The sound of breaking through the air behind let him know that he was being watched by the devil, and he said the last last words in horror.

However, the devil would not have compassion. The huge figure that fell from the sky directly trampled it into fleshy foam, then rose into the air again and fell towards another target.

In front of it, the martial artist is just an ant.

"It's over, those martial artists are over."

On the wall of Yihuan City, watching the martial arts practitioners who are being slaughtered by the devil in the ruins, the soldiers of the guard murmured to themselves, their faces extremely pale.

"We have to do something, let's launch a crystal cannon. The distance is enough and the angle of view is also available." A soldier said in a panic because of the panic in his heart.

His superiors clearly refused.

"No, filling the original crystals below blue will not cause any damage to it at all. There are no blue original crystals in the warehouse, and there are only a few cyan original crystals. Also, we can't do anything without orders from our superiors."

"But you can't watch them being slaughtered."

Only for this, the soldiers cannot accept it.

This sentence undoubtedly resonated with the soldiers, who turned their eyes to the officer with the highest command on the scene.

"The following battle is not something we can interfere. Our task is to defend the city wall. The battle will come soon. No one can escape, and no one can escape."

These are the words of the military officer and the most realistic words.

Now they are also hard to protect themselves. After the next battle is over, it will naturally be their turn.

Kyoto has been messed up, completely messed up.

Many people still don't know the situation, and some people have experienced the disaster firsthand.

"It's 10:42 in the morning. The riots have lasted for two hours. According to frontline reporters, the fighting has been fierce. In the northern part of the second ring city, a large area of ​​the city was turned into ruins. Silence, without sending out any news, suggesting that residents in the north of the second ring city should evacuate south and stay away from the battlefield."

The commotion in Kyoto is just a spectator to most civilians.

Martial law is already outside, the harsh sirens keep ringing, and the tense atmosphere makes many people just sit at home and watch TV to understand the situation.

The supporters of the news station kept talking, and the people most concerned about the screen behind the supporters.

On the screen, it shows a city, a city shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

The camera is located at a high place and can see far, but the frontline reporters are not close enough to the battlefield to clearly see some useful things.

There was only gunpowder smoke, and the battlefield was blocked by tall buildings.

"According to reliable information, the enemy who invaded Kyoto was a powerful and evil "demon". Today, tens of thousands of people have lost their lives. There is news from the Martial Artists Association. The unprecedented number exceeds 100 million. Wait, let’s tell you the good news that our bravest reporter Lu Yong has approached the front line of the battlefield. Wait a minute, we will switch the scene immediately."

At this moment, the host actually showed a happy expression, and the picture behind him also switched over.

The camera is located at a high place with a good angle of view. You can see the ruins not far away, and you can also see the battle in the ruins.

"Oh, the picture is very clear, everyone, please see, the martial artists are fighting hard to expel..."

The voice stopped abruptly, watching the flashing picture, the host was stunned, his face pale.

He saw the demon in the picture, the huge flashing red figure, not only he saw it, but all the people in Kyoto in front of the TV saw it.

At this moment, the people's expressions were the same as him, and they looked pale at the picture on the TV.

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