Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1257: final hit

The young man in the stone statue also amazed many people. How could he have such power at such a young age.

Li Meng didn't know that the people in Kyoto saw him from the beginning to the end of the battle.

His current situation is not good.

In the stone statue, the existence of the outer shell and mental protection layer protected him well.

But this kind of protection is limited. Every time the stone knight is knocked into the air, the force generated by the impact also hurts Li Meng, and the too strong force cannot be completely removed.

The devil is very strong, strong, and rich in combat experience.

Li Meng is confident in fighting and swordsmanship, but in the confrontation with the devil, he can't get the upper hand.

Even occasionally it will fall into a disadvantage, and the factors that cause all this are the weapons in its hands.

Its weapon is very unusual, far stronger than the giant sword in the hands of the stone knight.

In a head-on confrontation, at most three blows, the internal structure of the iron sword will be destroyed, which makes Li Meng have to be distracted to repair the iron sword and reconstruct the quality of the iron sword.

"Grand Archon, can we do anything?"

In the ruins, Tarf came to Wang Yanmei. He watched the fierce battle not far away and asked Wang Yanmei beside him.

What can I do?

Sitting against the wreckage of the building, Wang Yanmei smiled wryly.

She shook her head and said, "You and I can no longer get involved in this battle. I can only rely on Lord Li Meng. If he wins Kyoto, he can keep it, and if he loses, Kyoto will become history."

Yeah, I can't get in anymore.

In that kind of battle, they have exceeded the limit that they can handle, and a slight impact may be death.


There was a sudden explosion in the air, and a huge gray figure flew out from the exposure of a tall building and crashed into another tall building.

The glass shattered, the walls collapsed, and the huge force made the stone rider destroy several walls before stopping below.

In the broken room, the stone knight was crushed under the wreckage of the building.

"Master, it's almost immortal. You have to change your strategy. Don't resist. Attack its fatal ground. Don't think about killing it. For the purpose of repelling it, although it is strong, it is also affected. The influence of the law of energy conservation, as long as the energy in its body is exhausted, its recovery ability will disappear. At that time, it will have to withdraw. According to my estimation, it will attack its heart with two more blows. Energy will be used up."

Two hits?

This is not an easy task. Since the first unexpected attack pierced its heart, in subsequent battles, it protected the heart very well. The sword in the hand of the stone knight never broke through its defense. , Even if it hurts it, it is some non-lethal place.


The sound of breaking through the air hit again, and a huge red figure rushed into the hole made by the stone knight.

"I understand."


The rubble was scattered, and the stone knight rushed out of the wreckage.

Taking a huge step, the ground shattered and the huge body jumped up, rushing towards the oncoming demon like a cannonball.

"Get down to me."

With a roar in his heart, his head was slightly on the side, avoiding the big sword from the swing, and hitting the body of the huge red demon with the power of the gargoyle, and rushing out of the tall building holding the demon.

A huge sound of breaking through the sky sounded from the sky, and the stone knight rushing out of the tall building hugged the demon and fell to the ground.

Like a meteorite falling from the sky, it fell into the ruins again.


There was a loud noise, rubble was splashing and dust was flying.

The huge shock made the devil appear short-term stiffness, but Li Meng would not.

The gargoyle pressing on the devil held a huge black iron sword in one hand and pierced into the devil's heart forcefully.


In the burst of sparks, the great sword pierced deeply into the devil's heart.


This made the demon let out a roar for the first time, and its momentum was shaking.

It waved its ferocious right hand and slapped it on the stone body of the stone knight.


The body of the huge stone statue was cracked, and the huge power also made the stone rider fly out.

A "boom" fell on the ground twenty meters away.

After the blow, the gargoyle was terrible, his left hand was gone, and the entire upper body was in a cracked state, and it seemed almost to fall apart.

Because he needed to be distracted to repair the iron sword at all times, Li Meng was unable to repair the body of the stone knight with all his heart.

And the devil would not give Li Meng time to repair it.

The battlefield returned to the ruins, and the people after the TV also saw the stone knights and demons again.

Seeing the rather miserable stone knight, everyone's hearts were raised.

When they looked at the devil, their hearts felt a little relieved.

Compared with the miserable stone knight, the devil is miserable.

The huge and hideous body was full of scars, and golden blood was flowing everywhere.

The powerful healing seemed to disappear, only the huge wound in the chest was slowly healing.

"final hit!"

When he was sick and killing him, the stone knight rushed out again.

This time I didn't jump, didn't use the impact to increase my strength, but ran.

The huge body makes the ground tremble with every step.

The running posture of the stone knight is full of wildness, and the speed is extremely fast. He has reached the demon in a few steps from a distance of more than 20 meters, and the black giant sword in his hand has been swung.

And the devil did not react without the slightest response. Seeing the stone knight rushing, the golden pupils were cold.

It swung the giant lava sword in its hands without any fear, and the huge blade pierced the chest of the stone knight.

It knew that the human in the stone knight was the main target, and as long as he was killed, the big stone would also stop.

If in the previous battle, Li Meng would block the attack against the devil to ensure his safety.

But this time, Li Meng let the huge sword in the hands of the devil hit the stone knight's chest, without any defensive meaning.

This made the devil's golden pupils stunned.

Just in this daze, the stone knight and the demon fought together again.

The battle was short-lived. At the moment of the confrontation, both the lava giant sword and the black giant sword were inserted into the opponent's chest.

The practice of dying together made the people behind the TV exclaim.

Everything is frozen at this moment.

In the ruins, the two huge figures remained motionless, maintaining the posture of the final blow.

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