Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1258: No fight

The picture is quite tragic, especially the stone knight, whose chest was pierced by the lava giant sword, and part of the sword tip can even be seen behind him.

"Master Li Meng!"

Not far away, watching this scene, Wang Yanmei exclaimed.

She knew that Li Meng was among the stone knights, and this blow was very dangerous.

She looked at the silent battlefield with a worried look.

After a long time, the stone knight fell and fell to the ground with a bang. At the moment of falling to the ground, the huge body of the stone knight shattered and broke into pieces of rubble.

The demon stepped back a few steps, staring blankly at the giant sword stuck in his chest.

How could this human... have such courage?

It did not expect it to die together.

With his right hand stretched out, the huge demon took the big sword stuck in his chest and pulled the black big sword out of his chest.

The screaming golden blood flowed out suddenly, and the amount was so large that almost half of the devil's body was dyed golden.

Looking at the giant sword in his hand, the devil is still full of puzzles.

The material of the giant sword is obviously the most inferior iron element, so why can it face the dark alloy weapon in its hands in battle.

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.


The black giant sword in the devil's hand finally couldn't hold on, it broke into a few knots, and fell from the devil's hand into pieces and fell to the ground.

This made the devil startled slightly.


The cracking sound suddenly sounded.

When the stone knight fell to the ground, the largest piece of rock that was still intact suddenly split, and a hand was extended from it.

With blood on his face, Li Meng crawled out of the cracked stone.

Still alive?

Looking at Li Meng on the rock incredibly, the demon's golden pupils were surprised.

It didn't move, even though it was so close, as long as it swung the sword in its hand, it could tear the human in front of it.

But the devil did not do this, but quietly looked at Li Meng on the stone knight.

Li Meng raised his head and looked at the demon close at hand with a calm expression.

The blood-stained face looked very hideous, and the dark pupils looked extremely deep.

Li Meng uttered a few words as he spoke slightly.

"Do you still fight?"

Quiet, deadly quiet.

At this moment, all the people behind the TV are staring at the still figures in the ruins, one large and one small. They don't know what will happen next, and all they can do is pray.

For a long time, in the eyes of each other, the demon moved, and it took a few steps back again.

"No fight!"

This is its response and the announcement of the end of the battle.


A blood-red flame suddenly appeared from the demon, almost covering his whole body.


The ground cracked, and the demon covered by the flame rushed into the sky, turning into a meteor to the sky.

The sound of breaking through the sky exploded time and time again, and the fiery red meteor instantly broke through the clouds and disappeared into the sky.


The people behind TV couldn't believe the devil's departure, and bursts of cheers broke out.

"Good news, good news, it's 1:33 in the afternoon. After several hours of fighting, our hero finally defeated the devil. The devil has left in a panic. The victory belongs to us and to Kyoto. Who is he? Who on earth is this hero, let us wait and see and wait for official notification."

At the moment of victory, both the TV station and the speakers throughout the city conveyed the good news of victory to the people.

For a time, the situation in Kyoto changed rapidly, and the riots were calming down.

However, the lost lives also plunged Kyoto into sadness.

Many people died and were torn to pieces by demons. Their relatives couldn't even find a complete body.

Jumping off the stone knight, with a heavy body, Li Meng walked outside.

His condition at the moment is very bad, and the blood on his face is a good proof.

In the final battle, he was still injured, the clothes around his waist had been torn, and the blood almost wetted his entire lower body.

"Quickly, start rescue immediately and search the ruins. There must be people alive."

At this time, the guard arrived and the fire brigade arrived.

The end of the battle also allowed them to enter the ruins without any scruples for rescue.

There are still people alive in the ruins, they are crushed under the ruins, facing eternal darkness.

As a large group of people of all colors poured into the ruins, the charred ruins suddenly became lively.

Step by step, Li Meng kept walking along a relatively flat place.

While walking down the corridor, Li Meng saw someone at the corner.

He sat bald on the stone, his hands covered with blood.

His face is full of regret and pain, and you can tell what happened at a glance.

He is not young, about forty years old, maybe one of his relatives is under the rubble.

From beside him, Li Meng passed by silently, and he just lowered his head and invaded the world of his grief.

Just a few steps, Li Meng's body turned, stopped, and faced the mountain of ruins in front of him.

As soon as his mind moved, the sound of "Ka Ka" suddenly sounded, and the wreckage of the building in front of Li Meng floated.

Thousands of rubble slowly floated up under Li Meng's control, a magical scene like a miracle.

As a huge wreck floated up, below, a young girl curled up into a ball. She hugged her knees and stared at Li Meng with blood on her face.

She has beautiful black hair and a beautiful face.

She originally thought that the darkness would be with her forever, but she didn't expect the light to come so quickly.

Stepping forward, Li Meng walked towards the girl, wherever he passed, the suspended wreckage gave way to a path.

Coming to the girl's body, in speechlessness, Li Meng took the girl's hand and walked out.

She was lucky to be pressed in a gap space, so she didn't suffer much damage.

When the two of them left the ruins, the suspended wreckage suddenly fell, and the "rumbling" sounded into one piece.

The huge movement frightened the middle-aged man who was in grief, and when he turned his head, his pupils dilated and his face showed an incredible color.

His daughter came back safe and sound?

After taking the trapped girl out of the ruins, Li Meng left.

He didn't see the two people behind him crying with joy. Perhaps he would be very pleased if he saw it.

But now he has no strength anymore. He wants to sleep and sleeps well. There are some flowers in front of him, and everything is blood red.


In the end, Li Meng fell.

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